Another reason.........

I'd say he's not desirable just because he's there (online, lookin' fer luv.) But, then again, better there than here. :)

Does anyone else out there have a life so scheduled that you hang at the mall at a specific location during certain hours each day? Is that a life? Is this the physique of someone who lifts 5 hours a day? Looking for a person 5' to 6' tall? Doesn't that account for most of the female, and male for that matter, population? Not real selective here. Something strikes me as being a bit odd here.
I'm truly sorry to see this activity on this forum. Here we have an example of a young guy who has actually accomplished something in the form of body building - and who has never, ever, AFAIK, attacked anybody else for their beliefs or political postion or hobbies, but who is actively working his own little corner of the universe in order to create the life he wants. Nothing illegal or immoral in there. What borders on immoral is for people to cruise singles sites and post URLS to totally unrelated sites.

It is entirely hypocritical for any of "us" to make fun or demonize someone we don't know for what they choose to do or say about themselves on the internet.

Remember 'Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness'?

Shamey, shamey TFL! A lot of you just got sucked into passing judgement on something you don't understand or care to. How's that for summing up an intolerant gun owner stereotype?

Nice job - Miss D! Methinks you might have mistaken having FUN, for making fun of others, and we gunowners have had enough of that treatment ourselves.
Lemme guess, shortcut, your real name is Ken Chandler! :D

Actually, you make a very good point, and I feel appropriately chastised.

It must be the "All Puffed Up With Manhood" picture. :)


PS- My experience (as an uninvolved third party) with people who solicit themselves online, or think they've found their true love there, is that there is something wrong with them. Maybe an excess of faith in the online personality, an out-of-whack emotional dependence/loneliness, but there's something wrong with them. Just something I have observed in people I have known. FWIW

[This message has been edited by boing (edited June 30, 1999).]
I'm not for or against this guy. Just curious about what exactly makes him seem like such a loser. I'm a straight guy, so this stuff is out of my realm of comprehension. :)

I suppose it's a combination of things perhaps? Putting a personal ad online perhaps? Although, it's been done in newspapers all the time? Perhaps that he's a pompous egomaniac? Whether he suceeds or not, perhaps he's trying to put his best foot forward? Or is that foot in the mouth? On the other hand, if he has a graduate degree and his actual profession is an Astrophysicist, then it's not really bragging right? Perhaps he promotes himself far too vigorously. Perhaps, a certain level of humility and restraint would have made a better impression?

As Dr. Evil would say, "Help me out here. Throw me a friggin' bone." :)
As for cruising the singles URLS, not. This guy has been leaving this URL all over the Acmecity boards. Not just Rosie he is making his rounds all over. Desperate this man is? Nah, he is just looking for something that has 2 legs and can walk, well maybe not even that, seeing that he does lift 5 hours a day. What a rough schedule this man has, must be a hard worker! Gee all those years at school to hang out at the mall and cross over to full-time weight lifter. Must have been the training by Mr. Americas x-girlfriend. Actually, I did not see anywhere in his site that he is looking for a female, so I think I'll let you guys take this one! ;)