Anybody else tired of fear marketing?

It's the least of my worries. Even the Whine Haus mentioned inflation and said they weren't worried about it. Sounds like they're worried 'bout it (don't politicians always lie?).

Their definition is garbage.

Inflation—or the rate of change in prices over time—is not a simple phenomenon to measure or interpret. Inflation that is persistently too high can hurt the wellbeing of households, especially when it is not offset by comparable increases in wages, leading to reduced buying power. But inflation that is persistently too low leaves monetary policy with less scope to support the economy and can be a sign the economy is below its capacity, thus with room to expand jobs further.

LOL. If you double the supply of currency without a corresponding increase in physical good, you reduce the purchasing power of the currency already in existence. It's as simple as that and that's why we're seeing price increases. Of course they don't count because the bean counters don't take into account food and fuel. Fuel goes up, the cost of transportation goes up and truckers aren't delivering for free.

Inflation affects us all. It even affects the servants the politicos send out to enforce their laws. Gonna risk your life confiscating 2A when you're doing it for nothing and don't even know if you're going home to see your wife and kids at the end of the shift? Solzhenitsyn mused that if every NKVD/KGB man went out knowing he might not live, would he have been so eager to round up the usual suspects?

I suspect most of us have more than enough toys and do dads. Work on developing a community network because no man is an island and you need the support of others to make it through rough times. You can't stand watch 24/7. If you read about the Great Depression, you'll learn that Americans pulled together and helped each other out in whatever meagre way they could. We've drifted from it (too selfish) and need to pull together like our great or grand parents once did. Want light reading? We Had Everything But Money and When the Banks Closed, We Opened Our Hearts. Use the library card. But remember, it must be a community based on like minded individuals and not just the leeches many people have become. I see too many Frei Schiesse Armee types today. Start your seeds for a summer garden.
The most anxious people easily believe rumor$ that Biden and the Senate can do what they want-despite the dangerous political risks for anything dramatic.

The fact that only very secondary EOs or EAs about guns have been signed should - to naive people- finally demonstrate that not only is the WH and their ‘majority’ in the US Senate really weak (especially with the 60 vote Filibuster).... but political risks are far too dangerous, even for an EO such as federal UBCs.

If it weren’t such a risk, then Biden would have been told to sign this type of EO.
Everything is a calculation.
Fear is a marking tool, just like so many others. Urgency is a example. Just like a piece of junk mail with the word "Urgency" stamped on the envelope. Need another, there are many. Fear though is the greatest.
And marketing fear is used in every day of our lives for practically anything we do. And people buy into it all the time. Politicians use it, religions use it, propaganda uses it etc. We see it all the time in the gun culture. For example if you do not carry a Pistol with higher capacity, you are a dead man walking. 7,8,9 rounds not good enough any longer, you have to have 10, then 11, then 12 etc for EDC.
Fear of dying is king. Fear of growing old, fear of going to hell. All used since the beginning of man kind.
Originally Posted by MarkCo

I hope many will be able to look back at 2020/2021 as a change of perception as well.
Well, only madmen predict the future, but I think you are exactly right; we will.
Try this - it is long but worth the time:

Carl the Floor Walker - I also think you are exactly correct about fear being a great motivator.

Years ago at work I was having a heck of a time selling an innovation that seemed to me to be obviously beneficial. A wiser person than I (there are many of them) suggested that pointing out the benefits that might accrue as a consequence of a particular action was not as effective as pointing out how bad Management would look if the competition marketed that innovation instead of us. He essentially told me to threaten them with looking like fools if they failed to heed my advice... but nicely.

I need to get to the range rather than sitting here thinking about History and culture. 100 years ago they banned alcohol, something that many people wanted but everyone agreed could be badly misused. Respect for (and adherence to) Law plummeted, the bootleggers made a killing (in both senses) and fortunes were made - The Roaring 20s. We may be entering a new Roaring 20s.
but political risks are far too dangerous, even for an EO such as federal UBCs.

That's not even possible to do as an executive order. Executive orders can't create law.

The closest thing that could be done through EO would be something like defining a certain number of dollar figure of private gun sales to be "in the business of" selling firearms and therefore require an FFL. That would be possible because an EO just directs the executive offices to interpret or enforce an existing law a certain way, not create new ones.
Fear marketing has never worked on me. I had a purchase plan for ammunition long before the Obama nonsense hit and then again before this latest round hit.
I feel discriminated against. I cannot remember ever getting any gun or gun accessory snail mail, or in fact, no email either. But I sure won't complain since I get plenty of car warranty offers, VA refinance offers, hearing aid offers, medicare offers, home warranty offers, but not enough pizza coupons.

Only thing is the NRA scare mails for more money.
"High capacity magazines in stock, buy while you still can"

"Get these pistol braces while they're still allowed"

Resellers lying in an effort to sell goods and services is nothing new, of course.

Tires of it, yes, as it contributes to the gun and ammo shortage.