It's okay to recognize that she was hostile to a right that we feel is pivotal to remaining free. Openly hostile toward it.
I really don't see what I should be respecting. In my view, certain positions on issues that affect real life, law, freedom, can prejudice a person's overall worth in my eyes, and make any so-called positives they have done minimal when contrasted with the great evils they have attempted (or even succeeded) in perpetrating. If someone cured a horrible disease, but turned out to have conducted cruel experiments on infants to do it, and then that person died, I would not speak well of that person after his death, even though I would be glad for the cure to have been found.
How many people became victims of criminals during the time when Texans
could have had CCW, but didn't because of Richards' veto of the people's desire?
I already said that I don't wish cancer on anyone. My mom died of cancer. I have known plenty of people who have died of it, or who have it, or who have had it. I don't wish illness on anyone.
Hey, I have an idea, let's talk about George Clooney, who said that he's glad Charlton Heston has Alzheimer's disease because anyone who would be NRA president deserves it. :barf: