Anti-Brand X Trolls


This thread is definitely the most entertaining of the day.

Handy said:

Actually, the existence of TFL as an "opinion forum" is the root cause of this terrible problem. Obviously, the true Trolls are the operators and moderators of TFL that allow just anyone to post an "opinion" of any kind. These dangerous "opinions" are likely to damage someones pride or even create intelligent debate, which invariably causes the transformation of opinion holders into short, sub-bridge dwelling creatures.

Doesn't that make the operators and moderators the Abridge Trolls?...
The only guns I don't like have plastic and or pot metal in them.

I even like certain S&W wheel guns ,not autos. I am not willing to buy them though, subject to price though.
Make it cheap enough and I will even buy a Glock.:D ;) :p
Can one really go wrong if one chooses a gun of modern design, materials and manufacture?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Except for factory new Smith & Wessons, avoid them like the plague...


What brand of cheap wine and second hand shoes are we talking about? I mean a pair of brand A second hand still beats a new pair of brand B. And don't even get me started on wine:)
Only a rank amateur will deride someone else for their choice of sidearm.

All that matters is whether you can put steel on target. It's not the hammer that makes the carpenter, as is evident by the old guys at the range who produce one-hole groups with plain old Model 10 M&P revolvers.
Brand X

Actually, since there's X and Y, it follows that the Manly Men shoot XY and the effeminate poofs shoot XX unless they're women, in which case they are ladies and God's gift to us boys.
This thread is the electronic equal to the Jerry Springer show!

People that are ignorant and closed to new ideas/designs/guns/calibers/gun the rest a couple of favors. #1 They leave alot of great guns for us to choose from. #2 The are always good for a chuckle or an absolute fit of histerical laughter!

TFL is 99% opinions. Some are based on long and practicle experience, often stated with few words and eloquence.
Some are the ramblings of a psycho ward escapee who saw the hospital adminstrators internet password in a dream and got online.

I personally, learn alot from certain people.....a few, I hold in high regards. Their knowledge shows with every post or thread.
To those members I thank for there time and input.

Shoot well
What brand of cheap wine and second hand shoes are we talking about? I mean a pair of brand A second hand still beats a new pair of brand B. And don't even get me started on wine

See what I mean?

This man was once the CEO of an extremely successful lingerie and storm door company. One day he innocently wandered into a gun store and was SUCKED into the Brand X subculture.

Now he's reduced to debating the merits of various brands of second hand shoes on the internet and dreaming fondly about the day he was able to "Winona Ryder" some brake fluid from the auto parts store to put in his grape juice.

This should be a warning to us all!

Man! It really hurts me to see young people acting this way...
I recently bought what some consider a Brand X pistol even though its made of modern plastic, aluminum, and steel. It's of American design and manufacture plus it was cheap -- brand new!

I don't like cheap machines, especially pistols, so I converted it to a Brand AAA (that's what overachieving type A personalities strive to become). It's now a $7,900 pistol! That's because MY time is extremely valuable, and people pay me big bucks to devote my time to their projects.

Some of you might call it tinkering, but since I get paid for such things, it's not. It's engineering, designing, and manufacturing that was applied to the pistol.

Now an $8k pistol is something I can really enjoy, and I do! I may even make it into a $32k pistol because I enjoy it that much....