Am I the only one still using 158gr SWCHP+Ps in snubbies?


New member
While at the range Saturday, I became involved in a discussion concerning concealed handguns and chosen loads. This somehow narrowed down to snub-nosed revolvers and which ammunition perform best in this platform.
Preferences, opinions and suggestions made their rounds. These were all very similar; all premium, jacketed performance ammunition. Some insisted Hydra-Shok or SXTs, other swore by Golden Sabers or exotic frangibles.

Then I was asked what I carry in my snubbie (Taurus M85CH).
"Um, the old FBI load... Winchester's 158gr SWCHPs +P".

All I got were blank stares as if I just spoke Greek. Only one guy new what I was talking about (I think), saying, "Isn't that a lead bullet?"

So now, I know others must use this load too... or atleast people did not too long ago. I figure since I still have the ammunition, I'll just stick with it.

Does anyone else prefer this load as opposed to the more modern offerings on today's market?
... Winchester's 158gr SWCHPs +P".

Does anyone else prefer this load as opposed to the more modern offerings on today's market?

YES, this load (or the equivalent Federal or Remington load) is what I use in the M638, 2 inch and the M66, six inch.
I absolutly prefer it and carry it daily. Usually in the federal Nyclad version. They are hard to find anymore though. Everyone wants the new wiz bang type round but, it is my understanding that most of those will not expand out of the short snubby barrels.
That's what I carry, too. Interestingly enough, I was at the outdoor range last weekend, set up a bad guy/hostage target at 10 yards. First I shot the Colt XSE just back from the 'smith for Trijicons, a short trigger, and a trigger job. Not too bad. Then I pulled the 642 out of my pocket which I haven't shot in almost a year ( I know, I know, shame on me). Result? Five shots on the chest in about four seconds. That'll do. :)
That's the load I carry in my Colt Cobra. Practice with 158 grain .38 SP LSWC reloads. Point of aim / point of impact nearly identical between the two loads on 25 foot targets.
Take Care
It's the only .38 load I'll use. Variously know as the FBI, Federal, Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and St. Louis load. I've also heard it called the .38 "Splat" load, since that's the sound it makes when it hits.
Well, color me "old school" too, I guess...the "FBI" load is what resides in my "Always" 442...and the Wife's "Always" 642...and the nightstand Model 60, and...well, you get the idea!!!
We've always been impressed with the "street record" of said load...we usually rotate out "old" ammo every year or so, replacing it with "New stock"...use the old stuff for practice...also use CCI Blazer or Lawman 158 gr. TMJ +P's for practice...cheaper and easier to clean up after, shoots to about the same POA...FWIW....mikey357

From EVERYTHING I've read , the 158lhp+p is still the one to use, & I read a lot. The only other test would be to actually use it in an extreme situation & then perform an otopsy, whitch we really don't want to do unless we have to. I guess what I'm trying to say is: study and base yor're desisions on what others have learned or perform test yourself. If you've studied, feel comfortable with you're choice & don't worry about the stares from the uninformed. You done good!

Count me as another. I load two Glaser Silvers ahead of three Winchester LSWCHP 158+Ps, and more of the same 158s in speedloaders (no Glasers) in my bedside .38snub.

I gave some of the same to my roommate for his SP101...he's not a dedicated shooter and is of small stature, so I felt that was a better choice than the cheap .38s he had in there or any .357 choices.

If Cor-Bon ships a lightweight (115grain - 125grain) PowRBall in .38Spl+P, I'd evaluate those.
Yer durn tootin I still use it! My old persnickety Colt Agent and Smith M13 won't let me load anything else. Let them young whipper snappers keep those new-fangled lightweights. Serves 'em right!
I couldn't agree more with all the preceeding posts. When using a 4" barrel it's 158gr Nyclad SWCHP's all the way. However, with a 2" I prefer the Nyclad 125 gr HP (std vel only). This round was alledgedly developed speifically for the small 2"ers and has less flash, noise, & recoil. All of which are good things when awakened in the middle of the night by a strange noise. Just one man's opinion, but my Colt DS and $&# Mdl 10 both agree.

Semper Fi
Yup, that's my load. I was having trouble finding it for sale, and promised myself I'd load up on 'em next time I found 'em for sale. A dealer at a show called my bluff, and so I now have a goodish supply. Onliest .38's I don't use 'em in for serious application are my pre-M10 M&P's.
I talked to Mas Ayoob about carry loads in a .38 snubby. He recommended the 158gr LSWC HP+P. Then I asked Chuck Taylor and he mentioned the same round or Glasers.

You've got a good load.