Another political test

You are a
Social Liberal
(61% permissive)

and an...
Economic Conservative
(81% permissive)

Just barely on the Capitalist side of the Capitalist/Libertarian line. And just above Trump's left temple.
Me? Capitalist. I can't really argue that, although I really think of myself as more of a right-leaning little 'l' libertarian.
mmm, I am disappointed: peope always tell me that I am at the right of Attila the Hun and just slightly to the left of Gengis Khan and I was starting to believe it! now I am labeled Centrist! (social moderate and economic conservative).... I think I wouldn't vote for myself!
I have just noticed most answers given to many people come with the same phrase.

"You exhibit a very well-developed sense of right and wrong and believe in economic fairness"

I think I'm going to take different answers on that test and see what's the outcome (just to make sure).:rolleyes:
I just took it and strongly disagreed with everything, and said I was against everything at the end, and you're right. It said the same exact thing.
Then, I agreed with everything and said I was for everything at the end and it labelled me Totalitarian. It still said the same thing about having a real sense of right and wrong and believing in economic fairness.

I'd say this poll is b.s.