Any known problems/design defects in the Taurus Judge?

YOU go back and make sure of your facts, Wuchak. This is NOT my quote. I don't appreciate being misrepresented.

Originally Posted by Keltyke
The Judge is not a combat pistol, its a defensive pistol. My wife works nights and has to make a bank deposit at 3 AM. This concerned me so I followed her one night, While in the car she has her judge in her lap, then carries it to the depost slot at the bank. I wouldnt want to rob her. A load of #4 shot in the face at close range would discourage bad behavier.

In my Womens CC classes, I like to do a panic drill, having the student, turn an shoot at the ISPC target (7 yards) giving them very little time to get on the sights. The judge with the #4 shot is the most effective in getting shots on target. Maybe not killing shots, but I teach TO STOP, not to Kill. Bird shot in the face does have a tendency to stop bad behavier IMHO.
I fixed the citation Keltyke. Sorry for the misquote. The post from kraigwy is where I saw the recommendation to shoot someone in the face with birdshot, not in any post of yours.
I have one. Have not had any problems with it and like it.

Kind of heavy and bulky so I probably won't carry it on me much. I think it would be a great travel/car gun or good for beside the night stand.

I agree with the posters that the intent is to stop bad people from doing what they are doing. I'm not shooting to kill or maim just to protect myself.

As to being sued later? Every shooting no matter how righteous and no matter what the state law says about the castle doctrine or stand your ground etc the bad guy or his family can always sue regardless. May not win anything but they can sue. I believe Mas Ayoob and my lawyer friends on that one. I don't think using the Judge by itself would give them a better chance of winning.
Taurus Judge

I have nearly the same problem as the member (Wrinkled). It is a new Judge, stainless with 4 inch barrell. It has only a few rounds shot with it. I was cleaning it today and the cylinder fell out. Now it doesn't lock back in without pushing it back to lock in back in the slots.
I agree with what he said about the quality. It looks like it was made by a bunch of illegals making minimum wages not a 5 year old kid. I work in a machine shop and I thought the tooling marks looked really bad. It's obvious they have no pride in their work but only to spit out more of their best seller at lowest possible wal-mart price.
I would't trust shooting this gun now until it is checked out. Guess this new 500 dollar gun will have to go back to where it was made. How sad is that?

Im aware this thread is old but new to me.
Failure to fire

I own a judge public defender. It has been a fun novelty gun, but if you hesitate while pulling the trigger it has a tendency to hang up. The hammer will not fall and you have to open and close the cylinder to make it capable of firing. I suppose in a carjacking scenario you would be less likely to hesitate during your trigger pull, but I still don't think I'd trust it in a life and death situation.
I am an attorney, but I am not giving legal advice.

I can tell you that I advise my clients that if you are involved in a self-defense shooting, dial 911 and tell the 911 person the following:

1. My name is [insert name]. I was in fear of my life or my family member, and I shot the intruder/bad guy to stop him/her.

2. Please send the police and an ambulance to my address.

3. I will not answer any other questions unless and until my attorney is present with me during questioning.

The point is, talk to a lawyer now, pay him/her a retainer so you are now a client, keep his or her business card with you at all times so it is easily accessible, with their office and cell numbers so they can be contacted immediately, call the lawyer, AND SAY NOTHING EXCEPT 1-3.

Your lawyer may give you different advice, depending on your state and jurisdiction.

Everyone is tempted in a tense situation to explain to the police or law enforcement authority what happened, before you talk to your lawyer. Resist the temptation, and follow your attorneys' advice.

Your mileage and experience may vary.
3. I will not answer any other questions unless and until my attorney is present with me during questioning.

That might be OK to say to the responding police, but I'm not sure I would preemptively bring it up with the 911 operator. It sounds as if you have something to hide and you are already trying to hide it 30 seconds after you shot someone.
My stepfather owns a Judge in the public defender model. I have shot it with the .410 loads in several diferent configurations, some not so well but some were pretty good at the peace of 1/2" plywood we were shooting at. The 000 buckshot of course was the best and easily penetrated the pywood from 25 ft but not a lot of peaces of lead in that round. But even so I would feel comfortable that I could fire a kill shot from that distance. Some of the self defense loads we shot were pretty good as well. Not the penetration of the buckshot , but more lead in the given area and still enough velocity that I would be able to make a kill shot placed in the right area from the same distance or permantly immobilize the attacker ( until medical attention was administered and attacker recovered) at the very least. Some of the other loads , bird shot and heavier small game loads, not so well. Now with the .45 LC ,thats another story. At 60 ft , it was no problem keeping the shots inside a 12" circle. Then I shot some pretty heavy handloads through it ( about 20 ) and groups seemed to be a little bit tighter. All with no problems to the gun. I am not saying all Taurus's are great guns or even disputing the problems that people have with them or their customer service, but I just don't understand how people can always post that they have a Taurus that has a crappy finish and the tooling marks are horrible and the cyliders are rough and look like they were drilled and not finished or whatever. If it looks so bad , then why did you buy it in the first place? Did you not inspect the gun closely and notice these things before you bought it? I would never buy a gun without being able to inspect it myself or have some very close up detailed pics at the least , definately if it were a gun that has so much negativity posted about it already. Sounds to me like some of the buyers are not checking out the product very well before purchasing. I am not refering to anyone in particular, just the overall dis-satisfied base I have seen post over time!

Taurus Judge Quality

Bought a new Taurus Judge 3" cylinder online recently. Dirty out of box. Cleaned. Took to range. Double action did not fire. Single action fired OK. Returned to Taurus for repair 2 weeks ago. Told it could be as much as 6 weeks for repair. Unhappy camper
So revive a 6 1/2" year old thread to air your frustration. FYI many of the new guns I have bought from Ruger went back too, although I had them back quickly. I had a new Charter Arms that went right back too. S&W guns not so much, but they spent time with my gunsmith making them the way I wanted. My only trip back to Taurus was an older 431 (44 Special) that they returned with target saying an 11 o'clock grouping was "within spec". My 441 with adjustable sights is better suited to my shooting.
Avoid cheap .410 shells (like RIO) and stick with Remington STS or Winchester AA. Cheap shells are hard to load and eject and may have loose primers that when fired will lock up the gun.
I had that exact problem using Winchester SuperX with my PD Poly. Thought at first I had finally found that terribly made, defective Taurus that I keep hearing about. But after a bit of thinking I tried some Federal ammo, then Remington, and all was well. My Poly treats me great as long as I feed her what she likes