Any suggestions on how to hunt the thick stuff???


:confused: I have a dilemma I have been hunting some land in south :confused: Ga. that consists of young planted pines with a mix of small thick hardwoods. Now when I say this stuff is thick I mean thick. It is to thick to sit in a ladder or climbing stand and when you sit on the ground you can see maybe 35-45 yards in some places. There is a very large creek that runs thru the property with some mature hardwoods but it is very difficult to get to this area without having to walk a mile or making alot of noise. The land is very hilly. I went in to some areas earlier this year with a machette and pruned some of the pines to make shooting lanes and this seems to help some. But this spooked the deer last year,and I am afraid it is going to have the same affect this year. There are roads on some of the land and I have been setting up stands and blinds on these hoping to catch the deer crossing on them. I have been hunting for about 14 years but I have never encountered land this difficult to hunt before. The deer are there, I put out my trail camera last year and am happy to say i got more pictures of bucks than does. I got several pics of a 2 very nice 8 pointers and a 9 pointer who may have been a 10 that needs to be on my wall along with probably 8 other smaller bucks. The problem is I am not seeing these deer. It is to thick to get to where they are without alerting them to my presence. I would appreciate any tips or suggestions from anyone that has had this similar problem or anyone who has any excperience in hunting this type of land.
What are the deer doing in that thick stuff ? Pass through, bedding ? What time of night or day? Can you stay on the edges and get them coming in or out ?
Sounds like the thick stuff behind my wife's house on the upper Ocklochnee River above Thomasville.

Off the cuff: First, wear moccasins and carry your warmer boots with you. Then, as you walk, don't "march"; that's rhythmic, and nothing in nature is rhythmic. Step, pause, step, step, pause, etc. Vary the length of the pause...Slow going, yeah, but you don't really have a choice.

Some folks will rake their entry routes. Get the dry leaves and twigs out of the trail. Even if you do that now, it will help you the next time out.

Hey Rook, Where are you in south GA? I'm in Valdosta. If it's really thick sometimes you can get really high in a climber and look down on the brush. I'm having that problem now I was scouting last weekend and I found the perfect spot. I mean it beautiful. Deer trails in and out crossing each other in about ten places and scat everywhere. The longest shot I would have is about 25 yards. It's at the edge of a pecan field and they are moving into the field in the evening. I'm definatly muzzleloading in there.
One advantage of the thick stuff is your ability to pick up the heaviest travelled game trails. Find where those cross clearings or roads (if that's legal where you are) and try setting up there.

Another alternative in the thick stuff is a driven hunt (again, only if legal). Great way to introduce kids to hunting. They start off as "beaters" and eventually graduate to hunters, learning lots about game habits as they go.
I hunt some with a club West on 97 from Camilla. The land is mixed terrain, some planted pines, good food plots, and some of the densest swamp and scrub you can imagine.
We use tree and ladder stands over the food plots. In the denser stuff, we cut firing lanes, and use climbers. Down in the bottoms, and swamps, we just don waders, and push in.
The place is over run with feral hogs, but our main hunting is for deer.
Sounds like you are doing some of the right things. Scouting is always a plus, and finding the game trails, bedding areas, feeding and watering places, will usually help in finding where to hunt.
I love hunting in the very dense areas. Slow and easy movement, and keeping your eyes open in front, to the sides, and behind you, will let you spot your deer and not spook them. Watch the wind direction, and follow the usual advise about not smoking, etc.
What are you using? Rifle? Shotgun? Handgun?
I like to hunt the thick stuff when it is wet. During a light drizzle/rain or after rain, you will get wet from brushing against wet foliage, but if it isn't too cold it won't hurt you. I have seen lots of deer under those conditions. One thing to do is to kneel down often and look for deer's legs - frequently you can spot their legs through small openings, then stalk them.