Another interesting video, guy shoots bully on his front porch!

Very interesting. I'd love to know the history behind it, exactly what was going on, and what happened to the shooter and guy who got shot.
I saw this video on one of those "extreme video" shows a few years ago. I remember the story being that the shooter was repeatedly bullied by his neighbor (the "victim").

Sick of being bullied by his neighbor... The shooter had set up a video camera to capture his neighbor bullying him every evening... and you see the result - he must have reached his breaking point and finally ended the bullying.
And the rest of the story is, the guy who shot and killed his neighbor was convicted on the strength of his own video tape. Even though the neighbor was trespassing and a bully and had stolen stuff, the shooter got convicted, I don't remember if it was for murder or manslaughter.
I thought that it was a bad idea to videotape it. Regardless of the bad guy being a bully, he did not yet seem to me to be in immediate danger of bodily harm. Like I initially said, it appeared like he was challenging the bully onto his property in order to shoot him with the defense of "well he came onto my property". Furthermore I don't think he did himself any good after the shooting by trash talking the guy as he's lying there dying on the porch.
I'm thinkin' his commentary ("You want some more?") after the other guys was down, didn't play well in his favor

Bad reflection.

That was ridiculous. Even if he was bullied, shooting that guy like that wasn't in defense at all. Prison awaits or already has him I am sure.
I was reflecting on this and I came to several conclusions. One I think the bully must have been tormenting this guy for a long time, and really badly. Two, the shooter may be in jail but with laws as they are he will be out in 10-15 whereas the bully will be dead a bit longer.
So the 'bully' was walking towards a guy who had armed himself with a loaded gun and videocamera. The bully wasn't charging in a menacing manner or brandishing a weapon of any sorts. Without the shooter saying anything all i can think is premeditated murder. If he had yelled, "Stop or I'll shoot" it would be a different story, but he just opens up. He should get the death penalty. If he was being bullied he should have had a taser, not a handgun.
Now a really amazing video is the one where the cop jumps on the back of the pickup truck during a chase and slides in the window, then proceeds to throw the driver from the truck while its still moving. That cop is the man.

There is another one where a guy charges with a knife at cops after a chase and after the cops OC didn't work. Thats when I wish cops had tasers, but alas, before the time of tasers i think.

(I just didn't feel like starting more -watch death and destruction threads, nuff of those going on right now-)
Why did he videotape it? That is so not a justifiable shooting. No wonder his own tape sent him to prison.
Bully trespasses onto private property...

Against the will of the occupants...

His intention...? To hurt and intimidate the occupant(s)...

He gets shot...


What part of that scenario...

Makes it a "Bad shoot"?

Oh, how I hate a bully... :mad:

If you seriously kick their asses... or shoot them...

There will be fewer of them... one way or another...

That's a guarantee!!

Back in highschool (Many years ago) a bully thought he was intimidating me... He mistook my silence as cowardice... I was just biding my time and waitng for the best moment. I seriously hospitalized him...

Does that make me guilty of assault?

If our subject had been inside the house... he'd be just as dead and no one would have been yelling, "stop or I'll shoot"...

In all sincerity... I'd really like to know what you think. :)
NOT what you feel

he did not yet seem to me to be in immediate danger of bodily harm.

Perhaps he should have gotten a "court order" or something...
The dead women who have applied for these "restraining orders"
did not yet seem to me to be in immediate danger of bodily harm.
But they're too raped, too dead or too crippled to complain... :(

PERHAPS our subject videoed the situation to show the bully trespassing and threatening him so he could apply for worthless "restraining order".

Ya think??
Old Pete Wogan (retired Columbus Ohio LEO) used to tell the story that I think sums up the bully/bully beater scenario.

This woman was on her husbands case like green on celery, 24/7/365, . . . and for any reason she could think of or use.

Pete and his partner went there for the unteenth time, . . . and because he had shoved her, . . . they were taking him downtown. Leaving, . . . he told her he'd be back, . . . and when he came back, . . . her days on this world were ended.

She jumped into her usual tirade, . . . that was only ended when Pete told her to shut up. Hubby never made another sound till they go to the door and he remarked: "Just remember woman, . . . I'll get out of that jail a heck of a lot sooner than you'll get out of the grave".

It doesn't justify shooting the bully or anything, . . . but sometimes I really think that there are people who get that mind set, . . . and the next thing you know, . . . there's another body to take care of.

May God bless,
Where was the immenent (sp?) danger in the video?
No hostile move, no weapon.

"My mamma!?? Step up on this here porch and I'll show you who yo' mamma is, biatch!!"

Bad shoot. Premeditated and filmed because he thought trespassing was justifiable self defense under all circumstances!

Just two more thugs that'll think twice next time. (hopefully!)

The correct course of action would be to get a restraining order on the bully, go inside the house when threatened, call the cops each time and shoot only when he actually broke in through the door or a window. (With a legally obtained self defense weapon of course!)

By the way, is it legal to point a weapon at someone to get them off your property even if you don't feel your life is in danger?