Another Shooting

How convienient ... does anyone else seems to think this is a bit much. everytime someone does soemthing like this they're found ... dead.
I live in Marietta (15 minutes outside of Atlanta) . The media keeps talking about the considerable firepower he was carrying . The are also all over this like a pack of wolves. They keep talking about what a tragedy it is with an excited glint in their eyes. It won't be long before they are asking grieving relatives such brilliant questions as "How do you feel?" The local media makes me about as sick as the pathetic loser that killed all of those people. I feel horrible because my first thought before feeling sorry for the families was there goes my concealed carry license and a few more rights due to one crazy a**hole. I am glad that the coward saved us the trial and ceased to waste our air when the police pulled him over. I hope that he did not have a concealed carry permit. What the hell is wrong with people!?

[This message has been edited by Keeper (edited July 29, 1999).]
This and the shootout last weekend that took the lives of 2 Cobb Co. SWAT officers has been too close to home for me.

I used to rent a house about a mile from the shootout location that happened last weekend. My wife used to work in one of the office buildings that the nut case shot up today.

I feel thankful that she is now a stay at home mother to our 2 children. She's been on the phone most of the evening talking to her former co-workers who were just one floor above where 4 of the victims were killed.

Now I ask you all, if one of these people present during this insanity were armed, do you think it would have been near as bad as it was?

I know, I'm preaching to the chior.

Now for a more pressing question. Just what is going on in our society?

I just heard where they found the shooters body, at a B.P. Gas station about 2 miles from where my wife lived while we were dating. Talk about irony.


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Keeper. I know exactly how you feel, guilt-wise. I was driving my best friend and his wife to the airport when I heard it on the radio, an began banging my head against the wheel saying "No, no, no, no...!"

Best friend got it, his wife said, "Yeah, it's terrible how these people are killing other people, isn't it." And she is *absolutely right*.

But my best friend was correct when he said, "I think he's upset about the way this is going to be sent up in the media, and the way gun-owners will be stigmatized."

How bad do I feel? Very. I actually felt victimized before I felt pity.

Damn. This stuff has got to stop.

And, to be honest, I don't have the answer.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Just my frickin luck... happens in my state. Wtf is wrong with these people? If your that screwed in the head then just off yourself and leave the rest of the world alone.

The gun grabbing bastards have already hit the air waves calling for the same crap. Agenda I tell ya... agenda...

As for the mayor of Altanta... Bill Campbell... he is as corrupt if not more than Bill Clinton. He makes me just want to puke every time I hear his name mentioned. He called the SWAT team out to an affirmative action rally the other day to make the South Eastern Legal Foundation look like a bunch of sheet wearing KKK members for trying to uphold the constitution.

Oh geez... sorry for the vent, but sometimes I think this state sucks big time!
"In GA you may carry a loaded handgun in your car w/o a CCW permit: either on the seat in a holster or in the console/glovebox etc; but not under the seat."

sound to me like they have great gun laws! I would LOVE to be able to keep a loaded gun in my car. The newest laws here are that even the ammo and the gun in the same compartment is "loaded" and illegal. A loaded magazine= a loaded gun no matter where the mag is. Ammo must be out of the mag, in a seperate compartment, preferably with the gun and mag in two seperate compartments (that's three seperate compartments) and you better be heading to a range or going home from one.

"Remember the guy in CA last month, at the shooting range? He was taken down before he killed anyone. That stuff gets no coverage."

This is true and I heard little of it. Man goes into a gun store, and herds people into a back room, probably to kill them, and a clerk pulled (I think a 1911) from under his shirt and killed the BG. Didn't hear anything about it on the news, and it happened in my own State!
Why would a chemist use a gun? I mean, think about it. If the object of the rampage was to create as much havoc as possible, why a gun (or 2)? It don't add up. Something stinks about this big time.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
Dan, I know what you mean. My fiance lives a couple of miles from where the nut shot himself (off Bells Ferry, since you know the area). We've stopped at that BP a few times. And the shooting happened near where I work. But it's not as close to home as when my former mechanic murdered a stranger in Atlanta for $8 - a couple of months after he had come to my house to look at my car...

Hobbes, you forgot to mention that Georgia is a "shall issue" state. There was also a "level II" CCW permit bill that was introduced last legislative session. It got tabled, but it would require training, cost about $100 a year, and allow you to carry anywhere (including places that served alcohol by the drink). Of course, none of that does you any good if you work in a building that forbids you to carry.

We can't say that some armed would have stopped him, only that they COULD have. As it was/is, any public area (office, mall, school) is like a shooting gallery - plenty of targets, very little risk. Scary, huh? I refuse to be someone's steel duck, to be knocked down at their whim.

Don't slam on GA too bad - we've still got Kennesaw!! And it's a different world outside the immediate metro area.

What really ticks me off is that we all know these freaks kill themselves - why can't they start with that, instead of waiting till the last minute (you know, avoid the rush)?
My condolences to the friends and families of the victims and the residents of GA, what a horrible day. I heard on the radio that the BG bludgeoned his family with a hammer (Ban Stanleys?!?!) and left a note about 3 other 'targets' he diodn't get to.

On a more positive(?) note, Tim Russert (Of Meet the Press) was asked if he thought this would result in more calls for gun control, he relied that more laws won't make a difference until we understand what makes people behave in such a sick way.

The BG was obvioulsy a one sick puppy who took his own stupidy ('dabbling' in day trading) and failures out on others, another 'victim' of the "Blameless Society".
Is it possible that the building(s) where this occured were "Gun Free Zones"? Building management or even office management had declared "no guns in this office" ? That may explain why there was no response from someone permitted to carry.

Damn shame, this whole thing.

BTW, Local news here seems to be focusing blame on teh day trading, not the guns (odd, this is Sacramento) NAtional news is gearing up for a run at the weapons used ... I can just sense it.
According to the owner of the Day Trading firm, the man hadn't even been trading for a while. That, coupled with a suspected double murder earlier, seem to indicate the stock market had little to do with it.
I dont know if this means anything or not,but so many people(50million or so) are involved in the ponzi scheme called the stock market that i think we will see a lot more violence when the market tanks. In Japan,people are killing themselves at a record rate because their economy is collapsing! Sure this guy was nuts, but it looks like the falling stock market set him over the edge. And the mullets are still gambling like crazy on the market and encouraged by our government. By the way,have the police caught the third shooter at columbine yet and what about the seized videos from the in side of the school? Lets get some answers from the FBI. Fat chance.
IIRC, Atlanta and Philadelphia are the two US cities which, after passage of shall-issue CC laws in their respective states in the 90s, vehemently opposed the implentation of CCW in their cities. The citys' powers-that-be fought hard against it, but as I understand it lost the legal battle and CCW was implemented in both cities. So, if CCW is active in Atlanta, then this guy must have some huge cahones. This bucks the norm shown by Proff Lott that in CCW states, the number of mass public shootings is nil or nearly nil in every one. Good point though that the buildings may have been "Gun Free Zones".

Wow, a .45 can shoot through a brick wall, huh? Damn, if that's the case, I'm going to sell off my rifles then and switch to this massively powerful military caliber for all purposes.

Jeff T: Yeah, my GOA email outlines in detail the repeated betrayals by Trent Lott, that f-stain. Lott even managed to send T. Kenneday and P. Leahy to the conference committee, two strong anti-gun sens. Lott needs a swift kick in the butt. Mississippians, where are you???

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited July 30, 1999).]
Ivan, I think blaming the economy, firearms, his parents, society, etc. is a worthless endeavor. This guy was the prime suspect when his first wife and mother-in-law were beaten/stabbed to death years ago, so this was nothing new to him. He was defective, pure and simple. Oh yes - his first wife caught him cheating, so he (allegedly - not enough evidence to charge him) brutally murdered her and her mother. More recently, his second wife filed for divorce (I don't see why she'd want to get away from him), so he killed her and two days later, their two children, and a day later, some people that worked in his office, and some people across the street. Maybe the economy and some bad trades had something to do with it, but we all go through hard times, and we don't kill 15 people (12 + 1st wife & M-I-L + self). There was something seriously wrong on inside this guys head - the so called "triggers" can/do happen to almost everyone at some time or another (marital problems, money problems, etc).
Thaddeus, I think you're referring to:

current law:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
12023. (a) Every person who carries a loaded firearm with the intent to commit a felony is guilty of armed criminal action.
(b) Armed criminal action is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or in the state prison.

which is now modified by SB 23:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
(j) For purposes of Section 12023, a firearm shall be deemed to be "loaded" whenever both the firearm and the unexpended ammunition capable of being discharged from the firearm are in the immediate possession of the same person.

For current law, I use For pending legislation,
Mike in Va,

I'm one of those "stupid" people who "dabble" in daytrading. I'm a little disappointed to hear you classifying a group according to the actions of an individual. Isn't that what the anti's are doing? If I can make a living daytrading, why should that upset you? Why do you call me "stupid" for the career I choose?

I know you're entitled to your opinion, and that's great. I just wanted to point that out to you. My "feelings" are not hurt at all.
Oh yeah - I forgot to mention the part where Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell announced the suspect committed suicide in an "AEROSMITH" van. You'd think they were looking for Steven Tyler (or at least Lib..).

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
Aerosmith Van. hahahaha
My favorite was that I kept hearing
"A 9mm and a 45mm"

I have to agree that he had some serious firepower with that 45mm.

Same Shot, Different day
GA law indicates that sidearms can only be carried at the waist or shoulder, or in a container off-body, if I recall correctly. A pistol can be carried concealed at work without permit. (though, I'm not sure if one could still carry if one worked in a place that sold alcohol "for consumption on the premises", since that is forbidden) Carrying at work would not be illegal even if it were against company policy (anymore than being late for work is punishable by jail time! :)), unless the building were publicly owned or posted as a weapons-free area.

I didn't know there were so many of you guys in the area- if any of you want to train, I need some serious training partners! I'm in Duluth, near Pleasant Hill...