Another Thank You... This Time From A Friend of Mine

Thank you for all your kind words. Someone said something about going to a range, I am going to do that as soon as I can. I think it would be good too. Well maybe not for the other shooters there. :) As for the people pointing the gun, yup they are morons but tend to think it is funny and say Im crazy. But at the rate they are going they will be in the grave sooner than I will. I just ignore them now. So anyways, I'll be sticking around here for awhile, I kinda like this place! :)
Holy crap! I don't think you are crazy or foolish to be frightened when someone points a gun at you... you are perfectly sane. What kind of an idiot wouldn't be scared when a gun is pointed at them? Guns are very powerful tools for both good and evil, and intimidating and scaring someone for kicks is definitely evil. Anyone who tortures you like that is not a friend, and is also a major league @$$hole. I have to agree with Daren... anyone who pointed a (supposedly) unloaded gun at my wife in an attempt to scare her would get beaten horrifically by both of us. It's not a joke. Ugh!
Thanks for wanting to beat the pulp out of the friend, but its not that way here where I am. It is a joke to ALL of them, thinking that they are cool or something who knows. I dont care, I dont go near them when they are here and I had already said I dont want that one particular persons gun in my house ever again. Whether or not its there I dont want to know. My daughter stays in the house and so do I! I am really starting to think that it is the area I live in, alot of the guys are like that. Someone from the other boards said the same thing that they couldnt believe someone thought it was funny. Well they did and proceeded to drink and laugh. Not much signs of intelligence in that group let me tell ya! Too bad they dont get free meals anymore! :)
Let me get this straight - they would point guns at you and laugh while they were drinking? That's beyond being stupid or even being an a$$hole, that's downright criminal! These are the people that give all of us a bad name, not to mention indigestion. In Georgia, threatening someone with a firearm is a serious offense! Consider filing charges if it happens again. I'd like to be on the jury when someone tried to explain how they thought it was "funny" to point a gun at anyone, much less someone they knew was that terrified of them!

We must have a lot of kind-hearted people on the TFL. Beating the stuffing out of anyone they saw intentionally point a gun at someone is a pretty mild response, all things considered. If we follow the cardinal rule of gun safety (every gun is loaded), then anyone who witnessed this would be justified in shooting them on the spot! Yes, your honor, he was pointing his gun at Miss D. when I shot him. Yes, I thought her life was in dismissed.

May I ask what area of the country you're in? I want to stay away from there! I'll stay here, with all the other rednecks with guns - where it's safe!

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
Miss D,
I'm no attorney, but I'll bet you could press charges in just about any state in the Union.
I'm with Danger Dave on this one. Ya just don't do that stuff in Texas (or anywhere else).
Pressing charges would cause me harm, things arent that happy here like in Texas. It was last year anyways and when they do come here I dont talk to them. But thanks! You Texans are so nice!
Miss D,
Considering what you have been through, I don't blame you for having bad feelings about firearms. I would like to echo the comments others have made about the so called friends. I think it very wise of you to keep your distance.
You are obviously intellegent, curious and open minded. Wether we are able to make you a shooter or not, I think you will prove to be a valuble addition to this board. Remember, the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
Welcome, dear lady. And don't be shy!
You all are so nice. Its funny because at the other boards meaning WB not Acme all I hear is hate of gun owners. They freak out for no reason. If they only knew how nice it was here. Ihave a very open mind and am willing to listen to anything. Right now I am just reading alot. They taught me good over at Acme so I really have learned alot but Im sure I will have plenty of questions. ;)