Any regrets when you got your PTC?

Yanno, you could ALWAYS wind up in a legal battle over something

quirky, anyway, that has nothing to do with a gun.

I feel more secure, especially in high risk situations,

like gas stations at night.
I can't really see having regrets. I know how to control myself and I know that if I ever use my gun it will be without a doubt necessary.

I just can't see thinking to myself, "Maybe I'd be better off if I just let someone kill me."
None whatsoever.

Texas passed our law authorizing concealed carry with license during their 1995 session.

I took the training and received my license in the spring of 1996.

But I grew up in Texas. I have been carrying a handgun, in my car or on my person, since I was in High School. Many of my friends and acquaintances of both sexes did the same.

Texas law was once much less homogeneous and LEOs rountinely knew who carried and who didn't in their jurisdictions and, in my experience, if you weren't a criminal, you weren't hassled about it.

Many people, I'd bet, were carrying handguns in a lot of places before their jurisdictions passed laws for licensure/permitting.


Sounds like some good training would be in order.

Bop on over a bit to the west to Prescott, Arizona and take a class at Gunsite. Or visit Sierra Vista, Arizona next month and take MAG40 from Massad Ayoob. Or there well be some good training opportunities at Whittington Center in Raton.
I didn't regret getting it. I regret not removing it from my wallet when it expired once. The laws were about to change allowing for longer renewal periods so I was waiting on that before renewing in order to avoid future confusion.

So I was not carrying a couple months later when I got pulled over for driving 5 over and as I was digging my DL out of my wallet the trooper saw the carry license and asked for it. We have to disclose when carrying here and he must have thought I forgot to tell him. I told him is was expired but he still wanted it. When he returned from his car with my documents I had to sit there for 20 minutes while he questioned me in an attempt to find probable cause to search me and the vehicle because I refused his request.

He was professional but tense and I only got a warning for driving too fast but when it comes to getting cops out of my face I really prefer sooner than later. I also felt his talents would be put to better use chasing real criminals.
I regret the necessity of living in a carry-unfriendly state that doesn't recognize my FL permit. I do not regret obtaining it and I carry everywhere I am legally able to.

Just getting the permit jacked up my situational awareness... before I got it, I thought nothing of walking around with earbuds and music all the time. I haven't done that once since I got my permit, even when I can't carry. I started thinking about what I could do to defend myself when I couldn't carry- and now I have a can of pepper spray in my coat pocket. I changed where I carry my phone so that my off-hand could reach for it in the event that my dominant hand was otherwise occupied. I changed the way I dress and how I walk so that I won't come across as some lowlife punk packing heat in the event that I get made by someone. I notice things I never would have seen before- even things with absolutely no relevance to self-defense; the scenery looks a lot better when you look at it once in a while instead of slouching around from one place to another.

Bottom line, getting that permit was and is one of the best changes I've made in my life. It's not just a card, it's the whole attitude and the responsibility that goes with it. It doesn't have to be a burden, and if you take the time to really think about it the mental and behavioral changes needed to use your CCW responsibly have a lot of positive effects on everyday life as well.
You said:

If you have a gun, why do you need to stock food and water for a survivalist situation?

Right! Just a friend or neighbor with provisions.....and no gun!

And one of my favorite TFL sigs...

Mike Irwin
Coworkers. A convenient source of food in a post-apocalyptic world.

Circle of life!
I cant see you having regrets knowing that you now can protect your wife and familey if needed.
I have carried for over 30 years and find myself to be much more aware of all the little things and people that are around you daily.
Take a class with a good instructor.
I have noticed that carrying has made me much more tolerant of people who do rude or insulting things. Bad drivers,crowding pushy people, now I just smile & move on. I do not want to be in a confrontation if I can help it.
Because of this resolution, I now pay attention to where I'm going, and what my surroundings are, I do more to avoid situations where I might be put in danger, and I am quick to disarm my temper as well. Am I safer when I carry a deadly weapon? Yes! But not because of the weapon.

Why would anybody have regrets about exercising their constitutional rights?:eek: Other than the fact that if the constitution were followed as written the permit would not be required!
My Regrets.....

I regret that I didnt do it two decades ago.

I regret that I need a permit to carry because people dont understand what "shall not be infringed means"

I regret that open carry of a weapon isnt considered as normal as breathing.

I regret that every american hasn't take the time to go to learn about guns in a safe range environment.

These are my regrets... :cool:
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No regrets, only thrills that my state finally saw the light. I now think a bit about maybe having to defend my actions in court, but it pales in comparison to thinking about dying at the mercy of some creep and leaving my handicapped wife to fend for herself.