Ammo Prices Keep Going Up!?


New member
Is this all anti-gun political BS or what is going on?

I remember hearing something about anti gun people wanting to try to make it too expensive to buy ammo so people couldn't afford guns, kind of like the BS "they" do with smoking taxes and banning.

Last time I bought some American Eagle 150gr 30'06 it was around $14 a box, and I used to get them for $10-$11. I thought "Man thats more than I used to pay, that sucks."

I was at Gander mountain Sunday and all of the boxes of 30'06 were over $30!?!?!

I was talking to the clerk and he said that the prices will be going up again soon at least 10%!!!

I shoot a lot, but I've stocked up, so I haven't bought any boxes of much for about a year. I knew the prices for metals have risen because of the Chinese buying up all of them, but I didn't know the prices were still rising! How much longer will this all go one??

Will we see $50 for 20 standard rounds of 308?

I added them up last night and I could reload 45/70 for a little over $12 a box, and to buy one at the store would be $30+.

My reloading bench is getting set up very soon.
I knew the prices for metals have risen because of the Chinese buying up all of them, but I didn't know the prices were still rising! How much longer will this all go one??

Probably for many years. Most, if not all, commodity prices are in a long-term upward trend. Not just because of China, but because of the many economies which are growing at a very fast pace. Copper futures on the London Metal Exchange have more than quadrupled since 2002. Better get used to it........
Better get used to it........

Yes, let us rejoice in being overcharged, let us continue to say we can't fix anything, We the consumer have the power if we use it as a group,of course it requires sacrifice but nothing comes easy.

The phrase"better get use to it" primary reason why our country is in such a mess.:mad:
Yes, let us rejoice in being overcharged, let us continue to say we can't fix anything, We the consumer have the power if we use it as a group,of course it requires sacrifice but nothing comes easy.

The phrase"better get use to it" primary reason why our country is in such a mess.

You are not "being overcharged". Prices rise, or fall, on the world markets in relation to supply and demand. You, as a consumer, have exactly nothing to do with it.

In the case of copper (and lead) world demand is going up, and the world supply is going down. The world supply of copper is in a downward trend, and has been for years. New supplies of the metal cannot meet the increased demand, so you had better get used to higher prices. That is simply how capitalism works, and has nothing to do with our country being "in a mess".
Prices rise, or fall, on the world markets in relation to supply and demand. You, as a consumer, have exactly nothing to do with it.

The consumer has exactly nothing to do with supply and demand? I think the consumer has just a bit of influence on demand and in many cases on supply also.:)
The consumer has exactly nothing to do with supply and demand? I think the consumer has just a bit of influence on demand and in many cases on supply also.

I am referring to the world price of copper. Do you honestly think that all of the people who buy ammunition in the US have a major influence on world copper prices? Or the world supply of the metal?
I am referring to the world price of copper. Do you honestly think that all of the people who buy ammunition in the US have a major influence on world copper prices? Or the world supply of the metal?

Heck, I'd say that all the people who buy ammunition in the use don't have a major influence on the price of ammunition. There's always a conflict or two going on in the world chewing up much more ammunition than we're buying to stock up in our basements.

But yeah, things like copper and lead are ruled by supply and demand as much as anything else. Personally, I'm thinking it's time to actually look into reloading.
Do you honestly think that all of the people who buy ammunition in the US have a major influence on world copper prices? Or the world supply of the metal?

You didn't say "major influence" in your initial post. However small an influence is still an influence and not "exactly nothing".

A little nitpicky, but true.:)
If you think ammo prices might be headed downward any time soon.......

......overall population estimates of 10 billion people by 2100 and the world will require 1.7 billion metric tons of copper by that date--more than even the most generous estimate of available resources.

"1.7 billion metric tons of copper". I really don't think that we, as consumers of ammunition, are able to exert much influence on a number that large.
anti-gun political BS?

perhaps the conflict in the middle east has something to do with it? it's driving up the prices for many things, not just ammo
we may not be overcharged for ammo but we are being overcharged for fuel that delivers the ammo to the stores. i dont know about anybody else but i blame rising prices on everything to rising fuel costs.
Sounds like the only answer is to start Reloading your own.

Its farely simple, just needs safety, acurracy, and space. I'm working on the space.

Or we can always start that revolution everyone is always preparring for...
we may not be overcharged for ammo but we are being overcharged for fuel that delivers the ammo to the stores. i dont know about anybody else but i blame rising prices on everything to rising fuel costs.

Interesting. Adjusted for inflation, crude oil (and therefore gasoline) prices are lower today than they were in 1979-1982.

Year......barrel of oil
1979 --- $71.96
1980 --- $95.50
1981 --- $82.70
1982 --- $69.33

2007 --- $64.92
Adjusted for inflation, crude oil (and therefore gasoline) prices are lower today than they were in 1979-1982

First: crude prices aren't very tightly linked to gasoline. Gas is only slightly lower than the record highs of ca. 1980 (inflation adjusted).

Crude hit $100/barrel earlier this year, and is currently just shy of $93/barrel.

I'm collecting brass and loading my own ammo these days. Though jacketed or plated bullets are getting awfully expensive...
Besides which, he's comparing crude prices in 2007 to a period of record (or near-record, to lazy to verify) highs. I think it would be more illuminating to fill in the years between 1982 and 2007, personally. No need to spoil the mystery, of course, I'm looking at a graph of it right now (1970 to 2007).

So what you're really saying, sasquatch, is that oil today is at least somewhat cheaper than that other time oil was obscenely expensive. Yay?

Though yes, rising fuel costs are only a small part of the rising cost of ammunition.
The base of the GOP is divided........will they look in their collective pants and find that they do have a pair.....IMHO it do not look good.

In 1992 the base was united against Clinton.
Now the base is split....

Get ready to go backwards on guns......and McCain will lead the way....because he wants to be loved by the MSM