Another stupid question from new hunter: Why no earmuffs when hunting?

Save what hearing I have left and get to hear the deer sneaking up on me..I hope..

you won't be disappointed NShooter

peltors are great, I use the sporttac and my bro uses his tactical

I think the only difference is inlets/outlets for communication, his got a mic because it is his military issued ones, and he mans a 50 machinegun at times:D

with the noise reduction but speak increase you hardly notice you wear them and you pick up sounds in the forest better than with your naked ear.

I have my comradio hooked up to them so I wear them all thru the day, keeps your ears warm to:)
I'm one of those people who started handgun hunting deer many years ago believing the occasional unprotected shot frm a hand canon couldn't do much harm. Now I have tenitus, non stop. Now the ringing makes it hard to hear faint sounds. The damage is done.

My question is for those who use the eletronic type protection that amplifies sound and already have tenitus. I just wondered if it still allows you to hear better, and how it works in conjunction with the contant ringing.
i dunno if it is just me getting used to the ringing (tinnitus from heavy metal days) but mine has gotten better in the last year or so. maybe I am just getting older and can't hear aswell in general:D

it isn't like the peltors worsens it atleast.

your sense of direction is not as good with them on thou.
you pick up sounds in the forest better than with your naked ear.

your sense of direction is not as good with them on thou.

I've used Peltor 6s for 20 years and have hundreds of hours of experience with them. It is possible to get an excellent sense of sound direction with them, but you have to turn them down to ambient level. It's difficult to judge distances if you submit to the temptation to hear "better" by turning them up.
it probably doesn't help that I wear them the wrong way so the mic faces backwards:D

I am a lefty so I need the cord to go down my right side