Then before it hit the public market, the bean counters cut corners to bring the price point to where they wanted it without enough further testing to insure the changes didn't effect operation.
Perhaps not bean counters, I doubt Remington is organized enough to even count its beans properly at this point. Proper bean counters count the beans spilled by stupid decisions. Probably something more along the lines of;
<Program manager> We can allocate $5 Million for this effort, and eight months
<Program engineer> But we need $6 Million and a year...that's what the bid we gave you said, right?
<Program manager> Yeah, well we only have five mill and eight months
<Program engineer> What?!
<Upper management> Actually we should anticipate next quarter's earnings report will get you guys dropped to 4.5 and we need completion as soon as possible to bolster the numbers
<Both> What?!
<Program engineer> So I guess we won't be doing this program, then--
<Upper management> --Oh, we're doing it! I already issued the internal memo to the shareholders!
<Program manager> ...We'll work something out; the production group wasn't invited to this meeting, but I'm sure we can work something out with them...where's the number for that guy who took over production for the 870 line?
Dum-dum-dummmm... ...mmmmmb.