Anybody carry in a coat pocket?


New member
With all the winter we've had, I've thought about carry a j-frame in my outer coat pocket (in a pocket holster). Lots of days, I've got layers on (t-shirt, shirt, sweater, coat) and getting to a gun fast is not going to happen. Anybody carry in an outer coat pocket? Pros - cons?
No, but I have a pistol that was probably carried routinely in a coat pocket for many years, my 1920 Colt model of 1903. Pocket carry seems problematic to me. But they used to do it back in the day.

I do every day around the farm for the reasons you cited. My S&W 638 disappears in my old parka's square pockets quite well. I use a cheap Blackhawk IWB holster to protect the trigger. I found that pocket holsters tend to keep the butt to high and the gun doesn't come out very smoothly from a coat pocket. The IWB holster works like a pocket holster, but lets the guns sit lower in the pocket. Now, I mostly just use this setup around the farm, but have used it a little around town. Obviously won't work if you might need to take your coat off.
Jacket pocket heck! Somedays I carry in every pocket.
No, really though, here in Florida we don't have that many jacket days but when we do I often carry a j frame in a pocket holster in a jacket pocket.
Let's face it, it's just downright convenient.
Biggest drawback? If the jacket is a little loose the handgun can swing around wildly when you make quick movements and bang into stuff.
I cringe when it happens worrying about dings and marks on my revolver.
With all the winter we've had, I've thought about carry a j-frame in my outer coat pocket (in a pocket holster). Lots of days, I've got layers on (t-shirt, shirt, sweater, coat) and getting to a gun fast is not going to happen.

I've had these same thoughts for a few weeks. What I've started doing is carrying a knife in the right jacket pocket, and a Surefire 6PX Pro in the left. If I'm rushed for a weapon, it's likely to be a very close situation, and I have a lot of physical training.

I may still pick up a J-frame, though.
Not usually. The weight of the pistol pulls down on that side of the coat and just makes it awkward. Plus another problem I would run into is when you take the coat off, you also have to take the pistol out and put it on your person. Not always easy to do if you are trying to be discrete about it.
I use a cheap Blackhawk IWB holster to protect the trigger. I found that pocket holsters tend to keep the butt to high and the gun doesn't come out very smoothly from a coat pocket. The IWB holster works like a pocket holster, but lets the guns sit lower in the pocket.
I have multiple holsters for J-frames. I'll try experimenting to see what works with which coat.

The weight of the pistol pulls down on that side of the coat and just makes it awkward.
It might depend on the weight of the pistol and how heavy the coat is. Yeah, a nylon jacket would sag a bunch. A leather jacket or heavy wool coat, not so much, especially with a light handgun.

Plus another problem I would run into is when you take the coat off, you also have to take the pistol out and put it on your person.
That's one of the biggest drawbacks I can see. I guess if you carefully took off the coat with the gun in it and carefully carried it so that the pocket stayed upright (and gun in pocket), it might work. Not ideal, though.
I carry in a coat pocket sometimes, works well for me, I usually carry a 642. It's the lightest gun I own. Also works in a vest pocket, cargo pocket etc. A revolver can be fired in a pocket if need be.
KyJim said:
...Lots of days, I've got layers on (t-shirt, shirt, sweater, coat) and getting to a gun fast is not going to happen...

Some people may disagree with your pocket idea due to speed of draw. But I agree with your number one rule: Jim's Rules of Carry: 1. Any gun is better than no gun.

Depending on the jacket & the situation, you could actually have your hand on the gun if you felt uncomfortable.


With this years cold weather I have been carrying my LCP in coat or vest pockets. It is so light not a problem but is readily accessible.
It' been called secondary becomes primary. You're right through all those layers you won't have time to get to your primary. Either my 642 or LC9 is in my right jacket pocket. Noone thinks much of you keeping you hands "warm" in your pockets in the current weather. But very comforting when things might get bad.
The 642 offers the option of shooting through your coat. Be warned be ready to put your jacket out it may catch on fire. But the LC9 offers 7+1 rounds of a more powerful cartridge (124gr. +p HST). That is asier to shoot and an extra mag in the other pocket for a quick reload.

Because it can't be used effectively for more than one shot, I don't carry an autoloader in a coat pocket (due to the slide movement issue stated above), but regularly carry a revolver in a pocket (ALONE - no keys, change, etc) for easy access and/or the ability to fire from the pocket.

If you do, remember to inspect/clean the carry pocket for detris/debris/lint/etc, prior to pocketing the gun each time.

Yes, I do,,,

Yes, I do,,,
My Taurus 25-PLY,,,
In a nylon pocket holster.

My winter jacket/coat has two Captain Kangaroo pockets,,,
But also has two "hand warmer" pockets set higher.

My hands naturally seek out those pockets for warmth,,,
They rest in them very naturally.

My hand can be in discrete contact with my pistol whenever I want it to be,,,
This is nice walking to my car across large dark parking lots.

I just wish it were that easy in the summer,,,
Oklahoma summers are just too danged hot even for light jackets.

I honestly don't know how people wear suits in our summer climate.


not in an outside pocket but I have an inner breast pocket on a leather jacket that I carry in when it is really cold out. here, it is often cold enough to warrant either warm clothing or a thick coat but never both at once so I find that if I dress warmly, IWB carry is too uncomfortable and my jacket is too thin to hide without printing so I generally dress like it's summer all year round and just wear a heavy coat and carry in that as it won't print. it fits too snugly around the waist to allow IWB carry while wearing it.
Anybody carry in a coat pocket?

My wife and I both pocket carry. Me, P32 back-pocket & NAA Mini front-pocket. Wife, P32 in coat. Always in some kind of pocket holster with nothing else in the pocket. Also, always leave one in the chamber for semis.

Even with a coat on, getting to a back-pocket is not difficult, unless I'm wearing a trench or long coat, which I rarely do. With carrying in an outer pocket of a coat, the firearm has to be light so as to not drag the coat down. A good holster will prevent your stuff from falling out as long as you are careful taking the coat off. Deep pockets also help.
I used to carry a P7 in a snapped inner slash pocket in a leather jacket. No holster - not needed for that gun.

I'll eventually get a Beretta 950 and carry it the same way.