Another interesting video, guy shoots bully on his front porch!

So the 'bully' was walking towards a guy who had armed himself with a loaded gun and videocamera. The bully wasn't charging in a menacing manner or brandishing a weapon of any sorts. Without the shooter saying anything all i can think is premeditated murder. If he had yelled, "Stop or I'll shoot" it would be a different story, but he just opens up. He should get the death penalty. If he was being bullied he should have had a taser, not a handgun.

No one needs to say “Stop or I’ll Shoot”. As long as you think you are going to be harm then it will be self-defense. Problem with this is he taped the killing. That IMO is a very bad idea even if you think it will be in your favor. What he should have done is not tape it and use his word and a good lawyer to get him out of the mess, which I think he has a very high probability of getting off. Just remember dead man don’t talk to the jury.
What makes this a "bad shoot" is that the guy ended another persons life without reason. I think too many people look for reasons to draw and fire, they hope that they get a chance to take someone down. Crazy!! I cringe when I read "scenarios" and some of the responses.
There was an incident a few years back, a bully was constantly harassing his two neighbors (they were gay) and this bully would beat the hell outta these guys for no reason. For some reason they had a difficult time getting the local LE to take them seriously even though they would have to go to the hospital for stitches etc. The other neighbors didn't want to get involved, out of fear of the bully. This "couple" decided to hide a camera with audio and video. The tape shows the guy watering his lawn, the bully pulls up in his car, gets out and just charges the words to provoke and the bully just starts to punch and kick the guy, the victim is screaming and crying and the dude just kept pounding away. Armed with this tape, they were able to get the LE, the neighbors and the Courts to put the guy in jail and the couple got paid some money too. I think this is how the situation in the video should have been handled, but then again, I don't know the full situation or events that led up to the shooting. I just think that trying to justify shooting an unarmed, KNOWN neighbor, being a bully or not, to death is a bit extreme! Armchairing is easy, I am just glad I didn't and don't have to deal with these things.
Restraining orders are a license to kill...
Restraining orders... my patoot!

Videos are pictures of assaults that could easily get the victim permanently crippled or killed.
Video cams... my patoot!

So far you'all have utterly failed to PREVENT the crime...
and have only served to ALLOW the crime to take place, OVER and OVER and OVER again!

The GREAT MAJORITY of these cases end in tragedy, either for the VICTIM, or for the BULLY...

I would ask you which one you think should END in tragedy?
But, I don't think it matters what you think...
I KNOW who I want to feel the brunt of it...

And when you are the VICTIM...
Good shoot, bad shoot or any shoot at all...

You won't give a crap either!!! :mad:
The audio of this video isnt coming up on my computer, did the bully make any threats as he was coming up on the porch? If he did, then there is an imediate threat for the homeowner. But evidently he didnt because the homeowner is in jail. I wouldnt have taped it , but I can sympathize with the homeowner. A bully keeps harrasing you in front of you wife, and kids, on your own property; that **** would get old quick.:mad:
Obviously preemptive murder and beyond stupid for filming it.

I've heard people here say that there is no such thing as stopping power or knockdown power of a gun. I've always wondered how getting hit with 200, 300,400,500 ft/lbs of energy from a bullet CAN'T send you backwords (kind of like in the movies) as some have said here. I guess I've been correct that that can happen. I think there's more to the "physics" of the theory that it can't happen. What do you guys think? Sorry, seeing that video got my mind working. Thanks.
SMITH90 said:
I've always wondered how getting hit with 200, 300,400,500 ft/lbs of energy from a bullet CAN'T send you backwords (kind of like in the movies) as some have said here. I guess I've been correct that that can happen. I think there's more to the "physics" of the theory that it can't happen. What do you guys think?
I'm not so sure that what you see in the video is him being thrown back from force of ft/lbs... as much as it's him dropping due to the shock of viewing a gun being fired into his chest/abdomen. He didn't fly back like in the movies... his legs caved due to fear and shock more than likely. Just my opinion.
There was an incident a few years back, a bully was constantly harassing his two neighbors (they were gay) and this bully would beat the hell outta these guys for no reason. For some reason they had a difficult time getting the local LE to take them seriously even though they would have to go to the hospital for stitches etc. The other neighbors didn't want to get involved, out of fear of the bully. This "couple" decided to hide a camera with audio and video. The tape shows the guy watering his lawn, the bully pulls up in his car, gets out and just charges the words to provoke and the bully just starts to punch and kick the guy, the victim is screaming and crying and the dude just kept pounding away. Armed with this tape, they were able to get the LE, the neighbors and the Courts to put the guy in jail and the couple got paid some money too. I think this is how the situation in the video should have been handled, but then again, I don't know the full situation or events that led up to the shooting. I just think that trying to justify shooting an unarmed, KNOWN neighbor, being a bully or not, to death is a bit extreme! Armchairing is easy, I am just glad I didn't and don't have to deal with these things.

What you forgotten is that the victim can be killed in that situation. So can his family too. Punches can kill. Honestly from what you describe he was lucky to survived.
shooting the BULLY

I would say he used the whole 5 gallon bucket of whip-ass on the BULLY.It solved the problem but was definitely a bad move to film it. BULLIES BEWARE !!!!!:D :D :D
all right, that's it

I have to get those new glasses after the first of the year, once our FSA account reactivates.

I thought the thread title was "...guy shoots BELLY on his front porch"...

"I'm the only one on this porch professional enough to.... BANG!"

Too much asthma meds in ME tonight, that's obvious....! :p

Looks like a homicide to me.
Well it is definetly a homocide since a person was killed by another.
Filming it makes it murder or at least manslaughter.

Now the jury gets to see a man seemingly laying in wait for another to step on his porch so he can pump four rounds into him before any semblance of a violent threat is made
And then go on to taunt him as he lays crying and dying.
A vivid image that is going to sway the jury far more than anything that the defendant can say about past abuses by the victim to try to salvage his image
"_____Filming it makes it murder or at least manslaughter._"

Premeditated murder! I don't think manslaughter can be premeditated.
I've always wondered how getting hit with 200, 300,400,500 ft/lbs of energy from a bullet CAN'T send you backwords (kind of like in the movies)

Try to push a man over with the point of fencing foil... (A pointy sword)

No matter how fast the foil moves...
No matter how heavy the foil is...
No matter how much driving force behind the foil...

It will only poke a hole...

Resistance like armor, bone or defensive vests...
MIGHT cause the target to stagger and even fall backward...

BUT nothing like the "Hollywood" impact would come to mind.

This principle applies with swords and bullets. ;)

It does not apply to cannonballs... :D :D :D
Perhaps if the bullet, or foil for any matter, struck a bone(say your shoulder ball joint) it would push you back a bit harder than it hitting you in a soft fleshy organ filled area. I can't imagine that causing a person to fly backwards and hit the ground or wall hard, but a thought nonethless .

Pointer said:
Resistance like armor, bone or defensive vests...
MIGHT cause the target to stagger and even fall backward...

Pointer beat me to the posting this.
Why couldn't the shooter just fight back fairly? They were about the same size.
What a cowardly murderer!!!
shooting day minus 1:
Bully: next time i come up here i'm gonna shoot you and rape your wife

morning of shoot:

"bullied" sets up camera in and video in case bully comes on porch so he can show bully pulled first

Bully (off camera): I got my 9 in pocket pocket and I'm gonna shoot your b**** a** and F*** you girl

Bullied (nervous and pumped full of adrenaline):
(shots fired)
starts taunting...

what if that was the TRUE scenario. what if the guy said he was coming on to your porch to kill you this time and rape your wife / gf / sister? you cant tell but in the video it looks like the bully could have been reaching in his pocket with his right hand. not many if any of us know what we'd do in a moment of pure adrenaline. all i know if some a-hole came on my porch and made such threats (or if he acted on them) i'd probably be tempted to shoot him too. if he HAD raped a loved one of mine you better dang well believe I'd be taunting him.

all that said i don't know the full situation. that video doesnt show enough, and doesnt bode to well for the guy.
What if the guy was a Jehova's Witness that came around once too often?.
What if he was a neighbor tired of the guy's dog crapping on his lawn and was bringing the latest pile of offerings back?
What if he was coming over to talk to him about possibly not peeping on his daughter in the bathroom again?
What if he was coming over to complain about giving the neighbor kid $19 for crack and getting ripped off?
What if he was coming over to return the racoon feeder he stole last week?

We can what if it to death.
The jury saw the same thing we did along with whatever sob story the shooter came up with and apparentl came to the same conclusion most of us have,
Bad shoot
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What if....what if...

What if somebody is afraid of a fight? Call the cops, do not murder somebody!

This was no fight, it was a little turd feeling power the first time in his life. And probably the last time because in prison, the weak are just prey.

Better to spit out a few teeth and live righteous than being a murderer and coward.
"Now the jury gets to see a man seemingly laying in wait for another to step on his porch so he can pump four rounds into him before any semblance of a violent threat is made
And then go on to taunt him as he lays crying and dying.
A vivid image that is going to sway the jury far more than anything that the defendant can say about past abuses by the victim to try to salvage his image"

very well said.
Without knowing the full story its hard to say, but from the evidence shown in the video, it looks like its been pre-meditated. Very bad.....:(