Am I skilled enough to start IDPA?


New member
I've only been to the range about 15 times, but I can shoot 2-3" groups slow fire at 35 feet offhand with a Sig 226 (.40S&W), CZ75 Champion (9mm) and a Kimber Classic (.45ACP). If I speed up to about 1 shot/second my groups open up to about 6" at the same distance.

The only thing I haven't done is draw from a holster or shoot on the move.

Do you think I'd be ok to start IDPA?
Yes. The club running the competition can direct you to holster practice sessions. The shooting is different than target, but much will be at combat ranges--7 yds to 15 yds. The first few matches everyone will be not only understanding but apprectative if you take it slowly and learn safety.
Practice the draw, from concealment at that.
Shooting from high and low cover.
You can start RIGHT NOW and be much more ready by the weekend. Turn off the computer and dryfire.

Then show up and follow instructions.
Don't run before you can walk, LITERALLY.
I'm thinking of shooting my first IDPA match this Saturday. I've shot for a long time but never competitively, nor shot from odd positions, nor on the move.

I have a P228 I plan on taking, but I don't have a proper holster for it - just a gunshow $15 nylon job and a kydex retention holster I hate. Which might be less offensive for the first timer to bring? :D I also need to buy some mag carriers.

A guy I met the other day on the range has offered to loan me his extra CZ setup for the match which I shot the other day. It's a very impressive pistol, SA with a nice crisp trigger and improved sights. I understand they class the pistol, hopefully my stock P228 would be in a different class.

Thanks for the advice above, even though I didn't start the thread.

Don't worry about being competitive if you haven't shot a match before. Everyone wants you to have a chance to get a focused feel for the activity with enough presence of mind to be safe.

As safety becomes an ingrained habit and you gain a sense of the game you will become competitive.

Don't put undue pressure on yourself. Enjoy.
If you can keep the muzzle downrange and keep your finger off the trigger while moving and during reloads you are READY!

Go get em'
If you can keep the muzzle downrange and keep your finger off the trigger while moving and during reloads you are READY!

Go get em'


When you get there tell them you are new, don't try to win the match, and HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
If you are safe and can follow instructions, you are ready for IDPA.

Don't get carried away watching the Master class shooters.
Walk, don't run.
Another suggestion... call and find out when they are setting up for the match, they always need help, and usually the set up crew shoots through. It is a more laid back time for shooting for the first time. Usually only a few show up for the setup, and the S.O.s will have more time to help you out.
Have you ever injured yourself or others through gross negligence with a gun? No? Then you're ready.

Yep, that about covers it - just go and have fun. Great way to learn what you need to practice at.
"Have you ever injured yourself or others through gross negligence with a gun? No? Then you're ready."

The above must not be a requirement at every match. It certainly must not have been at the match where the guy shot himself in the leg.
It was said the gun went off by just touching it. I really find this hard to believe and I have it from a very good source the gun was tested thoroughly. The tester could not make the gun discharge even when he beat on the gun.
When things like this happens it reflects on all gun owners whether we want it to or not.
So above all else practice being safe. If you are shooting at a club that lets safety infractions go unpunished then I would go else where to shoot.
Bob Hunter
Thanks for the encouragement, I'm now on the lookout for a holster as I think I'll use the 5" kimber.

I'll be shooting at the central OH club ( I went to watch a match a couple of months ago and they had DQ'd a guy for dropping his pistol on the first stage.
Action pistol sports are very serious about safety and shooters are DQ'd for even minor infractions. Even for sweeping your own arm while holding a retention strap out of the way to reholster.

Spend the first match avoiding disqualification. Could be an expensive 10 minutes or less. If you are disqualified, show your sportsmanship by remaining to assist during the rest of the match. You will win big points and have a chance to learn.

The incredible thing is that the majority of our fellow shooters ARE genuine sportspersons (gotta get MORE ladies in) and are very accepting of their own disqualification under circumstances where participants in other sports would go into a blazing frenzy.

We are truly an outstanding group of people for the most part, setting an excellent example for others in our sports and elsewhere.
I was hessitant to start IPSC, becasue I wanted to get better first. Then someone told me you can't win if you don't play. Sounds like you are packing some serious iron. Who recommended those to you?
Are you going to the match in Grove City this Saturday?

Where is that?

Pittbug, there are several ranges near Pittsburgh that run IDPA and USPSA as well. We're shooting some indoor USPSA and IDPA stages this wednesday about 50 miles north of you if you want a primer.