Always amazed at how hard it is to buy used guns

I used armslist once for a particular scope I was on a hunt for, and found a nice one; all went well with the seller. That's all I can comment on regarding armslist. For the past ten or so years, I've purchased better than a half dozen firearms through gunbroker and have been completely satisfied with every transaction (both new and used guns). I only had to call a seller once (gunbroker), who sold guns (FFL guy) and gear through his home based business. That call just involved a technical question that was resolved immediately; all good.

Though I don't have any purchase plans on the horizon for a "new" firearm these days, I'd have no qualms whatsoever using GB again. All legal, and all through my local FFL guy for the transfer to me.
riffraff, You should attend nearby gun auctions. You will have a chance to review the auction items. You know up front all the cost involved.

There is no negotiations involved. Just know what the auction item is worth to you and bid accordingly. If you are reasonable, you have my assurance you will win some used firearms. You sometimes get a deal, but more often than not you will end up with a fair deal.

Your intent should be to get an item at a fair price and not to worry about what the seller is getting out of it. Often times these auction sales are to dispose of estate items.
I have never had a problem buying used guns. I have bought many over the years, even a few on Armslist.

There are buyers that are scammers and dishonest just as there are sellers that are scammers and dishonest.

Maybe this guy was just trying to sort out the riffraff.
Having grown up in the used car business and spending 31+ years as a claims adjuster dealing with a lot of dishonest claims, I have trust issues. I won't buy cars, trucks, motorcyles, guns or many other things used without a physical inspection first. I look at Armslist and Gunbroker for reference only. I have bought a couple of used cars from E-Bay but they were close enough for me to inspect them before I bid. Over the many of years working claims, I found some very creative photography that hid defects and issues (or in the case of some claims, inventing defects).
doesn't respond to me asking what he paid for the rifle and about when he bought it, 6 word answers etc etc .. I give up!
It could be that he doesn't think it is any of your business. Beside that, there are many guns I have sold where I did not remember what I paid for them or when I bought them. What I paid for a gun is not relevant to my asking price and would not respond to anyone asking.
doesn't respond to me asking what he paid for the rifle

The only response to that I would give is "doesn't matter, what matters is what you will pay..."

Or, I might respond with "since you were foolish enough to ask that, your price just went up 10%!"

Are you seriously going to offer the $150 MSRP that I paid for it in 1969??

If you're going to start dealing with the idea that "you only paid X and now its used so I'll only pay Y", then we aren't doing business...

asking what the seller paid when they bought it is more than a bit rude, to my way of thinking. Asking when they got it, isn't, it goes to the history & condition of the piece. If the seller is the original owner they can give you an accurate history. If they bought it last year, and its been through who knows how many owners before that, any "history" they give you is suspect.
I have only used Gunbroker and all my experiences have been good. I'm a sucker for p&r Smiths and have found some nice ones on GB. But when I pay a "mint" price for one, I expect mint. The few times I have called the seller I know instantly I'm talking to a "gun guy" and none have been hesitant to answer any questions. I can't remember ever being disappointed with a gun when it came in.
I have bought "used" guns on GB before that upon inspection was quickly discernible had only been factory fired. I was quite pleased and surprised.
doesn't respond to me asking what he paid for the rifle and about when he bought it, 6 word answers etc etc .. I give up!

If I was selling a gun and someone asked me that, I probably would not respond either. Since the answer has nothing to do with what I am selling is worth, I would dismiss the questioner as not a serious potential buyer.
I also would not take kindly to a request to know what I had paid for a particular firearm. IMO, that is ancient history and irrelevant to the situation at hand.

On another topic that has been mentioned, I envy you folks who apparently have local access to a plentiful supply of used firearms. I have bought some used guns, but they have all come from online sources such as Gunbroker. The only exception was the Colt Python that I bought from a lawyer who was handling the estate of an elderly deceased gentleman. The wife of one of my coworkers was his secretary, and he wished to sell the guns before they went into the estate auction. That was 25 years ago.

No one in my circle is a gun person. If one of my acquaintances has a gun, it's the single shot Western Field .22 rifle that belonged to their father that they haven't shot in 50 years. Gun shops have limited stock of used guns, it seems, and those that they do have are outrageously priced, and they are all apparently the only ones in existence. Gunshows aren't any better. A used M&P Shield for $459? Seriously?

I never hear about a friend of a friend of a friend who has a gun that they're wanting to sell. In my world, used guns are as rare as unicorns. So, I research what I want to buy and do my business on the internet. I get a good price and a great gun. It's worked for me.
Some local gun shops can be good places to pick up used firearms, usually the ones on consignment. Not easy getting something exactly what you want but may be a good deal anyway. One local dealer is very fair and honest and seems to get local guns that sat in the closet a lot and not shot much. I found a very nice older S&W .38 4” for $250 and it looks like it may have seen one box of ammo. Wasn’t really looking for a .38 but it had such a sweet trigger I couldn’t resist.

I have had very good experience using the for sale section of various gun forums and doing local FTF or FFL transfers. Lots of posters want $5 below MSRP for a three year old gun but there are always a few guys offering very good quality items at very fair prices.
Ok well that's interesting. That's usually my 1st question when someone is trying to sell me something used - (who isn't in the business of selling such) what do you got into it? .. of course I'm not neccessary gonna believe them either but it's a question I get asked and dont mind answering.

That explains the 80% failure rate. I've never been asked that and I would ignore it if I was asked. For reasons everyone else has stated.
Never used Armslist. Recently I've only used GB, never had any problems. I usually ask a couple questions, maybe ask for some extra pics, but never asked a seller what they paid for a gun. Doesn't seem relevant. What matters is how valuable is the gun to me.

On the other side of the coin, I've sold a few guns, and have had a couple odd ducks. One asked one question at a time, something like 25 questions. Then didn't even bid.

Another guy also asked a several questions, which I later noticed he sent at about 3 am (I was working), then became confrontational when I didn't immediately answer. By 7 am when I got off work and turned my phone on, he'd gotten wound up to the point he was calling me names.
Some people have no business sense, or common courtesy. I saw a bicycle on Craigslist, repeated emails brought no response, so I looked elsewhere.
I’m fine with buying, had great luck. But some buyers out there fell out the stupid tree, hit every branch.

Had a desirable gun. Priced very fair at $950,he offers $600 and proceeded to lecture me I didn’t know anything. And I’d be begging for his$600. Which was a stupid price on this gun. Long story short. His $600 I would be begging for he went to up to $800 I went to 900 and that was it. He started arguing I agreed to $850. I knew I didn’t. I reread in case I had
accidentally cuz I honor my word. He had offered $850, forgot and offered $800 after that. Lol. At the time I was pissed, but while dealing with him. I got an “I’ll take it”

Local police officer wanted it

So I tell the idiot. He went off my town is full of blank. I was a mother blanker. I went against my normal reaction I was super nice. He got madder and madder. It was funny towards the end I prayed for him. Not really. Prayed he’d get help for the demons lol. I hate selling stuff.
doesn't respond to me asking what he paid for the rifle and about when he bought it, 6 word answers etc etc .. I give up!
You're stepping on his toes with that one.
What matters is what you are willing to pay for it - not what he paid for it.

Yeah, I couldn't agree more! When I sell a gun, I've never been asked what I paid for it. If I were asked that question, I'd probably give a smart-ass answer and throw out a price of 25% of what I'm selling it for. I'd do it in a nice tone and a smile on my face, though.
I've had 4 experiences with Armslist. 2 were for firearms that went smoothly as they were face-to-face sales with small dealers. One was for a box of Berry's bullets that someone locally had listed. Agreed on a price but could never get the guy to commit to a meeting. Finally gave up. Second one was a guy that had a large quantity of pistol primers for sale as he said he gave up competitive shooting and was moving. Agreed on a price and had a meeting set up at his address. I waited 1.5hrs for a no show after driving 45 minutes. Later that night he emailed me back, apologized and offered to meet me half way to my house. Responded with a no thanks after wasting 1.5hr. drive time, gas and another 1.5hr no-show.
Fortunate to be near consignment shop . . .

I guess I am fortunate to be near a range, that is also a guns store that also sells on consignment. I've bought multiple used handguns from them.

Life is good.

Prof Young
I reckon it comes down to “half of any random population is below average.”

Me: “if this ad is up, gun is for sale. No texts, please. Willing to consider trades.”
Jimmy texts: “is the gun still for sale?”

Bob emails: “would you consider a trade?”
Me emails back: “sure. What do you propose?”
Bob:”I have a Glock and a Henry and a 30-30”
Me: “that’s not a lot to go on, but I might be interested in any Henry lever action you have- what’s your offer?”
Bob: “I don’t know if I want to sell that one, but I have another.”
Me: “okay Bob, when you have cash, give me a call.”
Bob: “how much do you want for it?”
Me thinks “cripes, it’s in 36 point font at the top andagain at the bottom” but emails back $325
Bob: “will you negotiate?”
Me: “come on, Bob. Just make an offer. Worst I can say is ‘no thanks’”
Bob: “I’d have to think about it. I’ll text you maybe.”
Me: no reply, and this is why people stop replying.

James: “my name is James. When can we meet so I can inspect? I’ve got $300 green American cash, are we close to a deal?”
Me: “after dealing with Bob, $300 sounds fine and I’ll throw in 300 rounds of ammo, a nice case, a leupold scope, Burris rings, a 50 pound bag of dog food, and a partidge in a pear tree. Thanks for making this easy.”
Sounds about right with Armslist.

Same thing has happened to me time and time again.

Most recently, I was flaked on so hard by one guy who would lie to me and tell me UPS didn't let him ship it because of the address. Then they said to go to the hub and the hub said the same thing. I called it out, like the address shouldn't pop in a random database. He kept making excuses and just blatantly stopped responding after his last text was "fine by me" after I gave him a new method to try the next day. Didn't respond to anything else ever again.

Got flaked on for the same pistol 4/5 times that week and a half.

Ended up like you, buying it new.