
Better to arrest, prosecute and cause fear than to risk actually having a working register of controlled weapons. Those that weren't registered by the cutoff date are likely kept in the strictest of secrecy (like the millions of firearms leftover from any of the numerous European conflicts).
So, working around all the sarcasm, the attempts at introducing legislature to allow, for example, amnesty for weapons found in the "attics" of deceased WWII vets is a dead issue?
It doesn't look like it is going to happen. Right now the only effort is to get an exemption for the movie industry from 922(o) (machinegun ban), so they don't have to go to Canada to film shows with post-86 machineguns or dub in sound/light effects for Airsoft guns.
You have a Dem in the whitehouse. Dems control the Senate. Dems control the House.

What part of this present situation gives us any hope that there is going to be another machine gun amnesty in the near future?:mad: Even when the Republicans controlled the Presidency, Senate and the House, this didn't happen.
I don't see this ever happening. More likely the registry would be reopened IMO. Can you imagine what the cost of a preban 10-22 would go up to preceding this? There would be all kinds of people trying to find old receivers and convert.
Depends on what you consider to be an amnesty.

My own opinion is that the NFA Transfer Registry is now thoroughly impeached as anything more than hearsay evidence. Which means that there is a significant chance that a court will rule that it is up to ATF to prove illegal posession, rather than the owner having to prove his lack of guilt.

When this looks imminent, ATF will use the amnesty authority to declare a "re-registration" period. Anything that could possibly have been legally owned can be freshly papered.

An unlimited amnesty? Doubtful - but don't count a repeal of section 922(o) out.
Actaully, I was wondering about the bill that would allow amnesty registration of NFA weapons that some of our WWII vets had stashed in the attics, and are being discovered by heirs as the vets die off.
I think there should be lobby to have the registry reopened. Perhaps, just levy a big yearly tax on ownership of each modern weapon. This way revenue will be generated and folks who really want to pay and have new auto weapons should be able to enjoy. Also, someone may enjoy a weapon with heavy tax for a year and then sell it off when done with it.

Just a thought since I think banning and item is just stupid and creates market for illegal weapons.
Firepower! I think there should be lobby to have the registry reopened. Perhaps, just levy a big yearly tax on ownership of each modern weapon. This way revenue will be generated and folks who really want to pay and have new auto weapons should be able to enjoy. Also, someone may enjoy a weapon with heavy tax for a year and then sell it off when done with it.

Just a thought since I think banning and item is just stupid and creates market for illegal weapons.

Another tax? Why?:barf:

Why do we need another tax levied much less one you consider heavy?:barf:

Wouldn't this "heavy tax" serve as a ban in and of itself? Wouldn't those intent on crime just steal their automatic firearms instead of paying the tax?

Please explain why only those able to afford this "heavy tax" should be able to register & use new fully automatic weapons.:mad:

And most of all.......
..and then sell it off when done with it...
what I meant was with an amnesty you could go out and buy pre-86, then convert and register them and resell. I think every pre-86 10-22 would end up full auto.

Updated for inflation the NFA tax would be about $3200. How many would pay that to register a full auto weapon? Maybe that is what needs to be pushed right now to make headway on the issue. Even at $5,000 I think it would go a bit crazy with new registrations. A lot of money could be made for the government.
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A lot of money could be made for the government.

More money could be made if the government simply took their old M16's, registered them on Form 4's and sold them to Civilians.
I think allowing civilians to purchase weapons and register them is more likaly than the government selling them. I don't think .gov or .mil wants to be associated with civilian arms sales.
Ok, so lets look at this possibility more closely. How many old M16 lowers are in government storage? I would guess they have actually all been converted or destroyed. If it was a way to make 3 billion dollars over the next year it might actually get some traction, but if this would have to be a slow release as currently used rifles are phased out, no way in hell.

I don't think it could happen either way, but if .gov can bring in some money right now a lot of people in the middle would become fans. Maybe restrict initial sale to retired military officers or members of the IRR, although right now that probably would not go over well.

Yes I realize it is unfair, just trying to think of what would be the most likely criteria for this to pass through all the crap.
More money could be made if the government simply took their old M16's, registered them on Form 4's and sold them to Civilians.

Ya'll are smoking crack if you think .gov or .mil would ever dream of having a "clearance sale" on weapons.

All the old weapons get given off to training units such as Cadet Command (I had an M16A1 when I went through my ROTC gay-ness at Ft. Lewis in early 2000s), given/sold to PDs or allied nations.

Anyone who has been around the military and seen how anal it is with weapons, knows their never going to let them be touched by a civi.