Alligator wrestling??

Somewhere down in southeast Florida, the Seminoles have tourist-traps featuring gator-wrestling. Your buddy could go there for lessons. Of course, regardless of how difficult it really is, they ham it up to put on a show for the tourists.

Yes, you can hold a gator's mouth shut with one hand. However, the question then arises: What do you do with the rest of the gator?

A six-footer is halfway sensible--it shows he does not have a death wish, only an injury wish. "I don' wanna die, I just don' mind bein' crippled." Duh? But moving up to an eight-footer would add around a hundred pounds to the excitement.

Oh, well. I guess it's just God's way of telling us that boy don't have enough to do to keep his mind occupied. Perchance, is he blond?

Good luck; take pictures. :)


"FIRST pillage; THEN burn."
Back to the Steve Irwin / Croc Hunter side of this thread - my son saw a show over the holidays with a bunch of out-takes where the lizards got the best of Steve. One clip had some kind of monitor biting Steve's hand and not letting go, with his wife in the background asking "Our u O K? Wot can I do?" Once it let go of him, his hand was pretty bloody. In another clip, a full size bearded dragon (18", 1-1/2# +/-) must've gotten annoyed with Steve as it jumped up and bit him on the nose (!). We've got two beardies, and let me tell you, that's *not* normal beardie behavior. Steve must've really PO'd that lizard.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Croiky theh mait, theh ain't enough dainjah in a bleedin' gaitah. One boit from a sawtie croc and WHACK! It'll boit yo ahm roit off!


Why are you speaking like a Cockney, mate???

Oh, I get it -- Aussie, right ;)

Try this:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Stick the trick on croc
A Northern Territory woman used a stick to beat off two attacks from a large crocodile in a remote mangrove swamp on Monday.

The 40-year-old nurse suffered severe lacerations to her upper arm and chest as she fought the crocodile near Maningrida, about 500 kilometres east of Darwin.

The woman, who asked that her name not be made public, was fishing in with friends near the remote Aboriginal settlement about 1pm.

Constable George Watkinson said the woman had seen the crocodile coming but had slipped in the shallow water as she tried to flee.

The animal grabbed her left arm but she was able to beat it off with a stick.

"The crocodile lunged again and she held it off by beating its head with the stick until an Aboriginal friend 100 metres away heard the noise and arrived to help," he said.

Constable Watkinson said the woman had been unable to estimate the length of the crocodile except to say it was "bloody big".

The woman was given first aid by a doctor who was one of her three fishing companions, then airlifted to Darwin, where she underwent surgery last night.[/quote]

Lotsa luck -- hehehehehehe


[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited December 29, 1999).]

if you kids only KNEW how wierd my friends and I really are...

but i digress.

Yep he's crazier than a ****house rat for wanting to do this, but hey i just have to videotape it not get in there with him. I think this is one of those Hemmingway "run with the bulls" kind of things , so I understand the sentiment.

To quote JFK: "we do these things NOT because they are easy, but because they are hard"

to quote Dennis Miller: "we never had much use fer book learnin'"

What ever the reason for this fiasco.. we are gonn make it a reality, If I have to BUY a damn alligator to do it.

Keep the info coming,

Just hope the aligator dont latch onto the wrong Thang, or he wont need no bride.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best
Dr. Rob, do you live in New Orleans? I just returned from Mandeville yesterday and I feel like I gained 10lbs in 4 days. :)

Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi
I can recommend the Association of Amateur Alligator Wrestlers - AAAW - according to its statutes its " association for those that engage in wrestling amateur alligators..." - any member found wrestling a professional alligator (that is, one that earns its living as an alligator) is dismembered forthwith. At its Regular Meetings the first point on the agenda is to determine the availability of truly amateur alligators and if none are found, do go on to the second point which is 'any other business' ... such as target shooting, plinking, hunting or bragging about any of the former. It may not be exactly what your friend has in mind (or whatever he uses :)) but the likelyhood of a wedding party after the bachelors would be hugely increased. He may also keep in mind, as DC and MissD rightly point out, being dismembered from AAAW may not be compatible with a happy marriage - :)
Actually I live in Denver, but we figured New Orleans was a perfect destination for the other more "traditional" bachelor party antics.

We are planning our festivities around labor day weekend.

(expecting some info via e-mail today)

will keep you all posted.

Dr. Rob, you do come up with some amazin' stuff ...

Well, I was an amateur herper for quite a while, and I even had a 4 foot croc for awhile ... but, we never wrestled. ;) He did try to take my thumb off though.

As you've probably heard, and as noted above, you can hold their mouths shut, although I'd be nervous doing it with just one hand. It'll probably be wet, and if you hand slips, and that big boy gets hold of something, well ... they just rotate, ya know. That's how they eat big animals, like your friend .... I mean, like goats and pigs and what not. Grab a leg, and spin like mad. Twists it right off, down to 'bite size'.

I can see where this would be a bit of an adventure, but it could certainly be hairy. My guess is that you spend all your time holding that damn mouth closed while the 'gator rolls around on the floor with you. I would think there are 2 most dangerous times - grabbing the mouth in the first place, and then letting go at the end. The letting go part is probably like we did with venemous reptiles going into bags - we put them all the way in, held the head way down in the bag, and then released the head and yanked our arms out in essentially one motion. It's the 'grabbing the mouth in the first place' that would make me pretty nervous.

Maybe DC is on to something - do they make cast iron chastity belts for guys? ;)

Obviously I'm speculating on what little I know. If I was your friend, I'd do more than a little bit of study on this one, and I'd be stone cold sober when I went into the pit. You sure have to videotape it, no matter what the result. ;)

Did you consider telling this guy he could talk to a few people that have been married for a few years? Married life can 'seem' like wrestlin' alligators sometimes, you know? ;)