Anticipate some changes in online purchasing of ammo

that FFL Newsletter is two years old, hardly " a few months ago".
It felt more recent. Then again, time since the Great Panic of 2008 passed in a rather chaotic manner. :rolleyes:

It also doesn't support anything you claimed
I'm not sure where that's coming from. The first paragraph was highlighted for us:

A nonimmigrant alien generally may not purchase ammunition from a Federal firearms licensee (FFL) or a nonlicensee to possess in the United States. This prohibition applies unless they establish that they meet one of the exceptions. The exception that would apply to most nonimmigrant aliens would be if they were admitted to the United States for lawful hunting or sporting purposes and/or are in possession of a valid hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States.

...and we were told that we should check the identification of anyone suspected of not being a citizen for ammunition sales.

Who is sending you these ATF "notices"?
Atlanta field division. They're fairly proactive, and they were in touch with us regarding the issue in the OP before I'd heard anything about it elsewhere.

It may be that our division is a bit more proactive, given that dealers in our area have been subject to the Bloomberg sting/lawsuits, media claims about "running a pipeline of illegal guns" to New York, and a couple of major illegal gun busts involving law enforcement.

Where this is coming from:
Tom Servo:...A few months ago, the hot-button issue was the sale of ammunition to potential terrorists, and an advisory was sent out regarding that. Retailers were directed to watch out for foreign nationals and illegal aliens, and not to sell them ammunition.

That statement is factually incorrect. I asked for a cite and you brought up an old FFL Newsletter that DOES NOT say you cannot sell "foreign nationals" ammunition. There also was no ATF advisory regarding selling ammunition to potential terrorists.

I get those ATF FFL Newsletters too. When you say they come to you highlighted you lose me.........who is highlighting them? ATF doesn't highlight any of their FFL Newsletters. They send them via email. I'll bet someone at your store printed it out, highlighted what they thought was important and handed them out.

Doing a highlight of only the first line or two is misleading, inaccurate and foolish to boot.
it just seems tough to find the right ammo these days. I bought some online last night for the 357's but had to go to two stores to find the right .44 magnums for the rifle so I bought a bunch along with some ))buck for the shotgun.
My first .44 mag is what drove me to reload.

The local stores around here are well stocked with everything. Give it a couple of months and shelves should be pretty full everywhere.