Another hypothetical question


New member
You are stranded on a sub-tropical island. Before your ship (Titanic 2) went under you were able to grab literally no more than you can carry. Of course you were not allowed to bring your CCW on board and all you can get is a 12 ga. skeet gun and a flare gun. No radio communication was made and you know you will have to survive at least 10 days until rescue. You struggle to the island to find it devoid of any of your fellow passengers or crew. The only wildlife on the volcanic rock is a mysterious wild pig that you have only seen in the 400 pound range. All you have is #7 shot, 25 rounds, and a flare gun with 3 rounds. You remember seeing the vegetation on the island in a poisonous plants book. There is however plenty of fresh water. HOW will you survive. BTW on further notice you discover Bridgett Fonda is stranded with you so now you have to provide for 2. (see best and worst movies post for explanation of use of Bridgett Fonda)

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
was going to make a reply until I read the reference to Brigette Fonda.... now I won't touch this with a ten foot battle lance (LOL) my wife may be reading this page.....
I wish you had made it Jane Fonda. The it would have been easy. Blast Jane, cook her and share with the nice piggy.

Now, if you were trying to figure out the pig vs. smallshot angle, I would just sit in a tree and wait for the beastie to come close enough for a head shot. After it can't see much anymore, you get to track it and shoot it again point blank. When you get rescued, PETA crucifies you and cannonizes the pig.
I just had to dig out a old keyboard, when I read rats line about Hanoi Jane I spewed my drink all over the keyboard and shorted it out.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
Rodent at the Adjoining Plane of Two Walls, I thought we told you to behave. That wasn't a nice thing to say. You should know better that wild pigs don't like the taste of quasi-socialist liberals. Gives them gas. ;)

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Take any sharp object I can find, rock, or don't tell me you left without a pocketknife, unless your Rich and they stole it at the airport. Find the base of the shot charge by skylighting the shell against the sun. About a 1/4" below the shot put small cuts in, to make a perforated edge, like in a notebook. Don't leave to much plastic connnected. You now have an emergency slug. The plastic will part at your cuts leaving the shot to travel downrange in the front half of the shell. Think of it as an overgrown glaser. Go get your pig.

Live Free or Die Trying,

Steve Moody

Just once wouldn't it be nice to hear a politician say,"I don't believe this way, but the people do."
Now That's an interesting concept! My vision was to use your trusty Leatherman (Don't leave home without it) to effectively reload the shell with some of the nickel or other heavy metal deposit, notice I said volcanic.
As for Bridgett Fonda, you may replace her with someone of your choice, for those that just hate the Fonda name, My first alternate would be Neve Campbell ;)
I also saw a friend (don't try this at home) who found a fiberglass pole that would fit into the barrel, shot 8 inches into a large pine tree. Horrifying yes, but in a pinch effective.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
My Choice of the Day: Cindy Margolis

why? The gal is a Babe, but she's got meat on her bones. 10 days? I'm pretty sure you can live a lot longer than 10 days without food, so we pass the time by shooting skeet rocks with the shotgun, and using the flare gun to start warm romantic fires at night. Hungry? you bet? Best 10 days of my life? HELL Yeah!

if it were Denise Richards....well, I would kill said pig with SOG ParaTool(better than a leatherman) to prove how manly I am to her. She would adore me till the end of time. I love happy endings.
Denise Richards...
Ild kill the pig with my bare hands!

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Boy have you guys missed the solution.... Substitute DC for the lady your stranded with ... then sit back in your lazy chair while she goes out shoots the pig and fixes pork taco's for dinner... :)


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Run down to the beach and rescue Holly Hunter who's struggling to make it ashore.

Teach her to shoot (among other things) -- she's so grateful you see :)

Can't get the pig???? Hey ... eat Bridget :)

Ay Carumba!! If you're not careful, Jane would mate with the razorbacks, re-educate em by reading strategically selected passages from Animal Farm aloud by campfire, teach em to love the taste of human blood, then train em to go fer your "delicacies."

[This message has been edited by bamaflier (edited September 22, 1999).]
Use a flair to melt the lead from several of the shot loads into one slug. With the same lit flair, light vegetation. You now have something capable of killing piggy at close range, and fire. Find an appropriate stick, and sharpen. You now have a backup.

Guts from pig can be used as bait for can construct traps with the poisonous vegetation. If bored/very hungry, one can attract sharks. Use afore-mentioned sharp stick, or make a "bang stick". I'll have to think about Ms. Fonda- or have you got that covered for me, "Spanky"? :D
I've got the conch!!!!

I think i'd waste no time in sharpening sticks into spear points or for use in a punji stake trap.

Keep the flares for real emergencies.

Keep the shotgun for fending off unfriendly natives.. or the coast guard when they come to seperate me from Uma Thurman. ;)
Of course the idea of "going native" and chasing each other up and down the beach covered in mud and berry juice warpaint sounds a lot more fun than building a day spa for the Howells.. doesn't it??
Of course I've always been more of a fan of the "lost continent of the dinosaurs" kinda movies.

Angie Everhart and a Bolt Action .375, a knife and a copy of "the Golden Bough".
(sounds like a great pulp film huh?)

Jeez I left out the most important part, the woman along. Katie Holmes!!! Saw her in Dawsons Creek one night catching crabs with her bare hands. But my wife knows what might happen if stranded with Katie Holmes. What boat, what plane, don't waste a flare on that boat it's at least 50yds off the

Spectre, we don't have a pan to melt lead in. All we have is vegetation, the gun, the shells, the flares, and Katie Holmes.
Are you sure we have Katie Holmes? She's a mite skinny--I could have sworn I had Selma Hayek along. . . . in Ursula Andress' swimsuit/knife from Dr. No. . . .
Sorry, I was drifting there. Teach Selma to hunt with the spears I make--far inland out of site of rescue ships.
In case of rescue plane, accidentally shoot all three flares into ground.
great idea Gwinnydapooh, but why take the chance she uses the flares, while your off in the bushes answering the call of nature, dump em all out in the deepest hole you can find, and claim not to have any.

Katie is a might skinny, but I'll put some meat on her bones with wild boar roast. If not her then Sandra Bullock, now there is a woman. Besides if there comes a time a bus on the island is laden with explosives and can't go under 50, I've got experience

Live Free or Die Trying,

Steve Moody

Just once wouldn't it be nice to hear a politician say,"I don't believe this way, but the people do."