Ammunition tax

BTW: If ever you've experienced tar hot enough to be slopped-on/stick to a human being -- even clothed, that human being suffered massive 2nd & 3rd-degree burns and usually died an agonizing death.

It wasn't all just fun & games as shown in the 8th-grade history books of old.

You died... after a long and horrible period.
"Roll your own". Funny you should say that. I don't smoke, but in PA the loose tobacco for cigarettes is taxed and the loose pipe tobacco is not. See where that will go with powder?
Funny, the pipe tobacco analogy kinda highlights my point.

I am a pipe smoker. A good majority of pipe tobacco is light years above the quality of cigarette tobacco. It is meticulously aged and blended by artisans, some of the pipes are hand carved and unique as snowflakes. The act of smoking pipes is an art in itself, like any other indulgences such as high end wine and gourmet food.

The cigarette smokers found a loophole in the roll your own arena. Large amounts of cheap cigarette tobacco sold as "pipe tobacco" to skirt around the law and smoke cheap cigarettes. Also, vapers came into existence as well and they could enjoy their addictions more freely.

Now the people in charge of indulgences has gotten the FDA to try to enact sweeping regulatory changes to cover all forms of tobacco and nicotine ingestion and has even cause some tobacconist and blenders to go out of business and more to follow.

I feel anti this and that groups are getting tired of their attempts restrict individual freedoms being met with work arounds and loopholes.
I feel future legislation and regulation will deal with eliminating gaps, such as reloading and rifle-pistols and such.
No matter what it is, if THEY don't approve of it, they'll try to ban it. IF they can't ban it outright, they'll TAX it and keep adding to the tax until enough people don't do it, and then they ban it.

And you can spot who "THEY" are easily enough, they're the people who want you to stop doing whatever it is that you enjoy....