Anybody carry in a coat pocket?

Since I started this thread, I have carried my SW Model 38 a few times in my coat pocket in a pocket holster. It has a shrouded hammer so that if I choose to carry it without a pocket holster it could be fired from within the pocket. I think the chances of having to do that are pretty slim but you never know . . .

Agree that the chances of having to fire from the pocket is slim and also agree with the 'you never know' theory.

I don't like pocket carrying anything naked(unholstered) in my pocket due to lent etc. There are many open ended pocket holsters available that will keep lent from the cyl. etc that will still enable you to fire from the pocket if necessary. My preference is the DeSantis Nemesis. It shrouds the trigger but is still pliable enough that you can get your finger onto the trigger if need be while the pistol is still holstered and is also pliable enough around the cyl. as to let the cyl. rotate.
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not guessing

The fire may occur after you shoot :D

When coat-pocket-carrying (wife's) S&W M38 I do so without holster.
'Cause it's in my hand.....
When coat-pocket-carrying my PT22 it resides in a holster, EVEN THOUGH it is DAO, has a manual thumb safety, and a magazine disconnect safety.
During the brief time I did carry, it was most frequently in a full length winter of rain coat.

I mostly carried a full sized semi. Looking back it probably wasn't the best idea.
Originally posted by WESHOOT2:
The fire may occur after you shoot

It may.

Several years ago I shot 5 rapid fire rds. of .38sp. from a holstered 642 through the pocket of a cotton/polyester, hooded jacket pocket before with nothing more then a smolder. I'm sure whatever flash from the cyl. was consumed by the holster but I had no burn marks on my hand. Looking back, I probably should have done this with a glove on since I was just doing it to see what would happen.
Of course in an emergency situation, I'd rather have a few powder burns than what could happen.

FWIW, the wife was not impressed when see saw my jacket.
Back around 1976 a friend told me he pocket carried ( no holster) a S&W 49 in his M-65 field jacket pocket for that rare occasion of being in an elevator with ex-cons due to his work. He explained that he could shoot thru the pocket if needed. I picked up a 49 shortly thereafter and haven't looked back. Now days it's a 642 as I prefer the lighter weight and the fact lint can't build up behind the hammer as it can with the 49/649 series revolvers. Too bad the M-65s aren't still in style. YMMV. tom. :cool:
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Too bad the M-65s aren't still in style

You got that right deputy tom .

Wore one myself for many years as the large hip pockets were excellent for pocket carry. Too, the chest pockets with snaps were just right for a backup small auto as well.
I have carried a snubnose revolver in a jacket pocket on more than one occasion. I had a Taurus 941 .22 mag 2in barrel. I often kept it in the glove box so that I could drop it in my jacket pocket when I left for my lunch break at a business I was working at that didn't allow carry in the workplace.
It is possible for your coat to catch fire when shooting from a pocket.

It is possible that automatic pistols will fire one shot then fail in function.

Like others have stated, I carry my LCR in my Northface Apex jacket pocket with no holster in case I had to fire through the jacket.

I would much rather deal with powder burns / injured hands and a burnt up jacket than I would being shot, stabbed or even killed.

I know a few years ago there was a new article I believe someone posted on here, about an elderly man who stopped an attack by firing his revolver through his jacket.

Obviously I would never choose a semi auto for that role.:eek:
When "jacket weather" comes around to Phoenix (admittedly, a brief affair, especially this year), I will carry my S&W 649 Bodyguard Airweight in a coat pocket, preferably snapped and secured.

It can present an "unbalanced" situation. easily remedied by carrying my PPKS on the opposite side. :D

Occasionally I will carry my Kel-tec .32 in the cargo pocket of my pants, similarly paired with my Beretta Bobcat on the opposite side.

Jacket/coat pocket carry can be tricky; a little extra vigilance is required if one is in social situations when you are tempted to take it off.

But it does adhere to the number one rule of a gun fight; have one.:cool:
I get an old pair of jeans and cut out the back pocket, and sew that pocket inside my pants where I would normally have an IWB holster. You can cut the pocket if you need to the right height so the grip sticks above your pantline. It basically gives you a built in IWB holster while adding zero bulk to the gun, unlike a holster. Haven't bought or carried with a holster since except OWB when camping.

what a good idea
Sometimes i'll throw my cm9 in a remora holster and stick it in the pocket of my carhart jacket when I run to the store. But as for all day carry? no. although I have done all day in the inside pocket.
I have one leather jacket that I will pocket carry in.
It's a waist length, zip up, lined jacket, so it's heavy enough to be my full time winter coat here in middle Tennessee. I use all three cool seasons.

What makes it a carry jacket is the fact that it actually has a vertical interior breast pocket on the left side. (Perfect for a right hander).

I can carry my Colt Gov't. 380 perfectly in a IWB holster there. The pocket mouth is all leather and it's lined, so there's enough thickness for the holster clip (metal) to hold the holster securely when the pistol is drawn.
The pocket is about 2" in from the zipper.

When you remove the jacket, the gun is pretty unobtrusive.

It's great for smaller guns. Anything too large would pull down the left side of the jacket too much.

Oh, it's a Dockers brand jacket.
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I routinely carry in coat or jacket pocket. I've posted some of this information in another thread, but I have a locally-made pocket holster that looks like a wallet on one side for a Colt Jr. It makes it easy to discretely switch from coat pocket to pants pocket and back. I prefer coat pocket carry to anything in the pants because of my build. I get away with the lighter Colt Jr., but heavier pistols threaten to leave me with my pants around my ankles.

For larger pieces like my Colt Pony .380, I have a Remora pocket holster. I use this rig mainly when I know that I'm not going to be taking my coat/jacket off and leaving it hanging. This is generally for driving around or shopping. Also, if I'm in a restaurant, I always fold the jacket with the armed pocket up and place it next to me - I prefer booths with the jacket by the wall on my right side.
Don't wear a coat except in the wee hours 430a when I take my dog for a walk ... in that case, I have a Ruger LCR in .22mag in my front pocket .. it's mainly for skunks (we have rabid ones around here and my dog got skunked in August). I'm never out with a gun of some kind on me but larger ones have to be holstered and I can't get to them with the jacket zipped up ...