all weather shooters

We shoot rain, shine, wind, hail, snow, heat, cold, whatever the only thing that slows shooting down is lightning. Lightning has the right of way, everything else is a minor inconvenience.
We shoot rain, shine, wind, hail, snow, heat, cold, whatever the only thing that slows shooting down is lightning. Lightning has the right of way, everything else is a minor inconvenience.

And tornados, I remember at Fort LW during basic, we had to crawl inside the cement "foxholes" on the range because of one of those. OF course it never hit....
Unless the weather turns really nasty, I just keep shooting. I'll make it a point to do a full detail strip for cleaning afterward though.
I am sorry, but I can not see how anyone can say they will only shoot when the weather is "peachy".

WTF? Do the bad guys only attack in well lit, nice weather? If that is the case, my instructors AND the bad guys must have not gotten that memo.