Any New DA/SA?

I really don't know who the XD-E appeals to. To me it is an abomination. It literally looks like Springfield R&D just said... hmmm.... yeah I think we can add a hammer to that and have less capacity! Itll be great!
Within the last decade, we saw a bunch of very thin 9mm options that were great for concealed carry. Examples include the Shield, PPS, that single-stack Glock, and the groundbreaking Sig P365. The trouble was that SA/DA guys were left out of that revolution. Some of us bit the bullet on one of those new models while others just continued to carry our chunkier DA/SA guns.

The XD-E was Springfield's reach for those who were left out. On the one hand, I'm glad to see someone doing it. On the other hand, I'm really sad that this was it. Springfield built in a few stumbling blocks that may have limited their success. For instance, the XD-E is relatively tall for its class. They drew some ire for putting "grip zone" on the grip area. It also has a manual safety. Some people think manual safeties are superfluous on DA/SA guns. Other people view manual safeties as dangerous for carry guns in general.
The appeal of the XD-E was before the Sig p365 came about single stacks were all the rage, but people wanted a light polymer framed gun that was safer to carry, but didn't have a manual safety, so DA/SA was the answer to Springfield.

I personally like DA/SA for carry for the increased safety of the heavier first shot, but also I like having a DA pull for a second strike. Sometimes primers get seated too deep or the metal is a bit harder than it should and it fails to fire. I especially like this on rimfire pistols.

It is incredible tho the number of striker fired pistols there are vs DA/SA. It's like the 80s never existed.
Add me to the list of people who don't care for striker-fired guns. I Much prefer some more options in DA/SA. I probably wouldn't care if it was a striker that which is a true DA/SA.
Add me to the list of people who don't care for striker-fired guns. I Much prefer some more options in DA/SA. I probably wouldn't care if it was a striker that which is a true DA/SA.
Check out the Walther P99 AS I think. DA first shot.

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Check out the Walther P99 AS I think. DA first shot.

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Yes, the P99 AS is an excellent DA/SA option, though I'd just leave it in SA and use the long trigger pull of the AS (thought light at the end, still about 5 lb on my Dad's) as my safety margin.

Very good gun either way.
I really don't know who the XD-E appeals to. To me it is an abomination. It literally looks like Springfield R&D just said... hmmm.... yeah I think we can add a hammer to that and have less capacity! Itll be great!
It appeals to me :)...I have had 4 excellent striker pistols, i have none now. I have had Ruger P90 and P97 De-cock only..An assortment of single action autos, DA/SA revolvers etc.

i was impressed by the reliability of Springfield handguns in general but prefer DA/SA actually without a thumb safety but the XD-E only comes one way AFAIK...

My carry pistols are an XD-E 3.8, Colt LW Commander .45, and a couple of Makarov PMs 9X18s I alternate shooting them quite a lot and carry one or the other concealed. They all have thumb safeties that de-activate with a downward push which is a muscle memory thing even though the Colt is obviously SA only.

The XD-E I have had only a short time but is becoming my favorite. It has been totally reliable, more accurate than any striker I have owned, quite concealable either IWB or OWB and I can carry it cocked and locked, hammer down safety on or off although I like to keep a consistent mode of carry with these three weapons.

The XD-E, trying to be more consistent, is the one I lately have been shooting and carrying the most.
It appeals to me too.

I prefer DA/SA and the XD-E is the thinnest DA/SA I know of.

With the extended mag it provides adequate capacity (9+1) and the extended mag is not a hindrance for concealment.

Some complain about the DA trigger but mine has a smooth even pull. Its trigger is just as good as any of the other DA/SA pistols I've owned which include the Sig SP2022 and Beretta Cougar.

Mine is the 3.3. The 3.8 and 4.5 weren't available when I got mine. Too bad because I think I would like the 3.8 even better.
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I'm very satisfied with my xde, too. It has what I want in caliber, safety features, action, concealment, accuracy, reliability and it is fully ambidextrous out of the box. The price was fair. The only time that I do not carry it is when I need something smaller which is not often. I could care less what it looks like. Capacity is fine, imo, for intended use. JMO
It appeals to me too.

I prefer DA/SA and the XD-E is the thinnest DA/SA I know of.

With the extended mag it provides adequate capacity (9+1) and the extended mag is not a hindrance for concealment.

Some complain about the DA trigger but mine has a smooth even pull. Its trigger is just as good as any of the other DA/SA pistols I've owned which include the Sig SP2022 and Beretta Cougar.

Mine is the 3.3. The 3.8 and 4.5 weren't available when I got mine. Too bad because I think I would like the 3.8 even better.
Agreed, most of the complaints about the XD-E seem to be the DA trigger. A lot of guys say the trigger "reach" in DA mode is too long. I obviously dry fired the weapon before I bought it, and with due respect to others opinions, I couldn't find a problem with the DA squeeze and I have hands on the small side.

It seemed no different than any other "crunchenticker" and I've had more than my share.

One thing I like about the pistol is that I can dry practice (I use snap caps) either DA or SA without having to retract the slide a bit as I had to do with my old strikers. This is probably no big deal to some but it's a lot less PITA to me.
Agreed, most of the complaints about the XD-E seem to be the DA trigger. A lot of guys say the trigger "reach" in DA mode is too long. I obviously dry fired the weapon before I bought it, and with due respect to others opinions, I couldn't find a problem with the DA squeeze and I have hands on the small side...

I actually prefer a "long trigger reach" because I have long fingers. When the trigger reach is short, I have to contort my finger uncomfortably to mate up properly with the trigger. Combine that with a heavy or crumby trigger pull, like on the tiny S&W Bodyguard, and it becomes a real problem.

The height doesn't bother me and I could live with the "grip zone". The only thing stopping me from buying and carrying an XDE is the manual safety.
Check out the Walther P99 AS I think. DA first shot.

The P99 is a real gem. It has great ergonomics. It's low-snag. The controls are mostly in plane with the gun, such as the vertical decocker button and the paddle release. That paddle release is easy to actuate with a trigger finger and can be done without repositioning. Especially on recent incarnations, the longer paddle release rides inside a lot of holsters and is not susceptible to accidental depression like some button releases.

The "AS" mode is superfluous and the P99 is easily run as a normal DA/SA. Treated as a normal DA/SA gun, the trigger is quite good. The double action has a curious feel due to the striker but it's decent. The single action is incredible. The reset is nice and short. My only complaint is that I miss having a hammer for reholstering feedback.

The P99 is relatively compact for a full-sized gun. There is a P99C but I'm not sure if Walther is still making it. Both are 1.3" wide and that's where the XDE and the new class of striker-fired subcompacts have the advantage. Between the other benefits I mentioned and the fact that some other DA/SA carry guns are 1.4" or 1.5" wide, the P99 is still a contender.
Man, I've been on the "if you can't beat them, join them" aside if the fence lately.

Following to see if any new ones came out.

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I too am disappointed in the lack of DA/SA new options at SHOT as well. I guess the gun industry thinks everyone likes striker guns and Fudd guns.

You said it. Da/Sa guns are like a dying breed because too many people seems like, wants those more -consistent trigger-pull striker-fired pistols.

I sure am glad Springfield came out with their XDE line because out of all the very few single-stack DA/SA compacts I was able to research, for the money, this was the best choice for me. I couldn’t be happier. Sometimes I wonder if I would have been better off with the 9mm version but I still like my little pocket 45. I have no doubt about it doing it’s job.

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I really don't know who the XD-E appeals to. To me it is an abomination. It literally looks like Springfield R&D just said... hmmm.... yeah I think we can add a hammer to that and have less capacity! Itll be great!

Well, that is your opinion and you certainly are entitled to it but I think it’s far from an abomination. It doesn’t appeal to me because this is not how I prefer to carry an EDC pistol(unless it’s my SAO 10mm Sig P220 that I carry cocked and locked as my woods gun) but at least with this little Springfield, they give you the option to carry it like a 1911 if you’re a fan of those types of guns; all three of my Beretta’s can really only be carried one way, and that’s either with the safety on or off with a decocked hammer.

But hey, there’s people who carry revolvers with only six rounds so why senselessly pick on the XDE for the fact that it actually carries a total of 8 rounds of carried with the extended magazine, even in the 45ACP version? Sure, the standard magazine only gives you 7 total rounds which is still one more round more than the average revolver but hell, I regularly pocket carry my 45XDE every day with this extra extended round magazine and with the extended round magazine I carry in my pocket, that’s 15 total rounds that I have on me whenever I leave the house so what’s the deal?

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The XD-E was Springfield's reach for those who were left out. On the one hand, I'm glad to see someone doing it. On the other hand, I'm really sad that this was it. Springfield built in a few stumbling blocks that may have limited their success. For instance, the XD-E is relatively tall for its class.

Yeah, I will admit it is a bit tall, but it’s a-little-more-than-desired height has never been an issue for me carrying this in a pocket holster or in a concealed, pancake OWB holster.
They drew some ire for putting "grip zone" on the grip area.
You’re right, they did and I realize you’re just simply pointing that out but hey, a simple talon grip covers that goofy wording up and at the same time, it greatly increases the overall grip of the pistol, especially on the 45 version. lol.

It also has a manual safety. Some people think manual safeties are superfluous on DA/SA guns. Other people view manual safeties as dangerous for carry guns in general.

From another post: ....The only thing stopping me from buying and carrying an XDE is the manual safety.

So then it’s real simple, don’t carry it with the safety on. That’s how I carry mine. I can’t really say like on the Beretta PX4 series on why you would want a manual safety on those but at least on the Springfield, it’s a really easy easy question to answer why it has a safety because of the fact that Springfield gives you the option to carry it cocked and locked like a 1911.

My PX4s can’t be carried like 1911’s but at one point, they did all have a manual safety up until I converted them all to type g’s where they no longer have a safety but carrying those as type F’s with the safety off, is no different than carrying them as a type G without a safety at all.

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Those of you that like the XDE check out the trigger kit from langdon tactical
I put this on mine and it really improves both DA and SA.

I picked up my XDE locally used for a pretty good price. I'm thinking of getting the 4.5 inch one as well.

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I saw that, and I’m highly considering it but I don’t wanna pay for the low-profile hammer, though. I may have to send Mr. Langdon an email to see if I can order that just with the trigger pull stuff instead of that, and the low profile hammer because they did make that double action trigger a little bit stiff compared to my PX4s.

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