Another Mass Shooting. Will this become part of the race for the White House?

What I am saying, as a Kentucky resident, is that many businesses in the area disregard Kentucky's laws. For instance, I was employed at a Speedway station for a while, which specifically bans the bringing of weapons onto company property by employees (including parking lots). Since Speedway is an at will employer, and either employee or employer can terminate the contract at any time for any reason, then well, it's pretty safe to say that any employee of that company who got caught with a gun in their car would be terminated immediately for a reason that the company wouldn't specify. Since the company would undoubtedly fail to give the reason for said individual being terminated, it would be impossible to conclusively prove that that was the reason for their termination in a court of a law.
Since the company would undoubtedly fail to give the reason for said individual being terminated, it would be impossible to conclusively prove that that was the reason for their termination in a court of a law.

I concur that as an "at will" state, thus you can be fired at will.

However, in this day and age of lawsuits, companies typically document every thing prior to firing any one. My company is actually very reluctant to fire any one and must have HR and in some cases our legal departments sign off. There is a HUGE document trail for any firing. These documents would be called into any court case should a firing reach that point. Being fired for legally having a gun in Kentucky is actually illegal. Thus I would think that no company would want to face a lawsuit based on that fact that it would be an illegal firing.

Of course, I don't want to test that theory out either.....
If you look at recent history...

Another Mass Shooting. Will this become part of the race for the White House?

You will find some kind of shooting incident in the months prior to virtually every election or major vote on a gun bill.

Now it may be just a matter of coincidental frequency, or it may be a matter of the press hammering on the reporting of these incidents due to the proximity of up coming votes. Or it may even be something dark and sinister, invoking the dreaded "C" word (conspiracy). Or it may be something else entirely.

I have commented before on how it seems that our economy always tanks before elections. And I have gotten replies ranging from "Hmm maybe you got something there" to "it is the normal business cycles, we just notice it more during election years" to "press manipulation" and everything inbetween.

"Mass shootings" may fall into one or more of those categories as well. But the way things are going with the skyrocketing prices, I think it likely we will see more angry, distured individuals lashing out and taking innocent life before this is over.