Another One Bites the Dust... CNN reporting Romney is out

If I had a political party, I would allocate delegates only to the states where the voters could make a difference in the end. For example, states where the red/blue popular vote difference was within 10% four years ago.

Oh yeah, real fair that would be! So I live in NY and am a registered Republican yet I should not be allowed a say in choosing a national candidate because you deem my state too liberal. That is as arrogant and stupid as the Democrat maps of the nation showing the red states as unintelligent and uninformed.

NY and CA may have large populations but most of them are voting in the DEMOCRATIC primary. Sorry, the whole nation cannot be made up of voters who belong to militias and live on land mine surrounded mountaintops in solid Red states.
How can people that put so much value on the constitution vote for Huckabee? A man that has stated that the constitution needs to be changed to reflect the word of god. He wants to completely ignore seperation of church and state and have a "faith based" constitution.

I pointed this out when I said I would never vote for a priest. Of course I have been labeled one of those liberal Christian haters...

About the ONLY thing that could get me to vote for the likes of Hillary would be a priest running against her who wants to change the laws of the nation to reflect his religion.
I did notice that Romney is "suspending" his campaign, not dropping out. That means he'll hold those delegates, they'll be his until the convention.

Could it be that Romney has plans? Could Romney know "things" about McCain that aren't public at this time?

Stay tuned.

You do know that Edwards "suspended" his campaign also?

Why no conspiracy speculation there? Speaking of which, Pat, are you still trying to sell the idea that someone is offering Giuliani the VP slot?
I've got a dollar says it's Lieberman; they guy has stayed in McCain's shadow the whole campaign

Terrible bet considering that Leiberman "unequivocally ruled out" being McCain's VP just last week.
I've got a dollar says it's Lieberman; they guy has stayed in McCain's shadow the whole campaign.

Sorry but no way. McCain has already pandered to the left plenty, picking up Joe will not help. That is doubly true since Lieberman is opposed to the majority of the left on their main issue, Iraq. He already had to leave and run against his own party.

McCain needs to mend fences in his own party, and badly. He needs a solid conservative to keep some voters around who are sick of his egomaniacal leftis prostitution of himself.

It will be so funny to see him and his temper have to deal with the press when the real election kicks off. They have treated him nicely for a long time thanks to his selling out of Republicans time and time again. He is about to learn the hard way though that the press is on the Democrats side. He is their darling only so long as he opposes someone on the right. Once his is up against Obama or Hillary they are going to tear into him. I don't think his ego can handle it and his temper will not be held in check for long. It should be entertaining.
Playboy, Huckabee is not going to change the constitution even if he could. I think it already reflects christian ideals for the most part. That may not reflect your value system however, but it does mine. From my perspective, Huckabee's main selling points are his great manner, experience as a governor, stand on 2A rights, and the Fair Tax. Our tax system needs to be changed big time. McCain has not ruled out the Fair Tax saying something like he would consider it. But he is a mainstream politician and I doubt he would make much effort unless there was a ground swell of interest from the American people.
It means McCain is going to need either a real southern conservative or an evangelical to get his party approval (a hard sell that) so Huck is a good bet for VP at this time.

Great... huh? That VP's only a heartbeat away from the oval office.

Democrats must be jumping with joy. Should they offer up both HRC and BHO as their combined ticket in November they can lock up the WH for the next 16 years... not to mention the Supreme Court appointments during those years.

Reassuring... huh?

So who you got running for Congress and Senate in your district(s) again? That's really the only checks and balance left either way... wonderful thought... huh?

Here's the biggest obscenity to my way of thinking. How much of his own money (in millions) did Romney spend only to bow out? That kind of return on investment has got to hurt.
But he is a mainstream politician and I doubt he would make much effort unless there was a ground swell of interest from the American people.
That is why he's winning and RP is losing. He understands mainstream centrist politics. ;)
How can people that put so much value on the constitution vote for Huckabee? A man that has stated that the constitution needs to be changed to reflect the word of god. He wants to completely ignore seperation of church and state and have a "faith based" constitution.

Pretty sure you are trying to address this argument in the thread you started...

Romney was scheduled to appear at our county Repulican meeting this evening, but with the announcement of his dropping, here is the new speculation...

There's a big change of plans for Thursday night's Baltimore County Republican Party dinner in Halethorpe.

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was expected to attend the dinner. Now there's word that the party's front-runner, John McCain, will be there and his campaign will be announcing a major endorsement.

The dinner will be held at the Dewey Loman American Legion Post.

Romney was scheduled and now McCain is going to be there to announce a BIG endorsement...Romney anyone?
Here's the biggest obscenity to my way of thinking. How much of his own money (in millions) did Romney spend only to bow out? That kind of return on investment has got to hurt.
Not as bad as the college kids who donated their tuition to RP's campaign...
Romney drops out

It seems from what I"m hearing that Mitt is dropping out or "suspending his run. Anyone else know anything about this? I didn't really like him but he was a bit better than MCcain.
Good riddance. Both of the northeastern gungrabbers are now gone from the race. Now his campaign, which spent $86 million, owes him around $30 million.
Good. Now it's time to electorally deep six the last remaining gun grabber in pro-2nd amendment clothing: John McCain.
Maxb49: Do you actually believe that, or are you convinced that if you say it enough it will become true?
Here's the biggest obscenity to my way of thinking. How much of his own money (in millions) did Romney spend only to bow out? That kind of return on investment has got to hurt

Or how many raided shareholders unwittingly donated to his campaign!

That certainly pales in comparison with the "tuition" given to RP.