Another Shooting

Wild Child

New member

July 29 — A gunman opened fire in an Atlanta office building, injuring several people. Officials say the suspect may have retreated to the roof of an office building across the street.

Several people were shot at an Atlanta office building. ( / Magellan Geographix)

Police say there are a number of shooting victims, but the exact number and severity of injuries is not immediately known. Two local hospitals were told to prepare for a total of 22 victims.
Local reports say some people were evacuated, while others told to stay in offices and lock their doors.
The gunfire was reported about 3 p.m. in Security Center, an office building that houses a travel agency, a brokerage and other offices.
Dozens of police officers and Georgia Bureau of Investigation agents are swarming the building in Atlanta’s well-to-do Buckhead section.
Lauren Coinard, who was locked inside her office with three other women, told local station WSB-TV that police called to tell them to keep their doors locked. “I’m just scared and would like to get out of here,” she said.
Scott Belazi, who works in the office where the shooting took place, told WSB-TV that he saw a great quantity of blood in the office when police escorted him out as they evacuated the building.
“We saw blood. I tried to look the other way. I pass out when I see blood,” he said.
You beat me to it - just saw this on CNN...

Damn. Cant some one use a pole ax once in awile?

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Listening on the radio. They haven't caught the shooter yet. 7 reported dead, 5-7 wounded (not 22 as initially reported, but the area is cordoned off, so information is sketchy at best).

Piedmont Rd is just a few blocks from where I'm at right now...
Just reported from MCNBC 4 dead 7 in critical condition. Another tragic incident that Klinton is gonna jump all over.
Darn. We actually had a break for a week on the news from the anti-gun brainwashing. the Kennedy thing had totally pushed aside any anti-gun stories. Now it all starts again...

Good thing it wasn't children.
While listening to a report about it on the radio, the announcer stated that the "sniper" was still at large. So, now I guess we have a new media buzz word for any idiot who does something like this.

I long for the day when someone pulls their own piece during one of these incidents and puts an immediate stop to it for all to witness. That will be a great day indeed.

You don't actually think something like that would be reported, do you?

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
WSB is now reporting 12 confirmed dead at three different crime scenes. Three of the dead are his family members, four were filled in the first office building, and five more were killed in a second officer building. The shooter has been identified by witnesses who know the man, but he has not been located as of yet. The police are saying that they have found shell casings from both 9mm and .45 caliber.

"God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it." --Daniel Webster
How about the massive firepower he had, at least as being reported by the media. I believe it was a .45 and a 9mm. There was also someone that was shot in the head and is at this point still alive. Maybe the rounds are not so massive after all.

In response to Contender, I live not far from where it happened and I promise you that if someone shot and killed this guy they would be in jail right now. Not right, but that's Atlanta.

The saddest part is even with this loss of life, when people should be grieving, we know there are politicians licking their chops and formulating how the gun caused it.
I live in Atlanta and have been following this incident on local T.V. It seems the fellow was upset about stock losses and killed at least 9 people (wounding a number of others) in two locations, two "day-trading" firms located in office buildings across the street from each other.

It seems he had two handguns, one .45 ACP and one 9mm. The firearm disinformation has begun: one local reporter stated that he was not a gun expert; but, he thought that the .45 was once used in the military and was very powerful, that it "could shoot through a brick wall." He added that the 9mm was "a more conventioal weapon."

They say, the shooters whereabouts is not known at this time.

--Take Care.

"Quid hoc ad aeternitatem?"
I would tend to think so if it was a big enough incident say, like the Long Island Railroad Shooting. While I wouldn't expect the media bias to take a holiday,there would be enough witnesses and media coverage in general to get the story out.

This is a big difference from a story of Joe Homeowner ventilating an intruder in his home that can be buried somewhere.

[This message has been edited by Contender (edited July 29, 1999).]
Dare I ask,

What gun legislation is on the books in Georgia right now? I've been able to bite my tounge and chock the last few incidents up to coincidence, but it's getting to be too much even for me. I hear Al Gore is on his way to Atlanta.
yeah, ol' Al said he would send some help to Atlanta. another case of the federales getting in on a local crime. you can bet the s**t is really gonna get stirred up now, Atlanta and it's mayor ain't known to be gun lovers. I can just here all the anti's sharpening thier teeth now. it's bad for the people who lost loved ones, but like somebody already said, you can bet the politico's are setting thier game plan right now. :( they also said that he made have been involved in another double murder 5 years ago. if they'd got him then, this never would have happened!!!

what me worry?
In GA you may carry a loaded handgun in your car w/o a CCW permit: either on the seat in a holster or in the console/glovebox etc; but not under the seat.

With a CCW permit you may place gun in car or on person at ones discretion (although carry below hip is out I think). CCW licenses are obtained by making an application at the county probate court. There are no training requirements. Once you pay for GBI/FBI background check, fingerprinting and state permit fee ($50 combined appox) and pass the background check you are CCW legal for 5 years. You can't carry at schools, "public gatherings," (does *not* include malls), and establishments that serve *any* alcohol.

These are the laws as I understand them.

Hope this helps.

P.S. Georgia CCW is recognized in eight other States: Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Texas. (or so says our Attorney General)

"Quid hoc ad aeternitatem?"
Re: Firearms laws in Ga.

Georgia was one of the first states to pass a law that cities and other municipalities couldn't sue gunmakers. Of course,this was after Mayor Cambell and the city of Atlanta had filed suit. Concealed Carry is handled through fingerprinting and background check.

The total dead as of this post is 12 in three different locations-two office buildings and the shooter's apartment south of Atlanta. Local news is also reporting that his wife and mother-in-law were murdered at a campsite in Alabama six years ago. The shooter,Mark Barton,was questioned but no arrests were ever made in the case.


[This message has been edited by Bill Mitchell (edited July 29, 1999).]
Forget Georgia law ... Smith's 'filibuster' was dumped (cloture) yesterday, no? I believe conferees have been appointed, and the Juvenile Justice Bill is moving forward in the Conference Committee.

I really don't believe in conspiracies, but it is becoming a bit spooky regarding the timing and other 'coincidences' for such events. Columbine occurs in the Denver area just before the NRA convention, and one of the shooters acquires a gun from the son of an HCI member. Now this as more gun legislation moves through Congress. I've heard of other examples. Just odd.

You know, there have been incidents where CCW holders have taken out such guys. Remember the guy in CA last month, at the shooting range? He was taken down before he killed anyone. That stuff gets no coverage. The media loves more blood than that, especially innocent blood. Damn shame all around.
The only way we're going to see any coverage of a CHL-holder stopping a bad guy is if there was plenty of blood, first. Unfortunately, this guy is going to have to be too late to save the people, to get us the coverage.

Then, of course, will come the Monday-morning quarterbacking: he could have done something sooner, if the shooter was "obviously no longer violent" why did he shoot the BG?, was he just shooting the guy when his own life was at stake, and "See? Good guy on the scene still couldn't stop the death of four innocent people..." etc, etc, ad nauseum.

What do we do? What we do now, and maybe better. Make certain that if you legally can be armed, you are armed. Practice for real at the range.

Think of how you'd do it.

Do only the right thing. But don't get your Parker pen set all ready to sign autographs.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
The mayor of hotlanta, Bill Cambell, is a devout Klitonista. When he gave his press conference on the shooting, he mentioned several times that the Vice-President had already been in contact with him and had dispatched the FBI SWAT team as well as offereing any other Federal assistance needed. Can anyone say political opportunity?---------They just found the murderer dead in a Cobb County gas station.