Ammo, in light of today's events


New member
Ammo, in light of today's even..

I just went to pick up some ammo. Let me just say, the gun stores are busy today. The way I see it, there are two ways this thing can swing...

1) We become a police state, and all guns are gone.

2) People start to realize, that the federal government can't do sh*t to protect them, they have to protect themselves, and go buy some guns, in which almost all gun laws will be repealed...

Anyways, I use to keep 38Spls in my Ruger SP101 as my home defense. After today, (Right now) I'm carrying my SP101 with .357Mag HP's. Anybody switch ammo in light of today's events?


(Of course that box of 1000 rounds of 308 in the corner gives me some warm fuzzies also..)
Unfortunately, unless you have a 40mm Bofors L70, the liklehood of interfering with an airplane's nirmal operation is slim.

Personally, I always keep a small amount of 'reserve' ammo around, just in case.
I usually carry a J-frame or PPK. Today, i went out with my 229. Some scary sh*t going on. I think Chad has it right, though. Even my AR-15 isn't going to do much against a 747.
Actually, not 767's, I was thinking more like looting and riots. I live in LA... home of the car chases and looting and rioting..

Ben, left hip Steyr M40 .40S&W. right kidney, Ruger SP101 with .357Mag HP's. 2 extra mags for my Steyr.

Living room, my shotgun, My M1A, and my SKS, all loaded with almost a thousand rounds of ammo..

:D You cannot believe how many people have asked to borrow a gun from me today... amazing, "We hate gunners!" After a few plane crashes "Err we hate gunners... can we borrow a gun from ya??"

twoblink, I hear ya'. My dad always thought I was nuts for keeping the amount of ammo stocked that I do. He told me today he was no longer questioning the practice. I usually carry 2 guns, ankle(sp101 357) & IWB(rugerp94 in 40). Usually 1 speedloader, 1 spare clip. I'm glad that had it happended here where I live I would have been prepared. Due to personal beliefs I also keep a 72 hr. emergency kit at hand. It would be horrible but I would have been better off than most.
That's the other end: all the anti's will want us to step up & save 'em. Maybe some of them with intelligence will finally undersand we were right all along.

Nope, but today was the first time in a long time that I've carried a gun to the office, and had it with me while there.

Kahr K9, with Federal Hydrashoks.
This has to be the first day since I got to this state that I haven't heard some sort of anti-gun comment at home. I had a feeling after I heard this that the gun shops would be busy today.
Chad . . .

With respect, there is no guarantee that the next time -- and, tragically, there certainly will be a next time -- terrorists will come at us with hijacked aircraft. They just might use firearms, chemical or biological weapons, or a combination of things. Since the government cannot protect me (no fault implied), I must protect myself.

Working a half-mile from the Pentagon and being in the building many times every week, I brought my 1911A1 (Springfield TRP) to work with me this morning. No, it won't stop a renegade 767, but it cannot hurt to have it nearby.
I am telling people now "Federal government can't protect you, so take some personal responsibilty to protect yourself".

Some understand now, others are still in a fog.

.357Mags are great! A bit hot out of snubbies, but in the SP101, not too hot to handle.. I mean, not exactly your .38Spls but hey, it will drop a guy with 5 shots in the heart..

If citizens could legally carry on airlines? Planes may still have crashed as the PA one. But, maybe all the lives on the ground would have been saved.

Just thinking...:rolleyes:
Does anyone rember the sky marshalls? Maybe bring them back?
Let poeple with ccw's carry on planes? The plane blowing out after a gunshot is media BULL****. Ask any fighter pilot that's had his plane take a hit.
Greeting's All,

Nope, haven't even considered switching ammo; cause my
Sig P220A .45ACP is stoked with Federal's 230 grain Hydra-
Shok's, and my Sig P228 is stoked with Winchester's 147 grain
"Black Talon" 9m/m's.

Smith N' Wesson revolver's are stoked with Federal's 125
grain +P Hydra-Shok's in the 686, and the 629 carries the
Remington-UMC 180 grain JSP's. The 12 gague Remington
Marine Magnum is loaded with Federal's 00 Buck.

If I run out of factory handgun ammo, then I will resort to
my carefully assembled handloads in caliber's: .38 Spl, .357
magnum, 9m/m's, .44 magnum, and .45ACP. So, you
might say, "I'm awaiting the call to arms".

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
If we can carry in the air..

This article basically covers what I wanted to say, and what most of us are thinking. You shoot a hole. the plane goes down. You lose 86 lives. But NOTHING comes close 2x110 story buildings and 10K+ lives.

I think "aviation approved fragmented bullets" might be the way to go in the air, but I would like to think they are not a requirement, and people with CCW's who want to carry in the air, will choose those bullets for their own safety..

Hey twoblink, I'm going to do some research on this, but I'm almost positive the plane would just have to descend to a level that had enough oxegen. I doubt a 1/2 inch hole would cause that much trouble.
Airplane not gonna fall down just cause somebody shot a hole in it.

Add up the area of all the leaks on a big un and put all the leaks together in one hole. Probably be able to walk through it.

Handfull of thirty, forty or whatever caliber holes would make little difference.

Kick out a window and then then you go down to twenty thousand feet and below. Some folks not gonna do well till below ten thousand feet.

I've got about a dozen ammo cans full of 9mm, 40sw, 10mm, 45 acp, and 44 mag and another 5k in bullets awaiting loading and 8 or so different powders.

buy in bulk
A *real* irony!

The ultimate airliner defense gun is banned under the NFA: a 3 or 4-shot 12ga with a pistol grip and a cut-down 10" or so barrel loaded 3" magnum bean bags.