Alter ego of the NO GUNS SIGN...


Staff In Memoriam
What if business owners that are often targeted for robbery or terrorist attacks had a sign akin to this...
"The occupants and patrons of this establishment may be armed with concealed weapons!
Violence may be met with equal or greater response with vilonce!
Rob at your own risk to life and limb!"

Not that it would ever happen but I bet with a few of them street crosser dude pictures explaining it, even the illiterate punk would have a better chance of making the right choice.
My ex has a sign on his bedroom door that has a business end view of a revolver with "intruders will be shot, survivors will be shot again" written underneath it.

Speaking as a business owner, the least that would happen is I would lose my insurance very quickly if I posted a sign like that. A sad sign of the times I am afraid. :(
Speaking as a business owner, the lest that would happen is I would lose my insurance very quickly. A sad sign of the times I am afraid.

Ain't it the truth.:(:mad:

I do love that sign about "can you guess which three" though. That's funny.
When I bought my house, the (then) owner had one of those parking-style signs on the garage: "Protected by Smith and Wesson." Unfortunately he took it with him...

But, no, I wouldn't put any of these signs up on the front of my business, either. But the dog works pretty well... A couple of times, I've told her "Go see!" when someone has been standing outside, looking in through the door, and I didn't like their looks -- when the dog appeared, those people were GONE.
A biker buddy with a mechanic shop had painted in 6 inch letters on his often peeled roll up door...
"This shop now randomly patrolled by ex-vietnam vet drunken biker with guns!!!"
The break ins ended immediately! No insurance so no sweat!
As I said... I know it can never happen in most bussiness'...
My Bianchi holster I had strapped to every motorcycle I owned never had a gun in it as I never had a .357 size revolver with 4 inch barrel as I preferred semi's... but an empty holster is a scary thing to some punk. More than once I was asked in the bar or other gathering "Who owns the Guzzi or "bike with a holster on it?" Most times I would acknowledge and when I did I often got a look of... "Leave that guy alone" or a wink...
This is the dreaded legal risk thread. If the shoot is ambiguous or if you shoot an innocent because you aren't the dead-eyed shot that most on the Internet claim - the sign may make you look nutsy-koo-koo and help the criminal or civil jury do evil to you.

Remember gun stores and banks with armed guards have been robbed. If someone knows you have guns, then they might think you have something even more valuable and then plan to take you out.
Yes it was one of them idealist thoughts I had and I remember a gunstore being robbed that had marked patrol car outside as an officer shopped... Funny thing was the nearly PRO 2A news channel said they would never know which of the 15 or 17 bullets of a variety of calibers killed the robber who never got a shot off!:D
Near where I work there was a gun store, it was robbed and the owner got into a furious gun fight with the robbers. He carried the day but eventually had to move out of the area due to gang harassment, IIRC.

Ayoob has written about this one. And there have been successful gun shop robberies.

My point - do you get more safety out of having a concealed weapon or deterrence from the sign vs. the risk of the sign.
How about:

State law allows citizens to meet force with force, and authorizes the use of deadly force to prevent a forcible felony. Armed robbers should consider this fact before robbing this or any other business in this state.
What if it is just implied? lol

Thiis is one of my current favorites


I know it is more of a political statement, but one could extrapolate that the owner may use deadly force:D:D:D
Or: The OWNER and PATRONS of this establishment BELIEVE in the 2nd AMENDMENT and the RIGHT to CONCEAL ARMS.
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One of my favorite restaurants had the don't beware of dog sign but they took it down. Strangely enough I stopped going to the restaurant as much as I used to.
Those signs are quaint, but...not sure if forewarning potential miscreants that there are firearms inside the premises is a great idea - unless someone is always there, a bad guy can simply case the place and choose a time when no one is there to enter and steal your firearms.
I don't mean to say that the sticker says there is a concealed wepon on premises just that the risk to a robber may outweigh the reward.
it's like the "beware of dog" sign that you put up

if your dog happens to bite some one, the lawyer
(for the bitten person) will say: see....they knew the dog
was dangerous!

and you are screwed

best not to telegraph your intentions that can be easily misconstrued

IANOL (i am not a lawyer) so best taken with the customary grain
or three of salt
I don't see a problem with advertising the fact...

heck in every gun store I go in around here the employees open carry... so if you don't see the sign you are going to figure it out pretty dern quick.

If I ran a store that let the public in... what I would put up is:

"No illegal weapons allowed!"

that would solve all problems......