any one have any idea what this is?

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Apology and some research

Hi, Pepsquad,

Please accept my apology for what I said about selling the gun. That was uncalled for and I had no reason for it.

I have also been doing some research and have looked at (I think) every known alphabet in the world with no result. Yet, as I look at the pictures, I can see where you get the idea that the lettering might not be just random characters like you see on some "hand made" guns. Nor do the letters appear to be engraved, which indicates that someone made up stamps, a tedious business for a limited production gun. I considered the idea that some of the letters were upside down, but they appear to be used consistently, not in a random way.

I don't believe it is Cyrillic, though. I know Russian fairly well and while there are some letters that could be Cyrillic, many are clearly not. It is not Arabic or any of the Asian languages I can find. I thought it might be Thai, but no dice there, either.

Ok, native Russian speaker is here ;)
And i can vouch that it is not Russian, nor any other slavic language that use Cyrillic alphabet (i.e. Bulgarian, Serb etc).
For me the lettering is plain random sequence with no sence. Sort of crypto.

Thanks for the response. Not being a language expert, I only commented on what it appeared to be. The reversed letters etc put that indicator on it, for me anyway.

"Mr. Keenan I support your earlier statements and only an idiot would find anything racist in what you stated."

I find that to be completely racist.

Against the race of idiots with whom I work.
Ah, the tried and true refuge of the cowardly - the forum alt. Tell you what, if you want to get your jollies at my friend's expense then you can deal with me, privately. I recommended Harley's forum as a resource for her to tap in IDing this gun, a decision I deeply regret considering the drooling riffraff which has invaded this thread. To those of you who contributed what information you had, you have my (and her) thanks. We're continuing to pursue other avenues to ID the gun, because for some inexplicable reason this is the only place which seems to resort to calling anything they cannot readily identify a "darra gun", as if the Pakistanis had some monopoly on low-tech and imitation firearms...

Knowing that the markings might be cyrillic but meaningless in any of the slavic languages which use that alphabet is very helpful, thank you. I understand there are other languages which share the cyrillic alphabet, such as Cyrillic Mongolian. Perhaps exploring that avenue might shed more light on this mystery.

If you want to continue the ad hominem idiocy, then a nozh scrap anytime you say.
now gentelmen this is not a forum of race, slander, or fact I guess in this case but guns and I am intreged I have no idea what this gun is nor do I atempt to figure it out but I had shot a friends germen mouser. witch his grandfather had given him he used it in some war and it was a gift to him from his grand father. at any rate it reminds me of his gun hand stamped rubish on it and no indication of its origin race or gender. however I do no the amunition was custom mad for some trimed 9mm casing or somthing

"are you

calling me an idiot? Sir?"

Do you work with me?

Do you see it to be your mission in life to make the most assinine decisions possible, guaranteed to cause the greatest amount of confusion for the least amount of gain?

Do you need to have your hand held every step of the way while constantly being stroked and told how wonderful you are?

Do you cause me leave my office every evening by running to my car, burning rubber in the parking garage and screaming out the window "I HATE YOU, YOU'RE A FRIGGING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!"

Do you suction the IQ out of the room when you walk in?

If you've answered no to any of those questions, then you've failed your idiot aptitude test.

There's hope for you. :)
More pictures are needed.

Could you remove the grips and see if anything is etched in them?

Also, IIRC, most of the older guns from other countries (and the old colts and smiths) used numbers to match the parts to the gun they were made for, not serials. We use them as serials now if they have them (but I could be wrong on this).

At first, I was thinking Star, it has some of the same charactoristics(sp, sorry) of my Star Model Super, just smaller. Grips look about the same as my originals (only smaller).

With the writing on it, I have no idea.

I have to agree that the character appear to be cyrillic, but certainly aren't Russian. I studied Russian in college, and there definitely are characters on this pistol that aren't. But, correct me if I'm wrong ( I certainly can be) Could they be Greek? What little I know about Greek, they have characters that look somewhat like the Cyrillic alphabet.

Just my 2 cents.
Its a idiot caliber that shoots + idiots:D It kinda looks like a 1911 birth defect.

seriously though very interesting gun and what is it and I wonder just how old it really is and could it be a one of a kind.
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OK, no reason at all for this one to come back to life.

The OP hasn't been here in a long time, and seemed to have one heck of a chip on his shoulder.

No mention was ever made of caliber, but I would be SHOCKED to find that it was anything other that either .32 or .380 ACP.

Gonna close this one.
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