Am I crazy?


New member
I have come to the conclusion that I actually like revolvers better than semi auto pistols. I shoot pistols fairly well, but I am dead on with pretty much any revolver I put in my hand. I prefer SA/DA revolvers, and the trigger pull does not seem to bother me. I shoot revolvers so much better that I'd be more comfortable that my rounds are going to go where I want them to go in a SHTF situation, than with a semi auto. I'm considering going to all revolvers, except for my little LCP.

Does anyone else feel this way about revolvers or am I just crazy?
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No, I don't think you're crazy. I am pretty much the opposite though. I like revolvers, and shoot them ok, but am far better with semiautomatics. So I carry semis. If you shoot revolvers better, get very good at reloading and enjoy!
I have done some long range handgun shooting, hunted with the handgun, and just plain enjoyed shooting. My choice has become not only the revolver, but the Single Action revolver.

This pride of .44s sort of exemplify my pleasure:

Bob Wright
I guess I am crazy as well. I love revolvers, they look great, are so much fun to shoot, versatile, no magazines, just flat out mechanically underwhelming..:D.
Me too.

I shoot them better and am more comfortable with them.

I own semi-autos, shoot them, and occasionally carry one, but I prefer revolvers.
I don't think you're crazy at all. I have mostly semi-autos but enjoy my revolvers too. It's a semi-auto world, but a good revolver is still a good revolver.
Lousy with a pistol?
Seek help.
It's all in the grip.
Hard to learn it on your own - too many nuances.
Revolvers do have an accuracy advantage - fixed barrels with adhered sights.
Makes a big difference.
I carry/use revolvers exclusively. An lcr is my edc. Sometimes an sp101 or 3" gp. Sometimes both. I practice the reload with snap caps to muscle memory. I don't own a auto loader pistol. Yet. I have been researching Options. I prefer the da trigger pull and manual arms and reliability of the wheel gun. I'm not anti auto loader in any way. If the first shot on the auto loader is a da pull with the hammer in rest I'm good with carrying it. No hijack intended but the beretta px4 Storm sub compact looks cool. For now though I'm all wheel gunner in handguns.
Crazy??? No siree!

I own revolvers exclusively and I can relate.

I used to own a S&W E-Series 1911 and a Walther PPK/S. Both were fine pistols and I did enjoy owning, carrying, and shooting them. But there is still something I prefer over them about a revolver. I sold/traded the 1911 and PPK/S off to finance a new model 70 Super Grade a couple years back. Do I miss them?? Sure... Do I have regrets?? Nope. I'll probably get another nice 1911 again at some point, but until then I am just fine and dandy carrying my S&W wheelguns.
I love me revolvers....but I also love me 1911s.

I can shoot much more accurately with my revolvers......but I shoot really fast more accurately with the 1911s.
I have both but have always preferred and been much better with revolvers. One of my favorite aspects of a revolver is not chasing brass. Not a big deal if I do not find all the 9mm brass, I have thousands in extra brass. But if shooting the Coonan all of the .357 MUST be found, it is sometimes hard to come by.
Yes. Wait, what was the question?

No. My wife is the same, she can shoot autos fine but she really prefers wheelguns. Pretty darn good with em too.
I have both and enjoy both, but accuracy with my revolvers just comes natural. I practice practical combat accuracy with my semi's but for accuracy at more extended distance it's a revolver for me. I shoot my semi's at seven yards and can rapid fire all my shots into a 5" circle or aimed fire into a 2" circle. Good enough for their purpose.
I prefer revolvers too , single action or double action types....enjoy them all.
I cast and reload 99% of my ammo and revolvers are so much more flexible .
Semi-auto's can be a pain....feeding, firing and extraction are all dependant on several factors. My WWII era Walther P38 will feed and fire most anything, my friends newer Springfield doesn't want to function with anything but factory full metal jacket.....The 9mm can be aggravating to relod for some guns with cast bullets.
The basic 1911 in 45 acp is fine, it's agreeable to reloads.
Any gun I might have to stake my life on....I would prefer a revolver with maybe a 1911 back up.
I love both, but my simple mind loves the fact that I can see what the mechanism is doing while I am pulling the trigger on my revolvers. It's a mystery what goes on in those pistols:D
Skeeter Skelton wrote how much easier it was to retrieve the brass for reloading from a revolver, and as noted, reloading for a semiauto requires a somewhat finer touch.
Conversely, the "modular" design of many semiautos makes them easier to modify or correct problems. Dean Grennell said he had a WWI M1911 whose barrel was so worn it fired patterns. A new barrel and it was firing groups. Dfariswheel has pointed out the older Colt DA revolvers can be very tricky to disassemble and reassemble correctly.
A single action revolver has always felt more natural to me and I have always shot them better.
Maybe it's all those years as a kid with the cap gun??
If you can hit what you aim at with a wheelgun, having a semi auto with more ammo, but you are not accurate with, is not a good solution. Go with the revolver.