Please note:
We have just finished an election cycle, and ALL politicians are basically safe for the next 2 years, and many for the next 4.
Now they can trot out their own agendas, the ones they had to keep to themselves in order to get (re)elected. I'm actually surprised it took an entire month for a "suitable" reason to occur.
Also note, from what, the day after the Conn mass murders of children that the media was running banners about how this was the "tipping point" for gun control and how now we can get something done, etc...
The programming on our tvs is there for one reason, and only one reason, to make money. If they can advance a cause or agenda while making money, they will. But unless someone is bankrolling an agenda driven show, if it doesn't make money, or even looks like they may lose sponsors from their network because of a show in the lineup, its gone. And yes, there is a HUGE double standard at work.