Well, it might breed a little anger and distrust of the government, which is typically a good thing.
Speaking of misanthropy, the responses to Katrina basically prove to me that almost all humans are morons. They literally hate to think. They'll do anything to not have to. People seem to be composed of nothing but knee-jerk reactions and ex post facto justifications of whatever barmy ideology they started with.
Only in America can you have a city with a black mayor, a black police chief and a black fire chief, and everyone is talking about how the disaster response is all about white people letting black people die. Yeah, aside from the dead white people, colossal economic cost and god-awful publicity, it has been a great day to be whitey.
Only in America can you have atheistic green hippies and fundamentalist nutjobs both agree that NO getting washed away is punishment for our collective sins (global warming and the American Gomorrah, respectively). I think the collective sin is the insult to my intelligence by all these dirtbags. May I suggest for you a pennance of mass suicide?
But at least our enemies are morons. Supposeldy muslim extremist fruit loops dubbed the hurricane "Private Katrina." Private? Compared to the military accomplishments of the entire Arab world in living memory, "she" needs to be a goddamn Exponential Field Marshal. "Allah be praised for sending us an eleventy-star general!"