America - Best days behind her?

The United States of America went into decline in the spring of 1951 when President Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur.
Kit. I agree with you 100 %. Also on a comment K80Geoff made about the japanese not inventing anything. You're right. Our big corporations invent, and patent all kinds of stuff. BUT! if they cannot make an instant obscene profit on it, they don't bother, sell the patent tp the japanese to work with, and they(the japs) reap the profits, because thay are willing to put the time and effort into whatever the idea was. Gosh, I hope that made sense.
Didn't America have her best days prior to such things as the Income Tax, the National Firearms Act (1934?), and FDR's communist social welfare programs?
Kit: While I believe that MacArthur was strategically and tactically correct in his dispute with President Truman, Mac still disobeyed one of the fundamental tenets of our system: The Military is subservient to the Civilian leadership. "Soldier, shut up and soldier!"

Prichard: We also had the War of Yankee Agression, typhoid, Jim Crow laws, the KKK as a political power, WW I (The War To End All Wars) and the Great Depression...

And for all that I agree with you about the problems resulting from the items you mention, I suggest you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater: 1) Until the tax rates got so high, and the Democrats instituted "Withholding", the income tax was a logical way to fund those government services which the population at large was coming to believe were logical. 2) FDR's programs included Social Security, which started out as purely an old-age assistance program--and as a Trust Fund, originally, I believe. In hindsight, there was NO justification for the NFA of '34...Panic in my birth-year, I guess. Sorry I caused so much fear!!!

In other words, a lot of today's misery stems from good ideas which have been abused by the Left...If a few drops of Vanilla Extract are good, a tablespoon oughta taste great! (DON'T try it!)...

Regards, Art
Perhaps I was not clear in my prior post. I believe America (oops, did I mean USA? :)) can emerge, tempered, from the fires of conflict I feel coming.
Well, if you believe (?only?) in history, then I guess we're on our way out. We've lasted a couple hundred years, we're fat and lazy, depending more and more upon our government and less upon ourselves and each other. It would seem we are on the downhill side.

OTOH, we are a nation of immigrants (at least "historically"). If we can keep alive those values which brought immigrants to America - integrity, responsibility, and industry of the individual - we just might fool them uppity historians!