And now, let's purge some more allies -- NOT!

CR, it all sounds like a recipe for disaster further down the road.

It's possible that no one else will say it. Understand that this said with no malice whatsoever, but I'll venture the impending heat.

Maybe you should consider a new girlfriend...


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited June 16, 1999).]

Perhaps I should have said that I had one of my father's former employees OVER for supper the other night.

CR, you should be familiar with the psychiatrist gambit from your days in the Soviet Union. Yep, that's right, folks. If you don't agree with the party line then you are obviously mentally ill and an enemy of the State! But we will send you to a psychiatric facility and cure you. Personally, I'm surprised that your girlfriend and friends don't scare the hell out of you. Psychiatrist, indeed.
Q resents the comparisons I make between local and Soviet tactics. I did mention that particular aspect to her...

Trouble is, I tend to be MUCH more willing to listen to people I have known as friends than to strangers. When Q says "I want you to reduce the number of guns you own" I might say "I will think about it" rather than answer with a .223 Same with other friends, some of whom stated that "guns will get me into trouble" -- I disregard that comment but still like them.

I do wonder about the wizdom of shacking up with someone who dislikes so many aspects of me and my views. Shades of Mark Penman's Laissez Firearm here, scary...
Oh, and a word about the roads. The present highway system policies was put in place in 30's. It was a conscious decision by government to stimulate the production of the automobile and led to massive air pollution and the dominance of the oil companies as well as creating a crippling economic dependence on foreign oil. It was not done for the public good. It was done for the benefit of the automobile corporations and the oil companies.

The interstate system was first proposed in the fifties by the Eisenhower administration.
The primary purpose of the interstate system is to function as military highways. As such, it is a valid expenditure under libertarian principles. The first and best highways in America were privately owned highways. There are non-coercive, non-governmental alternatives to government financed and maintained highways. Why should I pay for a non military highway that I will never drive on even once? Why shouldn't I pay for the highways I do drive? On a further note, look at the number of government owned toll roads.

Oh, and a cursory reading of history will illuminate welfare. In Rome, it was called bread and circuses. It was a method of control to keep the poor content with their lot so they would not upset the applecart for the rulers. Sound familiar? The Democrats have the poor of this nation right where they want them-poor and dependent on the government largesse. Nothing frightens them more than the idea of an economically self sufficient electorate. Therefore, they tailor their policies to ensure that poverty is self perpetuating. I am not talking about your average run of the mill liberal here. They are simply the dupes of their leaders. But the attainment of their stated goals would be a disaster for the liberal leaders. Most poor people become conservative after they attain middle class status.

On a related subject, consider fire departments-another area where libertarian detractors say that libertarian policies would break down. The handful (four or five) of private fire departments in the nation have been responsible for 75% of all technical innovation in firefighting over the last thirty years. The 10,000 government owned and operated fire departments have been responsible for 25% of the technical innovations of the past thirty years. One small example of the difference in efficiency between the private sector and government.

And for homework: Find out how many jobs the private sector creates with a billion dollars of investment. Find out how many fewer jobs the government creates with a billion dollars taxed from the private sector. Multiply this number of jobs by the number of billions the government steals. You will then have the true economic cost of the Great Society. And economic cost is not what they would have you think. Economic cost is people out of work. Tax the corporations? Where do they get their money? One place. You.

[This message has been edited by Spartacus (edited June 16, 1999).]
Rat, good luck w/ the shrink. if Q thinks he's going to get you out of your paranoid state, she will be disappointed. he will try to find out why your paranoid, but he can't make it go away. he may be able to tell you how to deal w/ it, but he won't be able to make it go away. i hate to say it, but the only why for it to go away is to start thinking like the sheeple, condition white, everything is lovely, nothing bad can/is going to happen, the world is comming up roses! rather than tell you to get rid of Q, i would suggest that maybe Q go w/ you on these appointments, maybe she would better understand your side of the story. it takes a damn good woman to put up w/ the kind of stuff mine does, but she learned, i ain't sayin' she agrees w/ me, but she understands, and i love her for that. if Q really cares for you, she'll learn also.. Rat, good luck!!

what me worry? hell yes!!
Rat, ol' buddy - Lemme tell ya 'bout livin' with a "libral" and hopolophobe at that: my wife. We've been cancellin' one another's vote out for the past 20 years. She's a high school English teacher and I work for a defense contractor (love those missiles!). She's never met a gun or a gun law she didn't like. I even took her shooting once; she was a better shot than I. But that was it. No more. Never again. Not interested.

One thing she does not do, however, is begrudge me my passion for firearms and our Second Amendment freedoms.

Interestingly enough, she says she doesn't need a gun because she has an armed husband. I just have to shake my head and wonder at the logic.

So, what keeps a couple like this together? Common interests in other areas (KIDS, music, books, comedy) and GREAT SEX. She's a beautiful lady, wonderful mother, and enduring soul mate. Who knows; when we retire maybe I can get her into reloading.....

Safe shooting - PKAY