Another One Bites the Dust... CNN reporting Romney is out


CNN just reported that Romney is suspending his campaign. I say good riddance to the gun banner.

Looks like things are set for McCain to get the nomination.
Yeah...for better or for worse. I'll still vote for Paul in the primary if he's still in it, but McCain's got my vote in the general.
If only he would have done it sooner

If only he would have done it sooner, maybe Huckabee would be faring much better than he is now.

Yep, and if my boy Fred would have dropped out before SC, Huck would probably have been riding a wave right now.

Didn't happen. Fred spoiled Huck and Huck has spoiled Romney. McCain is left standing pretty.

Spoilers pretty much send the wrong guy into power over and over again.

Anyone here seeing a pattern?

I pretty much posted that for all the Mitt followers and the Sean Hannitys in the world who kept saying "well, if Huckabee would drop out, Romney would win" Well, duh, if McCain would drop out along with Huckabee, old Mitt would waltz into the nomination!

It ain't spoilers ... it's people voting. Huckabee, Fred, Romney ... they all have a right to run and people can decide. I'm just glad Romney dropped out before it's all over.

Given the choice of Huckabee/McCain, it's huckabee all the way for me.
So we got here because McCain won large states like California and New York. These are blue states and could never be in play in November, and paradoxically, that has determined the candidate to face off against one Marxist or the other, said Marxist being a lock to win those large states.

If I had a political party, I would allocate delegates only to the states where the voters could make a difference in the end. For example, states where the red/blue popular vote difference was within 10% four years ago.
It ain't spoilers ... it's people voting. Huckabee, Fred, Romney ... they all have a right to run and people can decide.

True, but there's a fine line between voting for a candidate that you consider viable and one that's not.

If you turn out wrong (as I was with Fred), you really are stealing a vote (or in my case, funding) from your next best choice.

This a very old political concept, but one which some have trouble grasping.
Very true

Very true, Swede, very true.

You can say the same about endorsements. Most of the newspapers never endorse the Republican once the general election starts, only in the primaries.

Yeah I'd be interested in seeing what a revote on Tuesday would do for the nomination now..?

Glad though, Romney was 2d behind Giuliani running for most absurd GOP nominee.
I agree with the pundits on this one. If Romney had dropped out earlier, Huck and McCain would be neck and neck.

However, if Huck had dropped, Romney would be in the lead.
I sort of expected Romney to drop out after the Super Tuesday results. Romney is no fool, and this strengthens the Republican party. I would not be surprised to see Romney as the VP nominee if he'd accept it. Romney does not play to loose.

The question comes now to Mike Huckabee? What is he to do? He has less committed delegates than Romney, but has been doing well in the South. He continues to make a reasonable showing in the large states, but not enough to win. I don't believe he can win now like Ron Paul. If I were Huck, I'd let things ride through the Texas primary and make a decision then. More than likely he will drop out then. He has to win BIG states.
I did notice that Romney is "suspending" his campaign, not dropping out. That means he'll hold those delegates, they'll be his until the convention.

Could it be that Romney has plans? Could Romney know "things" about McCain that aren't public at this time?

Stay tuned.
It's a shame it is all a numbers game...I mean I am not complaining being an acct or anything :D but still...give credit to the RP supporters on this one...if we (everyone that had voted for McCain, Huckabee, and Romney) only because they did not like the other choices had voted for RP in the primaries he would be faring a lot better...IMPOSSIBLE to get everyone on board with that, so it would never have happened either think it would is just living in a dream world.
to many ways to look at the what ifs

There are just far to many way to look at the possibilities of who would be where in the race if you try to look at all the possibilities going back six months. Six months ago McCain was not looking good. Should he have been the first to go? And you can go and on from there. The reality is we are where we are now and its not going to change with what ifs.

The real question is going to be who is McCain going to pick for his VP.

Romney could be dropping out to secure the position. Huckabee might be holding on till he gets an offer. Rudy in not completly out of the possibilities. And a few people believe it might be Liberman. Very interesting things going on right now.
Yeah...for better or for worse. I'll still vote for Paul in the primary if he's still in it, but McCain's got my vote in the general.
How can people that put so much value on the constitution vote for Huckabee? A man that has stated that the constitution needs to be changed to reflect the word of god. He wants to completely ignore seperation of church and state and have a "faith based" constitution.