Alligator wrestling??


Staff Alumnus
Ok this is a NO kidding request. ;)

My best friend is getting married next year and wants to wrestle an alligator for his bachelor party. (say a six footer in a sand pit)

We would prefer somplace near New Orleans for this event but Florida is an acceptable alternative as well.

Anyone with ANY information on alligator wrestling/rules/regs/safty concerns/or gator wrasslin' experience please drop me an e-mail.



Man, just when you thought people couldn't get any weirder... what's wrong with the old-fashioned strippers-n-beer party?

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Like I said.. hell anyone can do strippers and beer.. my best friend whats to go out in an unusual and memorable fashion.. this is NO joke.

"Every man dies but not every man truly lives"

so seriously.. e-mail me if ya gots the goods.

Steve Irwin will be taken out by a deadly snake or saltwater croc eventually (unfortunately), when that crazy mutha's reflexes diminish. Until then, he's quite entertaining...

Seems to me a potential contractual complication....unless he wears a kevlar jock-strap, methinks his fiancee should rethink the union :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I'm with Miss D - call Steve...

Croiky theh mait, theh ain't enough dainjah in a bleedin' gaitah. One boit from a sawtie croc and WHACK! It'll boit yo ahm roit off!

Miss D..

Yep...kinda like buying a pig in a poke...or rather, a pig with no poke ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
(mental note: don't be drinking anything when reading TFL)

Dammit, DC... I'm getting tired of replacing keyboards. :D

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872

where are all the barely walking upright neanderthqals who have bragged about this kinda stuff?? I'm serious guys this is NOT my idea but my buddy wants to do this and by god I'm gonna help.

I'm also gonna videotape it for prosperity.. of course it might end up on "america's funniest 911 calls" or 'when animals attack" but this is one of those rituals that simply must be done.

Steve would NOT recommend what I'm proposing since my pal is not a trained herpitologist. But hey, up until a few years ago Steve was just an Aussie red neck whose dad ran a crocodile farm. ;)

We'll sign releases, waivers, etc and a trained medic will be on hand. This is for real, its incredibly stupid but its real.


[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited December 29, 1999).]
Mikey says it all. How about a schutzenfest instead? Much safer and great for camaraderie.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

Dr. Rob, no offense to your friend, but this is the weirdest thing I ever heard for a bachelor party. Does he really want to risk his life before getting married? I could see him doing it after a few years of marriage, hell I should join him! ;) Whatever he decides I wish him luck, but more so his fiancee'.

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
I tried to wrestle the housecat last night and nearly lost an arm! My four-year-old grandson put some WCW moves on me last weekend and my ribs are still tender.

Thank God I'm not a bachelor! I might consider wrestling a Crawdad - as long as it ain't from Looseeanna.

Why in the hell don't ya'just tie him to a 1800# bull. Uses the same amount of grey-matter? :)
Pig with no poke. I like it!

[This message has been edited by JHS (edited December 28, 1999).]
Umm. Hmm. Who was it that told me that "Gun people had single track minds"? Whoever it was needs to read this.

Okay--has your buddy ever had any experience whatsoever with reptiles of the large persuasion?
Is there a goal to this, or does he just want to go in for 8 seconds and come out with all his limbs and digits?
You are going to let us see this video, right?

Call SWBYP's in lower Florida, I'm given to understand that the alligator wrestlers advertise in the Yellow Pages.
I would also check with local authorities--there may be laws against, umm, animal exploitation?
Since this may be in Louisiana, check the local Yellow Pages, too.

What's wrong with wrasslin' one of the strippers? Less dangerous and a whole lot more fun.

I've got to go get some friends to see this thread for themselves.

As far as safety goes--if my remembering the Discovery Channel is right, one good smack of a six-footers tail can break a man's leg.
I think that it's also easier to hold ones mouth shut than try to prop it open--but you may want to check that particular fact.
I don't think I need to emphasize what a nibble might do to wayward bodyparts?

Do let us know how this goes, will you?

Look, if your friend wants to wrestle something dangerous, I'll send you my oldest boy. 6'4', 300+. Gators run from him!

If this is some sort of death wish, I'll let him wrestle my Mother-in-law!

Good one, DC, very good.
Are you SURE he wants to do this?
I had to catch a 4 footer several years ago when it got in the cows waterin' hole, and it was NOT fun! However it WAS an experience I won't soon forget.
The cows were glad. ;)

Happiness is spelled. . . . .B-E-L-T-F-E-D!!
Dr. Rob,
Down here in Louisiana we trap gators for extra cash, they only way people get em off the hooks an into the boat is by first putting a 357 to the head. I dont know of any place here in S. LA. that allows people to wrestle gators....
Ya know, now that I think of it, It is one way to get out of walking down the aisle! Maybe he has second thoughts an just cant bring himself to tell her? :)