Anybody ever been sprayed with OC?

How effective is OC against someone wearing glasses. I know it will depend on the person, but I would think wearing glasses would keep most of it out of the eyes.
Concur with first mace training was just get sprayed, go decontaminate. My second round involved getting hosed and then delivering strikes to a hitman and cuffing a resisting subject. Then we got to go curl up and become fetal and wimper a lot. The second training sucked more, but was more valuable by far.

Also, most if not all OC cannisters have some manner of indexing so you know which way it points...but if for some reason yours doesn't, swtich. It would kinda suck to be about 180 degrees off...

Also, lock-out safetys don't always work. Off-duty I had a cannister of Fox Labs Liquid-Death (tm) discharge in my pants once. :eek: Fortunately it was aimed away from any, uhm, sensitive areas.

There is another important reason to find a class. A class taught by an instructor, certified by his/her agency or the manufacturer of the OC you plan to carry, is also documentation you can use if you end up in court. You may have to explain to a judge why you chose to use OC, or why, based upon your knowledge of its limitations, you chose not to. Take a camera to the class, have someone get a good pic of you after you get hit. You may want to be able to document OC's effects on you, particularly if you have to explain why you used as much force as you did on someone trying to use OC on you.
I`ve been through several OC and chemical agents classes.
But the one that really stands out in my mind was an instructor level class hosted by ArmorHoldings training division.
We where contaminated(sprayed) and then had to runuh walk a combat course fighting several people with red suits useing open hand then foam baton and finally training weapon takeing down the instructor. then you took a walk to let the adreniolin pass then you got to decon.
Wow it hurts just thinking about it
Bit to the point I agree with the thought get real training not just sprayed and then stick your head in a bucket of water
Training gives you the klnowlage to use OC and the confidence to be able to handle it if you recieve it , Its all to common to use it and get a good dose your self ! And this class should have good documentation for future referance just in case. Just my thoughts!