Any Jacksonville, FL shooters?

I got the same feeling about Bullseye one time also,they acted like they were the only gun shop around and were doing ME a favor by 'letting' me buy from them,didn't buy and have never been back,its been about 4-5 years now.
My in-store experiences with Bullseye have been pretty good, but the best service I have gotten so far isat St. Nicholas in Mandarin. They spent a lot of time with me and they knew I wasn't buying anything that day. The thing there though was that I had a clerk who said he was a revolver guy and was clearly not up to speed on a lot of the semi-autos.

The reason I wonder about Bullseye is not on first-hand experience, but rather because of a report I heard about that had figured out the worst gunstores when it came to their guns later being used to commit crimes. They were one of the worst in the country and had something like 234 criminal traces come back to Southside Gun (now Bullseye) - no other local shop was on the list. I do not recall over what period of time this data was compiled, or what sort of number was considered just par for the course in that line of business. They were also found to be missing some of their guns.

Back when it was still Southside Gun, the owner (along with a handful of other local dealers' employees too) got arrested when a sting operation caught them facilitating (or at least not take proper precautions against) straw purchases. Then they became Bullseye. Seems like their prices aren't that good, but I can't complain much about the help I've gotten there lately. The couple that owned Southside Gun is now divorced, and the wife now runs Bullseye. Maybe they have cleaned up their act too, but I am sort of leary of 'em. I was reluctant to do any business with them but they had what I wanted and it saved me some hassle.
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Hi Pal,

The miscreant owner of Southside Gun, a posturing, Wannabe Ole' Tyme Gunslinger and former cop idjit named Wayne, did in fact sell out and leave town. He also had a store on Blanding Blvd which is now another St. Nicholas gun. I do a lot of business there.
I remember Wayne being in the news for something relating to his stores,does anyone remember what that was about,if I'm not mistaken,he was arrested,had the feds on him or something.I don't remember,hope somebody does though,I'm really picking my brain trying to figure it out.
adeese660, see my comments above re: Southside Gun.

I remember those corny old commercials he did where he tried to take a pag eout of an old Rifleman episode or something... "get it now, get it today, at Southside Guuuuuuuunnnn." I bet he is the person several folks here said they had run-ins with and never went back there. Figured he must be gone now as there are is now only Bullseye (formerly Southside Gun I, I believe).
I did a search on Southside Gun and it turned up exactly what you said earlier,the FFL bureau was also involved in it.
I also remember those commercials,your right on that one too,it was from The Rifleman.I do remember he was a little arrogant when you when in his store.I do alot of business with St.Nicholas,Jimmy's Pawn and Gun on Lane Ave.,Shooters,the pawn shop in Middleburg,and now a friend of mine just got his FFL about 1 mo. ago,he owns a pawn shop just north of Knight Boxx Rd. on Blanding Blvd. in Orange Park,he does't have much right now because he hasn't had his FFL long,but he can still order anything you want.It shouldn't be long though before he has a pretty good selection on long guns and hand guns.
Gateway is a great resource. They also have IDPA on the first Saturday of every month. Great bunch of people, very helpful to newcomers and transplants. You'll meet lots of good, like-minded folks there.
reviving an ooooold post...

I know this is a really old post, but I'm relatively new to Jacksonville and I thought to revive this thread to see if you guys out there still feel the same about Gateway, Bullseye, etc. I checked out Gateway once and it was fun, but I need some shooting buddies. I have an AR-15 that I've been itching to take out and try, but the opportunity has not presented itself... I have been to Bullseye and used their range. I really enjoy it. Their shop is ok; I haven't bought guns from them but have used them for several incoming transfers.
I try to stop by Green Acres on my lunch break occasionally.

I was in Jacksonville for about 10 years. Then for resons that only make sence to detailors I was trnasfered to Oklahoma City a year before retierment.

Just from my experience I would take what you hear at Green Acres with a big grain of salt and shop around for better prices before you buy. They were often way over priced.
Welcome Heraclid:

:)* I live in Jacksonville and have shot everywhere in the city over the last twenty years or so.* Gateway is the best all around range for all types of rifles, pistols, shotguns. etc.* Its ran pretty well and safe (in my opinion). Best of luck to you and welcome to the "club"...** Rick
:)* I live in Jacksonville and have shot everywhere in the city over the last twenty years or so.* Gateway is the best all around range for all types of rifles, pistols, shotguns. etc.* Its ran pretty well and safe (in my opinion). Best of luck to you and welcome to the "club"...** Rick

Actually, Rick, Heraclid's post dates back to 2006! I thought to revive it as I am new to Jax and I thought it's good to get to know some Jacksonvillians out here... Hope to see you at Gateway one day.
Sounds like fun!

Haven't been to Shooters yet. Have driven by it a couple of times, but every time it was during a time before they were open or after they were closed... I'd bet it must be nice at Gateway on a weekday. I am tempted to call in sick one day during the week and then go to Gateway! By the time I'm out of the office, it's dark already which limits my options to indoor ranges only and weekends are, well... only 2 days long! :) Have fun tomorrow, Rick. Did you buy a rifle or a handgun if you don't mind me asking.

:) Bought a Sig 5.56 rifle. Got a nice 30mm Trijicon sscope I am mounting on it as we speak. Only problem with Shooters is it is always too crowded to get good service. Take care
i live in macclenny but i shoot in jacksonville at times,went to shooters today and bought my wife a sig 238 with the rainbow finish,she should be very happy

also when you are at shooter ask for ms or eddy and tell them casey sent you and they will treat you good,i am very well know there, its the only place i buy my guns from
look what i got from shooters yesterday

Hi cwb: Glocks are great.

:) I have a Glock 21 (custom shop) that would blow your mind if you ever shot it. Awesome self defense gun and extremely accurate as well. NEVER has a jam or problem with it and have shot tons or rounds down range without incident. So it is reliable and thats all that counts when and if it ever goes down....
Maybe we can get together and shoot some time in the Jax area. Take care.
oooh I like where we are all going with this! Can I also join in to play? I've got Kimber SIS Ultra that's going to melt in your hands (well, figuratively speaking because literally it would really not be very reliable if it melts...)...