
That is what I thought. If there was a stockpile of 2 million rifles worth $10,000 (my out of air estimated value of a full auto lower once the market gets a limited flood) each less $500 processing cost, that would generate revenue of nineteen billion dollars.

I also think this is never going to happen, but a lot of people would like to see .gov pull in that kind of cash at no expense.
Ya'll are smoking crack if you think .gov or .mil would ever dream of having a "clearance sale" on weapons

I dont think anyone is smoking crack or dreaming here of anything. We are just discussing hytheticals- not day dreaming and assuming things, now that will be something like smoking crack.
Firepower!: dogtown...
I rather pay and get what I want than not having it at all.

Money is of no concern.

How long have you been a Democrat? Could you try to sound more elitist?
It seems the only way the Democratic Party knows how to raise revenue is by raising taxes.

The Second Amendment is a right, not a revenue generator. Would your plan to heavily tax NFA firearms extend to other rights we enjoy? For example reading the newspaper? Going to church? Voting? Why not do a poll tax? Oh, because that is illegal.

You Democrats can keep the NFA tax @ $200 per and just permanantly reopen the registry to new NFA firearms. This would boost the economy and more people could take advantage of their right to own a fully automatic firearm. More purchasers= more manufacturing=more jobs=more sales taxes collected. There's your revenue.

Your method (very high taxes) would kill the companies that manufacture the very guns you want to buy.:barf: Hell, at least half my transfer business can be attributed to people wanting to avoid paying Texas sales tax. The busiest sales period in Texas is during the "tax free weekend" held every summer right before school starts.

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Ya'll are smoking crack if you think .gov or .mil would ever dream of having a "clearance sale" on weapons.

All the old weapons get given off to training units such as Cadet Command (I had an M16A1 when I went through my ROTC gay-ness at Ft. Lewis in early 2000s), given/sold to PDs or allied nations.

Anyone who has been around the military and seen how anal it is with weapons, knows their never going to let them be touched by a civi.

I think most of us know this. The point is that it's STUPID! Civilians would pay far more money for our government's old weapons than foreign countries. Furthermore, OUR GOVERNMENT should trust US Citizens with it's old weapons more than it trusts foreign countries. Our government obviously considers us, its citizens, it's biggest enemy. THAT is the problem, my friend.
OUR GOVERNMENT should trust US Citizens with it's old weapons more than it trusts foreign countries
The problem with your statements is the weapons aren't given to a trusted friend as much as to buy the loyalty of a necessary ally. Construction contracts are used more so for this purpose, but so are the weapons.

If you are willing to go fight in Iraq I am fairly certain the US government will GIVE you a full auto rifle and ammunition.

Not saying it is right/wrong, just that it has more to do with incentives than trust.
Yes and look at the lengths both have gone to in the last two decades in order to distance themselves. THe CMP is going to be out of biz pretty soon unless they let them sell M14s anyways.
Not saying it is right/wrong, just that it has more to do with incentives than trust.

I don't believe that. If that were true, then we wouldn't have a machine gun ban. We would still be permitted to purchase a new machinegun built in 2009 rather than be limited to those constructed pre-86. The government doesn't mind giving handouts to millions of people...but sell its citizens a used gun, FORGET IT! Yeah, our Government really trusts us.
I was speaking more about their motivation to sell/loan to other countries. It is not because they trust those other countries, at least in most cases.

I won't try to further explain my point as I think it was made pretty clearly.