Another AWB question: can they take them?

Do you think New Orleans is going to do it again? How many states have passed laws against that since the Katrina/Nagin debacle? It is now less likely than it ever has been.
Do you think New Orleans is going to do it again? How many states have passed laws against that since the Katrina/Nagin debacle? It is now less likely than it ever has been.

Yes, I do think NO would do it again and I completely believe the officers ordered to do so would follow their orders. Then the NRA and SAF would have to go to court to get an injunction to stop it.

There already was a law against what they did. It is called the Constitution of the State of Louisiana. The Judge in the case found the police guilty of violating THE LAW in confiscating firearms, ordered it stopped and the guns returned (still not done!).

So the NO LEOs broke the law once. There is now another law. Why should you believe they will obey it too?

Laws mean nothing when the gov't chooses to ignore them.
If the UN got their way there would be a world wide ban of all guns and consification by UN Troups. I guess if Ohama gets in this could happen.
Any attempt to confiscate all the so-called assault rifles would definately have some unintended consequences.
Any attempt to confiscate all the so-called assault rifles would definately have some

thats an understatement
I don't think it's a question of can they or would they...more like when will they?

The soft glove is still on the iron fist. The iron fist is in place. NO was a dry run to gauge public reaction. You can bet money they're thinking about it. Think hard about if you would fight or not. Most internet commandoes talk big but will likely turn em in and rat you out for a few bucks and some hope to still keep walking around. If you would not really fight, save your money bro.

If you would fight, buy now and remember that they'll be offering rewards to your friends to rat you out. Ammo and food will be needed too. Trust no one.

Sounds farfetched and chicken little you may think? Maybe maybe not. I do know of 6 million jews who wish they were more paranoid and prepared when their government turned on them...
if there was a worldwide gun ban I think i would have to invent a semi automatic crossbow.

Chinese invented that over 1000 years ago. I think it held nine arrows and could fire all nine in less than 30 seconds.


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Should the man come knocking @ my door with the intention of gathering my guns my reply would be something along these lines.

"Umm... no sir.. all of those weapons that I had were either sold off, given away as gifts, or stolen but I can't recall too many of the details off hand....but I no longer have them...:D

If that wasn't good enough then I would put my self through peace officer training school simply to be part of the gang that will always be allowed to have them.

To summarize my fears/ concerns:

You guys have pretty much covered what I can see happening all too easily:
KChen986: confiscating arms that violate laws made after the fact violates the ex post facto/bill of attainder clause in Article I, section 9 of the constitution. Basically, they cannot criminalize behavior, then go back and punish all those individuals who violated it prior to the passage of the law. To do so would violate due process, since there isn't any due notice.
buzz_knox:This is true, but it doesn't apply here. What they do is to criminalize possession of the weapons themselves so the punishable conduct becomes possession of the weapon in the present, not in the past.
As for the 5th Amendment, it doesn't apply to possession of prohibited materials. The gov't didn't compensate owners of narcotics or alcohol when those items were banned.

As the test for the new president, a group of Islamic nutjobs armed with AKs, ARs, handguns, and improvised explosives hijacks a gun-free zone. When the first of the first responders show up, they are met with car bombs. When the next wave shows up, they take aimed sniper fire from other locations.
A more likely scenario (to me): Over the course of the next year (assuming a ban is not enacted right away) there are two or three cases where just plain old nutjobs (not "terrorists") take their "assault weapons" into a mall, school, church, etc., and kill a dozen or so people each because they're upset about something. Stories in the news will highlight how these assault weapons were used to massacre people. Politicians across the board decide these weapons serve no purpose other than to kill large numbers of people and they need to be removed from the population. They are outlawed, and you can either apply for some type of permit or stamp to keep the one(s) you already own (which you probably not get), or you can turn them in, which you may have to do anyway while you wait for your application for a permit to be processed (which will never happen). If you do not turn in the weapons for which you are applying for the permit, you are committing a crime, in which case you will not only be denied your permit, you may go to jail.

Another scenario:
The next president (whoever that may be:rolleyes:) has enough other stuff on his plate to worry about that he appoints a "Gun Control Czar" to worry about this stuff for him. This guy (or gal) presents to a heavily democratic congress legislation that will get dangerous weapons off the streets, saving countless children's lives, and making us all safer....Ban, Turn-ins, criminalize and prosecute people not following the new law. A few people go to jail with very serious charges and face long prison sentences; Most everyone else ("assault weapon" owners) turn in their guns to avoid this fate.
1) they will make you buy a stamp for every 'assault' type weapon you own. You must come register every gun that fits some description and pay an increasing fee every year on said weapon.

2) when they've had enough fun registering and taxing for awhile and they have a good list of who owns the guns, they will be able to refuse to reregister the guns anymore, making the guns illegal.
I totally agree.

As far as the New Orleans thin goes, I believe what they did was actually illegal. What I'm worried about is legislation passing which would outlaw these types of weapons (which could include everything except bolt action rifles, pump shotguns and revolvers). Once they are outlawed, it wont be illegal for them to take them away, it will be illegal for you not to turn them in.

I really hope I'm wrong, but my gut tells me we will see a pretty thorough ban very soon. I really hope it wont include mandatory turn-ins and buy-backs. If I had to bet I'd bet not (not yet at least), but I wouldn't be surprised.
If it ends up going before the Supreme Court, hopefully the wording of the second amendment ("well armed" and "shall not be infringed") will still hold some weight.

roach4047:If that wasn't good enough then I would put my self through peace officer training school simply to be part of the gang that will always be allowed to have them.
Not a bad idea.
If that wasn't good enough then I would put my self through peace officer training school simply to be part of the gang that will always be allowed to have them.

and there you go! People ask where they will find individuals to perform confiscations. It is simple, they will find them amongst the "privileged class" who those rules do not apply to.

I find the comments from two angle here laughable. In one argument we have people thinking NO was a planned test of confiscation methods. Like George Soros was sitting there with a master plan and map of NO sending out pre-selected hit teams to raid homes for guns. In the other argument we have the pot bellied suburban militia which thinks Americans would rise up and take to the barricades with their rifles should bans and confiscation come.

Both groups need to look at reality.

Katrina was a complete debacle where gov't (starting with the local) completely dropped the ball. They could not even get bottled water to where it was needed and left parking lots full of buses to be engulfed in a flood rather than use them for an evacuation. NOTHING WAS PLANNED IN NEW ORLEANS LEAST OF ALL DOOR TO DOOR CONFISCATIONS. When they authorities made those illegal confiscations it was out of fear. These people couldn't even keep their own officers from NO from looting and some here think there was a plan to test confiscation techniques in NO... how laughable.

As far as Americans rising up in Armed Resistance... Only a small fraction of gun owners can even be bothered to join the NRA. If you cannot get them to write a small check once a year what makes you think they are going to grab a rifle and take to the barricades. I heard Wayne LaPierre at a rally a couple weeks ago and he put out a pretty amazing figure. 122 Million people voted in the Presidential election in 2004 and last year Cabelas had 80 million customers. You would think voting on gun issues should be a no brainer but obviously the majority of shooters out there are simply LAZY. They will squak but if you cannot even get them to vote against people who advocate banning their guns then why would you expect them to shed their own blood?
I don't care who you are,a cop, a government official or the queen of
flippin' england,if you come to MY house and try to take MY legally owned guns I WILL shoot you.
If they come to my door nicely they will most likely find that I "lost" all of mine out in the Gulf of Mexico in a freak boating accident. :D If they bust in the door at 3 am there will be a firefight.

I dont really think it will come to that. I think at most they will just make it harder to get certain types of weapons. Which is absolutely idiotic. I remember the awb. You could still get AK's all day long with a thumb-hole stock. Hell, I bought one during the ban. :D

If they decide to go door to door using force I dont think that would be pretty. Just my opinion.
There seems to be alot of "if they come to take my guns ......" type of responses.
What happens if it is not "Mr. Jones, Were here for your guns", but "Mr Jones, You have the right to remain silent ........"

If the police were to come and try to place you under arrest, or tell you they have a search warrant, are there alot of people who will seriously start blasting away? I'm sure there are people who will say they will, and maybe even a few who really will, but when push comes to shove, I don't think most of us are willing to start a stand-off or gun down police officers on their front steps. Both are lose/lose situations; You will either leave in the back of a squad car or a body bag.

I really doubt there will be New Orleans style confiscations. I can much more easily imagine warrants and arrests.

Either way I'm not willing to shoot it out and leave a widow and fatherless children, but thats just me; some of you might.

It's a damn shame, but I feel like if the right people are in place in congress, and the right president is in the white house they'll be able to do whatever they want and there will nothing anyone can do about it.
I think at most they will just make it harder to get certain types of weapons. Which is absolutely idiotic. I remember the awb. You could still get AK's all day long with a thumb-hole stock. Hell, I bought one during the ban.
Don't think they can't learn from their mistakes. If there is another ban I wouldn't expect it to be like the last one.

As kind of an aside, does anyone know how they did it in Australia and England? I know they a buyback in Australia which was paid for with some kind of sales tax increase, which I don't see them doing here (the paying us for them); but what were the consequences of not turning them in? (not rhetorical - I'm asking)
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Tricky times we live in. I personally am a democrat but very NON-liberal. However, I to fear that we could lose our rights to carry and even more so own firearms no matter who is elected. Hopefully, the powers that be will not attempt to infringe on our rights even more than they already have. Things are pretty messed up right now and I think a gun ban or almost any non economy related act will be unlikely. Finally, if a ban is implemented then I guess each person has to decide how much they are willing to let their civil rights be violated as I am not giving up mine.
Things are pretty messed up right now and I think a gun ban or almost any non economy related act will be unlikely.

Things were messed up in 1934, and they passed the NFA. They'll do the same here as 1) it's feel good legislation that'll satiate the hyperlibs, when the economy won't support the wealth redistribution plans and 2) it's guaranteed employment for gov't employees. The more things you criminalize, the more gov't you need to "deal" with the criminals.
If the police were to come and try to place you under arrest, or tell you they have a search warrant, are there alot of people who will seriously start blasting away? I'm sure there are people who will say they will, and maybe even a few who really will, but when push comes to shove, I don't think most of us are willing to start a stand-off or gun down police officers on their front steps. Both are lose/lose situations; You will either leave in the back of a squad car or a body bag.
Um, no. I'm not chest-beating or LEO bashing but after a few arrests and/or gun owner deaths, the police would be in deep poo down here.

Do you really think we're going to sit in our darkened homes waiting to be flushed individually and mown down like barn rats? How 'bout "we" visit you at your staging area? Are we having fun yet?

Just talking about it makes me sick. I didn't serve my country for it to come to this.

The police could not handle it. No way. I say that with the highest regard & respect.

So now we're talking military.

"They" know this.

It's not gonna happen.

If it does...

God help us all.

History repeats!

Just had a discussion with a coworker while we were shooting some clays. He said he was going to vote for the economy. :rolleyes: I told him I was voting for FREEDOM.
Do you really think we're going to sit in our darkened homes waiting to be flushed individually and mown down like barn rats? How 'bout "we" visit you at your staging area? Are we having fun yet?
Some will wait like rats in a hole, and some will recognize their place in history. This is the sort of moment that separated the founding fathers of our nation from lesser men. If the police went through my town confiscating guns, word would get around fast, and instantly there'd be a civilian "militia" formed up that would meet the requirements even of the Brady's. I think the police would rethink their priorities when faced with a forest of civilian rifle barrels.

PS: This was not intended as a police bashing post. I have major respect for the men in blue, and the tough job that they do every day. This post was about patriotism and what's worth fighting and even dying for.