
New member
I currently hunt with a T/C ENCORE with a 30-06 bbl. Any other handgun hunters out there and what do you use and why?
I've been waiting for Ty to get back before noticing the hunting boards of our existence... one reason why traffic here is so light. If you are on any of these Boards or Lists, please let your friends know we're here.
I've hunted with a Model 29 for years and I am going to use a Glock 20 this year.
I enjoy the increased challenge of hunting with a handgun. I've always been one to do things a littel differently anyway....
What bbl length is you 29? I've got a 5" 629 thats been my constant companion in the mts for many years. What made you decide to go with the glock? Just a change of pace?
I have the BIG one, 8 & 3/8ths.
I am going to try the Glock out this year for several reasons. The first, to be honest, is to try it out. I have been shooting Glocks for about 3 years and I've thought about hunting with the .45 or 10mm for a long time, on one platform or another.
I have gotten to know the guys (and gals (incase they're watchin') at Glock pretty well over the last year and the word is that the future of the Glock 20 here in the US is almost entirely dependent on it being adopted as a hunting weapon.
So, I sent a G20 off to get a Realtree Advantage Camo coating and we'll see how it works.
My wife is actually going to use it first, on a boar in Texas, she takes better pictures anyway.....
then I'l try for a whitetail later in the year.
I have full faith in the gun and the caliber, it is just a matter of actually hunting with it and getting the word out. put a few pictures in the Mags, etc.. And the realtree coating will make it look more acceptable to hunters I think. I'd hate to see the G20 discontinued...

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 10-19-98).]
Real-tree camo? Boy! Talk about a conversation piece!
I'm usually an auto-guy, and I carry an auto CCW, but when I hunt elk, I'm out there for 9 days straight in bad weather, usually. So I opt for a revolver where maintenace is at a minimum. Besides, I dont really get to carry/use the 629 except for my hunting/camping/hiking excursions and I'd hate for it to be "retired" to my safe. After all, its such a pretty gun.........

Good luck on your hunt,
I hope it generates a lot of conversation. In fact, I'll be ahving a conversation with a gu y from Austria with a one syllable last name about getting a whole slew of them made at the SHOT show this winter....

I agree 100% on the revolver in the field deal. But most handgun hunters are day trippers, especially the 10mm crowd. Whitetails and boar are the main targets.
Never had the opportunity to hunt wild boars. I've heard they can be nasty. Sounds like fun!!!!! Any close calls? Had one with a lion, I missed........
Hey wouldnt it be great to get a "HANDGUN HUNTING" board here?
Talk to you later,
yeah, then the two of us would have our wn littl epiece of the firing line!.. I've not had anything really exciting happen on a boar hunt, but a buddy of mine was gouged by a supposed-to-be-dead Whitetail once.....

How do you let yourself have close call with a Lion ?? Sounds like either a really cool hunting trip or a really stupid circus prank....
I have hunted game of various types with a RUGER BLACKHAWK and have always had good success with it. I hunt with Iron Sights, I think scopes on a single action are bit off. .44 Magnum has the best energy levels outside .454 country. And you can buy .44 hunting loads pretty easily. The Blackhawk is the only revolver I own. I got it after the first time I saw "Silverado" which made me want to be a Cowboy... I dont shoot it much anymore as I am too busy to go hunting. Even for squirls. I am interested in the new Winchester Supreme hollow points with the Nolser partition gold whatever that is... It looks like the best of both worlds in terms of bullet concepts. Should be a golden BB for Deer or Pig. Any one hunted with it yet?
The deal with the lion is kind funny, in retrospect, I had read that guys were calling in lions. So i went out, bought the cat tag, bought a cow elk call, took my T/C and my 629 up into the mts and started snoopin around.up above a rocky point I cut some tracks of deer, and sure enough there was a cat followin them. Now I was fairly certain the tracks were pretty fresh, probably a day or so old by my estimation, and I knew I couldnt sneak up on a lion, so I sat down on a log to try this call I had no idea how to use. I blew on it for about 5 min or so tryin to emmulate the bleats of a fawn. I musta done something right......heard the soft thumping of padded feet from BEHIND me, and quickly turned around. I think the cat was more surprised to to see a human than I was to see him. He was coming straight at me until I turned around, then it was as though he turned on a dime to my right and took off like a shot! i got 1 shot off with the T/C (went high, of course) and killed a tree nearby, but by the time I put the T/C down and grabbed for the 44, he was long gone. Saw 8 mule deer does and yearlings head for cover, too. After it was all over I just sat there trying to figure out what had just happened. It took a few moments to,ah, compose myself, if you know what I mean. To this day, I have no idea how big he was, but he sure LOOKED big to me! Next time, I'll bring a friend(if I can find one brave enough) so we can watch each others backs. I think it'll work better that way. I really didnt expect him to charge in like that, but I know better now!
Stay safe,
Okay, sorry I was on the wrong continent. I had pictured you investing $15,000 in an african safari, out on the serangeti with guides, a range rover, the whole package and still not getting the big Lion King type lion that they let get too close to ya! hehe
Only in my dreams!!!!! I'd love to hunt an African lion. Course, in my dreams, i dont miss! Maybe someday. I'll keep dreamin til then. I guess I should have been more specific, huh?
I have hunted with hanguns off and on for 40 years taking varmints, small game, javalina, turkey and deer. I even shot a mountain lion out of a tree once with a 45 ACP. For anything smaller than deer a good .357 mag will do the trick. For deer I use an old three screw Ruger Super Blackhawk (44 mag). I have spruced it up a bit with Bowen sights and Adamovitch grips. It will do anything I want a handgun to do. When just out knocking about the brush..I carry one of several S&W 45 ACP revolvers I own. I shoot a 240 grain cast SWC at 950 to 1000 fps, depending on bbl length, from these revolvers and this will do the trick on anything I point it at up to deer.
I've been itching to try out a .45 Super for a couple of years now. (I've also bugged Ruger and Kel-tec about making a carbine for it.) Has anyone here hunted with a .45 Super? I figure a 230-grain Gold Dot or XTP (J.D. says Gold Dot is sturdier) @ 1300 fps should be about ideal...
Hi all!

I'm new here and I like to hunt with rifle, bow and HANDGUN! I have a Ruger Redhawk in .44, and a T/C Contender in .223. I'm currently watching for a 12" Hunter barrel for the T/C with open sights in .44 magnum and a .45/.410 barrel. I want to try hunting hogs down here in TX with the .44. Anybody have recommendations for BULLETS? I'm thinking 300 grain Sierra FPJ's at the moment. Mainly since I have some loaded already! I've thought maybe some 240 JSP's would work well!?!

I have an Auxiliary Cartridge from Alex Inc that puts .22 LR out of my .223 well! At 25 yds. the zero is close to the same. It makes my .223 barrel VERY useful.

Hope to post chat more on handgun hunting later!

welcome plainsman... Your choice of bullet would be great for some of those killer boars, but a texas for a texas boar it might be a bit much, we are going to use 180grn hydrashoks (I think...) out of a 10mm.
So a 240 gr. JHP would be sufficient I take it!?! Mainly I'll be backing up a guy with a bow the first time out and didn't want to be "undergunned." I've never hunted them before and would feel much safer with a lever gun and sidearm both in .44 the first time. I plan on eventually trying with my bow as well, just don't want to be the first guinea pig next weekend! :-)

Do any of you have rifle/handgun combos with the same caliber? If so, do you load one load for both or have separate loadings? I'm trying to get one caliber/one load so I never have to worry about grabbing the "wrong" load for the firearm. At the moment I'm working on a load for the .44 that isn't max. for the handgun and isn't min. for the lever...I have a Redhawk 7.5" and a Marlin 20" Any suggestions?

