Another Home Invasion In CT

you could stick a stainless handgun close by for when you take showers, it may sound strange but i like to take my .22 Magnum NAA with me when i go to the bathroom when everyone but me is out doing something.

and i like the idea of parking a cruiser out front, that's a pretty cool idea! :D
I don't leave my guns laying around because I don't want just anyone to be able to pick them up. They are with me when I'm in bed though. That being said, if it's the middle of the day I have two pitbulls that would make someone think twice about coming into my home uninvited. They are the sweetest dogs until you come into the house unexpected. They've scared the heck out of a friends on a couple of occasions. And I make sure to take the wife to the shooting range with me every once in a while to keep her from getting rusty with the guns and when we have kids, when they are old enough they will be taught about gun safety and how to use them.
Threegun, I understand. My reply more or less was a soapbox post of where society has gone. It's is a shame we need to go to these lengths to protect our loved ones. Some more than others depending on the area of course, but I am completely agree with your security layout.

Gottcha. It is a shame.
At one time the department I was with did security surveys for homes and small businesses. I learned a lot training for and doing these surveys. As mentioned a few places above weapons are a last layer of defense. We taught folks to make their homes unattractive to burglars and difficult to break into. An outer perimeter, strategic lighting, electronic measures, big noisey dogs, reduced cover and upgraded doors and windows are all good measures for reducing the likelihood of a break-in. We would talk about weapons during our surveys but our focus was more on keeping the BG's out of the home. Unless they have a good reason to break into your home they'll go down the street to an easier target.
If 5 armed people broke into my house and I had no time to get to a weapon I would have to comply. Material things are not worth my family getting hurt
If 5 armed people broke into my house and I had no time to get to a weapon I would have to comply. Material things are not worth my family getting hurt

How do you know that simply complying will guarantee safety?

If you put some prevention measures and or barriers in place it would buy you the time to get the weapon and to the best location to offer a solid defense.
If you want to see another ugly story (not in CT), just look up what happened to Byrd and Melanie Billings, near Pensacola, in front of their children.

This was the case where the .... (I will NOT try go get around the language filter) .... invaders... failed to disable the security cameras, so their entry and egress was all on video.

No drugs involved, or thought to be involved, but the invaders thought the family had money in a safe.

Nice neighborhood, too.
If I am watching TV in my family room and 5 armed youngens come crashing through my side door I am in real bad shape. My shotgun and handgun are in the bedroom, as I ASSUME that my house will be broken into at night.

If I am CCW'ing while I am out I am covered but I do not carry within the confines of my home.

My wife is armed when she is home alone with our HD Winchester 1200, but again its in the bedroom. She doesn't walk around with it slung over her back.

I've also got a big dog with a big bark so that helps and my house looks like every other house on my street. No big boat in the driveway or Porsche in the garage here.
If I am watching TV in my family room and 5 armed youngens come crashing through my side door I am in real bad shape. My shotgun and handgun are in the bedroom, as I ASSUME that my house will be broken into at night.

The key is to fortify your entry ways to prevent such an instant entry. Make the five youngens work to get in, buying you precious time to get to upgraded armament. Don't assume anything. That the extra few seconds to put the shotgun next to you if you will be there for an extended period.
The question the OP asked was Would a 12ga be enough with 5 knife and gun weilding pricks. I would say yes. after you started shooting and let the air out of one or three of them the rest would scatter like cockroaches. These guys are punks looking for a soft target. When one starts shooting back they are not so brave any more.
It's always a good idea to go into combat underestimating the enemy, right?

So let's just assume the bad guys will always run away...

Realistically, they usually will. The question is, what happens when they don't?

How many shells does the 12ga in question hold? Does it have a spare ammo holder of some type on it? Have you practiced speed reloads with it? Reloads on the move, while taking cover?

Do you have a backup handgun to go with it, in case you run out of ammo, or don't have the shotgun handy when the intruders enter?

In my case, the answer would be five rounds, no spare holder but six spare shells near the gun, and I'm not as fast with the shotgun as I should be, so a multiple BG encounter could go south pretty quickly. I'd rather have my AR.

Another home invasion in GA...

This article says nothing about drugs. Items reported stolen were a computer, cash, and a gun.

The two things I find noteworthy here:

1) The intruders were waiting in the garage for the family to return, and ambushed them in the garage. Note to those with garages: Have a good locking system on your garage, not just the house; scan for people who might be waiting outside your garage, before you use your garage door opener; scan for people who might be inside the garage, before you actually pull in.

2) They tortured the wife to get the husband's compliance.
I said yes because it is possible and the long answer would have included the "maybe's" you had already posted.

My lightest capacity shotgun holds 7 plus 1. I have trained with it pretty good although not to competitive levels on the reloads.

My threegun shotgun, a Remington 1100 with 10 shot extension, would be even better, if the space to wield it were available. With this I am extremely confident that only molly maid would be needed when the shooting stopped. Its surprising how fast so many targets can be engaged and eliminated. Even for my relatively small frame.
threegun, in your case, sounds like a short answer of "yes" is probably accurate.

I think most of the people who practice shooting fast multiples do so with double barrels, though I'm sure there are many who do so with pumps or autos.

And, of course, there are threegunners.

But I assume that any of those people wouldn't have asked if a shotgun would do the trick. I also assume that anybody who asks the question, is probably not proficient at fast multiples or reloading.
threegun, in your case, sounds like a short answer of "yes" is probably accurate.

I think most of the people who practice shooting fast multiples do so with double barrels, though I'm sure there are many who do so with pumps or autos.

And, of course, there are threegunners.

But I assume that any of those people wouldn't have asked if a shotgun would do the trick. I also assume that anybody who asks the question, is probably not proficient at fast multiples or reloading.

Ah the good side of threegun, getting to shoot multiple targets and reloading AFAP.
Prevention has to be the key; strong locks and other methods of keeping the BG's out ... how is a woman in the shower supposed to reach a shotgun and fight off five armed men? Even sitting with the shotty in your lap poses a number of serious issues ...
This happened to me, so I know how she/ they felt. I was cutting grass one day s a couple of summers ago, I was 16 at the time I believe. I had just come back inside from cutting the grass, using the back door. I hopped in the shower, as I had plans later that night. Well, half way through my shower, my dog came upstairs and started scratching on the door. This IMMEDIATELY made me know for a fact something was wrong. As she literally NEVER came upstairs. So I hopped out of the shower quick, fast, and in a hurry, and looked down my stairs. And there was the BG, a black guy walking in front of the bottom of the stairs. So I grabbed my dads 12 G and called the police. Long story short, he left, they arrived, and of course, never found him or anything. You feel VERY vulnerable, and everyone who isn't a family member wants to kill you. Just a heads up, a dog will ALWAYS be in my house from now on. I also have an alarm system that beeps anytime anyone opens a door or window. And let's just say that if a BG gets in my house, then the pitbull is the least of his problems. The alarm system isn't as good as the dog. But hey, why not have both?