Republicans don't seem to have a contender for pres.
I agree that the field is 'relatively' weak--Yet I would take anyone instead of BHO and yes I do mean that literally.
Obama is not nearly as anti gun as some like to say.
With all due respect, are you kidding me...? I almost lost my breakfast with that comment (please advise if you would like elaboration).
Dems in general are not as anti gun as some like to say.
Agreed if we are talking, for example, about 'some' Southern Dems (however, remember that Al "I founded the Internet" Gore lost his own State of TN. because he was/is anti-Second Amendment. Imagine, if you will, had Al Gore won that election what impact it would have had on our cherished Second Amendment Constitutional rights...?
They had the perfect opportunity to go after high cap mags when congress woman Giffords was shot and they did not.
Wrong--They did not have enough votes to get the bill out of the House or they would have indeed as you mentioned tried to pass gun legislation. Here is their current game plan--Precisely because they cannot get gun-control through Congress due to stringent Republican opposition, BHO (provided he wins re-election) will use the back-door approach by appointing yet another LIBERAL SC Justice to the bench whereby they will then have enough votes (5-4 majority ruling) to overturn the Second Amendment as we know it--Keep in mind that it is inevitable that one of the SC Justices will either retire due to age/ill-health or at this point even expire while on the bench sometime in the next five years (have a look at the health/age of some of them).