Another J-Frame: Recommendations?

Kimber K6s
LCR = Excellent CCW, Nice to shoot
SP = Excellent to shoot, Nice to carry

I can't speak for gnystrom but my K6s has been 100% reliable for five hundred or so rounds I have put through it. Most were my light .38 Special loads but it has seen some .357s. My only complaints with it are the lack of aftermarket support and the weight.

At this time, there are limited choices in aftermarket grips and sights but that may change.

It weighs about the same as other steel frame snubbies but that makes it less likely for me to carry it than a lighter revolver like an Airweight or Airlight.

The trigger is great and the extra round is nice. The workmanship is top notch and it is a good looking revolver. It's just not what I pick up to carry.
How many rounds do you have through it so far?
Any issues?
Ive been considering getting one to try out but haven't got around to it.
Would like to see some long term/high count reviews first.
At this point, about 2000 fired, mostly handloads. No problems of any kind. The fit and finish on mine are perfect and it has very tight tolerances with respect to cylinder gaps. I am using the stock laser grips and they are small but allow it to be concealed very easily.
Overall, the Kimber has a better trigger than my 640 Pro Series that has had a trigger job.
The sixth round in a gun the same size as my Smiths was what sold me.
I've had a Model 640-1 since I bought it new in 1996. Like my other J-frame, I put Herret "Shooting Ace" stocks on it. The revolver resides in my wife's dresser drawer in our bedroom and the hammerless frame keeps it from snagging various items of clothing should the occasion happen when it needs to be used for self-defense.
This J-frame variant is on the heavy side for concealed carry but if you ever plan to shoot much .357 Magnum ammunition, you will welcome the extra ounces.
I'm a die hard S&W fan down to the core. I also hate hammerless revolvers. With that being said, I tried a Kimber KS6 and fell in love. While I still prefer a hammer and will own one of the new Kimbers when they hit the street, the KS6 has a trigger design that makes it possible to almost shoot it SA if you want. It is also very accurate and the little extra weight over a J frame makes it a whole lot easier to handle. I carry +P 38's in mine for defense because I see no need for full bore .357 but it would not be hard to handle with .357 loads. I did change the original boot grips for the slightly larger Kimber grips and being able to get that extra finger on the grip makes a world of difference as well. The only negative I can see with the Kimber is the same one I find with all 2 and 2.5" S&W's that the short ejector rod won't fully kick out empties as well as a 3" and above S&W. I'm hoping the new 3" Kimber with the hammer will have a longer ejector rod.
I like the 442. Pocket and waist in my case. 38+P Speer Gold Dot 135gr. proven on the street by the NYPD to stop bad guys.


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EDC for me is a 442 Smith, 38sp, also favor 135gr Gold Dot.
Just my opinion, but I've never liked the 357 J frame, I'll stick with .38 special.
I have numerous J-frames, all but one are airweights. If I were to buy a .357 J-frame, it would be the 640 Pro (?), the one that has no internal lock. I hate the S&W internal lock. I would look carefully, however, at the Kimber K-6 which I find very intriguing.
What do you mean "backup" ? Does that mean ankle-carry? You had a Model 60. Is that how you used it? Steel guns can be heavy unless you're wearing stiff and somewhat high boots. I've had bad experiences with 442 and 340PD light-weights with respect to durability. They didn't hold up well to a lot of shooting. But the ankle is where they work. Anywhere else, a K or L frame is better. The 640 Pro Series is probably the nicest of the S&W's, but again, whether it's the 640, 60, SP101 or K6, they're not sub-23oz and for that weight or a little more there are so many better options including K frames and pretty much most of the bestselling polymer-framed compact autos.
the only .357 ("J" frame sized) snubbies I will fire are the SP101, and Model 60 MagNa-Ported. I've trained and qualified with them before and it was sort of brutal. After the Porting it wasn't bad at all. of course if you are just shooting a 30 round static course I guess it doesn't matter.... but actually training with them is a different story.
Sorry, the .38 Special +P sucks, even in an airweight gun. Shooting .357 Magnum with full case loads of H110 isn't the best practice for the airlites, but you can easily do a lot better than .38 +P.

In my 442, I could get never get a 125 gr. bullet faster than 850fps.

In a 340 PD, I could load a 125 gr. anywhere from 700 to 1400 fps.

To match the performance of a 9mm compact auto for penetration and expansion, you'd need to drive it to about 1100 fps. This is still a lot of recoil in an airlite, but I would take 1000 fps over 850 fps any day.
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Has to be .357 Magnum so I can also use .38 Special.

The OP does get it. It's some of the responders here who don't.

The word also is the key word. A gun chambered in 38 Special will not also fire 357 Magnum.

I think it's very clear what the OP wants. A 357 Magnum. Trying to get them to buy a 38 Special does not fit the criteria, especially when they specifically said what they want.

I understand where the OP is coming from. I have many 357 magnums, and only one 38 special. The 38 Special gun has less versatility.
Just my opinion, but I've never liked the 357 J frame, I'll stick with .38 special.

Why don't you like the J-frame Smith revolver chambered in .357 Magnum? It will shoot .38 Specials as well as a revolver chambered in .38 Special only, but also has the added advantage of shooting Magnum loads as well, with no downsides. What's wrong with having the added versatility of a .357 Magnum revolver as opposed to a .38 Special revolver?