Take a look at all the issues that take away our liberties and you will see a majority of women voting for them. ("Majority" meaning that there are exceptions)
IMO, the downfall of America and our freedoms began when they started letting women vote.
Take a look at the record...you may be surprised. Yep, I know that last statement will just piss off a lot of people...but go look at the numbers and see if you still disagree. I could go on and on but everything from the seventies sexual revolution up to today, the degradation of family, the growth of government programs, etc etc etc all stem from the feminist movement and women's voting in the matters. Look at them all and look for the root cause of our society problems today. It all leads back directly to the extremist feminist movement of the last few decades (as opposed to women just fighting for equality, there is a point where it has gone too far).
Of course some women have logic and understand the fight for freedom, but the majority are damaging to the American cause.
Clinton, Gun Control, feel good laws....etc etc...they are all voted in by a majority of women.
Few men voted for Clinton (Women voted Clinton in...twice!).
Few men support gun control. Logic guides men's votes, rather than "feelings" and 30 second soundbites that give women the butterflies, sending them on unsubstantiated crusades.
Lest you think I am a chauvinist pig...I am a woman and this is my opinion. I am NOT for putting women back to the days of long ago where they were property and inferior to men....but I am simply stating that when it comes to voting and governmental issues, most women are just not up to the task of making good decisions.
Flame away, I probably won't respond because I just don't have time. I am an ambitious woman, mid twenties, getting my SECOND bachelors degree and very busy at it. I am not what some people might picture me. I am well educated, all for women's equality etc, but that does not mean that I cannot see that most women just stink at making these kinds of policy decisions.
If the truth be known, when it comes down to it, I would sacrifice my Right to vote if it meant that all the other idiot women out there could not vote either, because there are just too many of them out there.
But, that will never happen and it would mean the loss of other things. So, what is the answer? I don't know. Hopefully the women of this country will get some sense knocked into them some time and start thinking thoroughly about these issues before they start their crusades to give up liberty for a little security.
I think a lot could be said here about the role of men and their natural instinct, but it would be very long. Couter hit on that point shortly in her article. Men are the providers by nature and these things are hardwired into their brains. They must think of long term effects to their family. Men respect liberty more because they understand the direct enemy threat to their family when liberty is given up. Women are nurterers by nature. They can only see what gov't needs to do to nurture society. This could get very deep, but think about it and you will see a difference in how men and women vote. Totally different trains of thought; totally different perceptions of the issues.
Ps- I don't see anywhere that Couter said that Liberals should not be allowed to vote. Maybe Colombe should read that article again and point out where Couter says that?
I do believe that Liberals should be able to vote, but I do wish there was some way to make people be more educated on matters before they have a say.
When it comes down to it, the media is really responsible. The problem being that women (in general) seem to be more influenced by media chatter and 30 second sound bites whereas men (in general) seem to think a little before they take action.
Enough rambling...gotta go study.
[This message has been edited by CassandraComplex (edited April 27, 2000).]