An example for the endless is 5 enough, I can't handle more than one opponent

amen. i dont share that information face to face. I've gotten tired of the endless blathering by people who decide with something other than their brains and base their decision on not so bright ideas. I met a guy who carries a g19 everywhere with three magazines. He thinks that nobody can see them stuck in his pants while he wears his tee shirts. He told me that he walks up and down the mall for hours and nobody has noticed it.

there is something really messed up here.
That was an amazing story and definitely an eye opener. I appreciate you sharing that Glenn. I will keep the actions of that officer in mind while I plan my training. Specifically, repeated firing of accurate shots until the target is down. That officer efficiently maximized all the firepower he had at his disposal. He surely wished he had more, but effectively used what he had.

However, one important fact comes to mind here. He was in a location likely to be a terrorist target. As a peace officer, he could not have avoided being there and thank God he was.

However, as a civilian with no more responsibility or obligation than the security and safety of myself and my immediate party, I have the choice to avoid such a dangerous location. Not being where such a violent attack may take place increases my chances greatly.

This thread talks about this officer having been briefed on intelligence about the threat. This story and others like it (Mall attacks, dance club attacks, public school shootings, etc), are in fact intelligence about these attacks that we all can use. Use this intelligence wisely. The best way to survive a gun fight is don't show up. Avoid targets of opportunity.
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